DNN Form Pattern(来自DNN)


The form pattern refers to the User Interface update that was a big part of DotNetNuke 6.0.

Styling Modal Popups»

Modal popups are implemented using the jQuery UI dialog. By default, there is a section in default.css that contains all classes to style this (and other jQuery UI widgets we use) where we basically apply a default theme via CSS. Placement in the default.css allows skin designers to override this in their own skins via skin.css, yet older skins that were not designed for 6.0 will also have the dialog styled so it doesn’t look broken (it may not fit 100% with the site design, though).


  • Modal popup: 1000 - up
  • Control panel: 950 – 999
  • Module actions: 900 – 949
  • Everything else (including content): 0 – 899
  • Telerik Controls

  • Updating the Contest Module for 6.0
    • Blog article talking about how to take a 5.x and implement the form pattern to make it look like the core 6.0 admin & host modules.
  • Sexy Messaging in DotNetNuke 6
    • Blog article that uses the Media module to demonstrates CSS classes created for conveying messages to end users.
  • Brief Overview of DotNetNuke 6.0 UI Changes
    • Blog article that introduces the UI changes, from a design perspective.
  • DotNetNuke 6 UI form patterns
    • Video covering DotNetNuke 6 UI form patterns usage
  • DotNetNuke UX Guide website -demonstrates the various CSS/jquery/markup required for the form patterns
