Spring最近换域名了,去转转,发现了一个有意思的项目:spring mobile。
识别访问设备类型的核心代码在org.springframework.mobile.device.LiteDeviceResolver 类中,这个类实际上根据http请求头部的User-Agent的内容来判断设备到底是哪种类型的。
public class LiteDeviceResolver implements DeviceResolver { private final List<String> mobileUserAgentPrefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> mobileUserAgentKeywords = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> tabletUserAgentKeywords = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> normalUserAgentKeywords = new ArrayList<String>(); public LiteDeviceResolver() { init(); } public LiteDeviceResolver(List<String> normalUserAgentKeywords) { init(); this.normalUserAgentKeywords.addAll(normalUserAgentKeywords); } public Device resolveDevice(HttpServletRequest request) { String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); // UserAgent keyword detection of Normal devices if (userAgent != null) { userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); for (String keyword : normalUserAgentKeywords) { if (userAgent.contains(keyword)) { return resolveFallback(request); } } } // UAProf detection if (request.getHeader("x-wap-profile") != null || request.getHeader("Profile") != null) { return LiteDevice.MOBILE_INSTANCE; } // User-Agent prefix detection if (userAgent != null && userAgent.length() >= 4) { String prefix = userAgent.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (mobileUserAgentPrefixes.contains(prefix)) { return LiteDevice.MOBILE_INSTANCE; } } // Accept-header based detection String accept = request.getHeader("Accept"); if (accept != null && accept.contains("wap")) { return LiteDevice.MOBILE_INSTANCE; } // UserAgent keyword detection for Mobile and Tablet devices if (userAgent != null) { userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Android special case if (userAgent.contains("android") && !userAgent.contains("mobile")) { return LiteDevice.TABLET_INSTANCE; } // Kindle Fire special case if (userAgent.contains("silk") && !userAgent.contains("mobile")) { return LiteDevice.TABLET_INSTANCE; } for (String keyword : tabletUserAgentKeywords) { if (userAgent.contains(keyword)) { return LiteDevice.TABLET_INSTANCE; } } for (String keyword : mobileUserAgentKeywords) { if (userAgent.contains(keyword)) { return LiteDevice.MOBILE_INSTANCE; } } } // OperaMini special case @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enumeration headers = request.getHeaderNames(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { String header = (String) headers.nextElement(); if (header.contains("OperaMini")) { return LiteDevice.MOBILE_INSTANCE; } } return resolveFallback(request); } // subclassing hooks /** * List of user agent prefixes that identify mobile devices. * Used primarily to match by operator or handset manufacturer. */ protected List<String> getMobileUserAgentPrefixes() { return mobileUserAgentPrefixes; } /** * List of user agent keywords that identify mobile devices. * Used primarily to match by mobile platform or operating system. */ protected List<String> getMobileUserAgentKeywords() { return mobileUserAgentKeywords; } /** * List of user agent keywords that identify tablet devices. * Used primarily to match by tablet platform or operating system. */ protected List<String> getTabletUserAgentKeywords() { return tabletUserAgentKeywords; } /** * List of user agent keywords that identify normal devices. * Any items in this list take precedence over the mobile and * tablet user agent keywords, effectively overriding those. */ protected List<String> getNormalUserAgentKeywords() { return normalUserAgentKeywords; } /** * Initialize this device resolver implementation. * Registers the known set of device signature strings. * Subclasses may override to register additional strings. */ protected void init() { getMobileUserAgentPrefixes().addAll(Arrays.asList(KNOWN_MOBILE_USER_AGENT_PREFIXES)); getMobileUserAgentKeywords().addAll(Arrays.asList(KNOWN_MOBILE_USER_AGENT_KEYWORDS)); getTabletUserAgentKeywords().addAll(Arrays.asList(KNOWN_TABLET_USER_AGENT_KEYWORDS)); } /** * Fallback called if no mobile device is matched by this resolver. * The default implementation of this method returns a "normal" {@link Device} that is neither mobile or a tablet. * Subclasses may override to try additional mobile or tablet device matching before falling back to a "normal" device. */ protected Device resolveFallback(HttpServletRequest request) { return LiteDevice.NORMAL_INSTANCE; } // internal helpers private static final String[] KNOWN_MOBILE_USER_AGENT_PREFIXES = new String[] { "w3c ", "w3c-", "acs-", "alav", "alca", "amoi", "audi", "avan", "benq", "bird", "blac", "blaz", "brew", "cell", "cldc", "cmd-", "dang", "doco", "eric", "hipt", "htc_", "inno", "ipaq", "ipod", "jigs", "kddi", "keji", "leno", "lg-c", "lg-d", "lg-g", "lge-", "lg/u", "maui", "maxo", "midp", "mits", "mmef", "mobi", "mot-", "moto", "mwbp", "nec-", "newt", "noki", "palm", "pana", "pant", "phil", "play", "port", "prox", "qwap", "sage", "sams", "sany", "sch-", "sec-", "send", "seri", "sgh-", "shar", "sie-", "siem", "smal", "smar", "sony", "sph-", "symb", "t-mo", "teli", "tim-", "tosh", "tsm-", "upg1", "upsi", "vk-v", "voda", "wap-", "wapa", "wapi", "wapp", "wapr", "webc", "winw", "winw", "xda ", "xda-" }; private static final String[] KNOWN_MOBILE_USER_AGENT_KEYWORDS = new String[] { "blackberry", "webos", "ipod", "lge vx", "midp", "maemo", "mmp", "mobile", "netfront", "hiptop", "nintendo DS", "novarra", "openweb", "opera mobi", "opera mini", "palm", "psp", "phone", "smartphone", "symbian", "up.browser", "up.link", "wap", "windows ce" }; private static final String[] KNOWN_TABLET_USER_AGENT_KEYWORDS = new String[] { "ipad", "playbook", "hp-tablet", "kindle" }; }