ZooKeeper Server/Client Session 设计及代码分析


ZooKeeper用了不少代码维护ZK client和ZK server之间的session。基本架构是一个NIO  server,后面是processer序列,一个NIO请求,先由PreProcessor处理,最后由FinalProcessor处理。中间可能根据情况加入其它processor。这有点像apache servlet的设计概念,但我个人一向不喜欢这种逻辑表达。作为web servlet容器还可以,但作为应用server,这极度弱化了面向对象概念。应该立即将NIO请求转化为对象,再由对象自行,或交予适合的handler处理对象,而不是将所有请求看为一个流。


When a client gets a handle to the ZooKeeper service, ZooKeeper creates a ZooKeeper  session, represented as a 64-bit number, that it assigns to the client. If the client  connects to a different ZooKeeper server, it will send the session id as a part of  the connection handshake. As a security measure, the server creates a password for  the session id that any ZooKeeper server can validate.The password is sent to the  client with the session id when the client establishes the session. The client sends  this password with the session id whenever it reestablishes the session with a new  server.

ZooKeeper Session re-connection是有一个password校验,可是该password在每个Server上都由相同的code产生,也就是说,只要是ZooKeeper服务器,有一个算一个,password都能通过。这个feature似乎可有可无?

One of the parameters to the ZooKeeper client library call to create a ZooKeeper  session is the session timeout in milliseconds. The client sends a requested timeout,  the server responds with the timeout that it can give the client. The current  implementation requires that the timeout be a minimum of 2 times the tickTime (as set  in the server configuration) and a maximum of 20 times the tickTime.

这似乎是session唯一确实有效的机制,但这和维护一个NIO channel并无多大区别。不同只在于不同ZooKeeper client可以有不同的timeout。

Another parameter to the ZooKeeper session establishment call is the default watcher.  Watchers are notified when any state change occurs in the client. For example if the  client loses connectivity to the server the client will be notified, or if the  client's session expires, etc... This watcher should consider the initial state to be  disconnected (i.e. before any state changes events are sent to the watcher by the  client lib). In the case of a new connection, the first event sent to the watcher is  typically the session connection event.

Watcher的解释与实际代码不符合。文档上说有其他实现,但code我只看到One-time trigger。这个很简单,当client发起请求时,加个watcher标签。Server更新DataTree之后便向client端发一个TCP response。在实现上,ZooKeeper NIOServerCnxn implements Watcher,Watcher直接注册到DataTree上,key是path。


总之,ZooKeeper client/server session没什么意思。还有很多非常有趣的漏洞,

首先,为了检查session timeout,居然每个session extends Thread!虽然默认只有10个client连接,但该值可配。这是很危险的,Thread数超过1024,JVM调度就不大灵光了。另外NIOServerCnxn中处理NIO的Factory居然只有单线程在跑。而且整个后台处理设计也是基于单线程的。PrepRequestProcessor使用一个LinkedBlockingQueue处理request。本来用LinkedBlockingQueue是个好主意,但是只有一个线程在处理它。显然是太少了。而且SessionTrackerImpl处加了太多没有必要的同步锁,本来就是单线程处理,要同步锁干什么?

