/// GDI获得字体宽度的方法
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont font;
//Requested font height in tenths of a point.
//For instance, pass 120 to request a 12-point font.)
font.CreatePointFont(120, _TEXT("Arial"));
CSize size= dc.GetTextExtent(_TEXT("字体大小"));/// 这是以Point(点)为单位的计算方法
int nDPIx = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX);/// X坐标每英寸的点数 Dot per Inch
int nDPIy = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);/// Y坐标每英寸的点数 Dot per Inch
/// Point(点) 转化为 Pixel(像素)
int textWidth = dc.GetTextExtent(_TEXT("字体大小")).cx * 72 / nDPIx;
int textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent((_TEXT("字体大小")).cy * 72 / nDPIy;
/// GDIPlus获得字体宽度的方法一
Gdiplus::Font grFont(_TEXT("Arial"), 12);
StringFormat stringformat(StringAlignmentNear);
LPCTSTR lpStr = _TEXT("2010Text测试文本");
// 接收字体的显示区域,如宽高
RectF stringRect;
RectF layoutRect(0, 0, 600, 100);
//graphics.SetTextRenderingHint(Gdiplus::TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit );
graphics.MeasureString(lpStr, (int)_tcslen(lpStr), &grFont, layoutRect, &stringformat, &stringRect);
/// GDIPlus获得字体宽度的方法二
SizeF GetTextBounds(const Font& font,const StringFormat& strFormat,const CString& szText) { GraphicsPath graphicsPathObj; FontFamily fontfamily; font.GetFamily(&fontfamily); graphicsPathObj.AddString(szText,-1,&fontfamily,font.GetStyle(),font.GetSize(),\ PointF(0,0),&strFormat); RectF rcBound; /// 获取边界范围 graphicsPathObj.GetBounds(&rcBound); /// 返回文本的宽高 return SizeF(rcBound.Width,rcBound.Height); }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; namespace advanced_drawing { public partial class Form14 : Form { public Form14() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form14_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { // Create a GraphicsPath object. GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath(); // Set up all the string parameters. string stringText = "Sample Text"; FontFamily family = new FontFamily("Arial"); int fontStyle = (int)FontStyle.Italic; int emSize = 26; Point origin = new Point(20, 20); StringFormat format = StringFormat.GenericDefault; // Add the string to the path. myPath.AddString(stringText, family, fontStyle, emSize, origin, format); //Draw the path to the screen. e.Graphics.FillPath(Brushes.Black, myPath); } } }