hive> describe financial.employee.salary salary float employee salary
create external table if not exists stocks ( exchange string, symbol string, ymd string, price_open float, price_high float, price_low float, price_close float, volume int, price_adj_close float ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' location '/data/stocks';关键字external告诉hive这个表是外部的,而后面的location子句则用于告诉hive数据位于哪个路径下。
create external table if not exists financial.employee1 like financial.employee location '/path/data'
create table if not exists employee ( name string, age tinyint, salary float, subordinates array<string>, address struct<city:string,street:string> ) partitioned by (country string, province string);分区改变了hive对数据存储的组织方式。如果我们是在financial数据库中创建的这个表,那么对于这个表只会有一个employee目录与之对应:
hive> set hive.mapred.mode=strict; ... hive> set hive.mapred.mode=nostrict;
hive> show partitions employee; ... country=CN/provice=SHANNXI country=CN/provice=HEBEI ...
hive> show partitions employee partition(country='CN',province='HEBEI'); country=CN/provice=HEBEI
hive> describe extended employee; ... partitionKeys:[FieldSchema(name:country, type:string,comment:null),FieldSchema(name:province, type:string,comment:null)], ...
load data local inpath '$(env:HOME)/hebei-employee' into table employee partition (country = 'CN', province = 'HEBEI');
create external table if not exists log_message( hms int, serverity string, server string, process_id int, message string ) partitioned by (year int, month int, day int) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
hive> show partitions log_message; ... year=2014/month=11/day=16 ...
hive> describe extended log_message partition (year=2014, month=11, day=17); ... location:hdfs://master_server/data/log_message/2014/11/17 ...
drop table if exists employee;
alter table log_message rename to logmsg
alter table log_message add if not exists partition(year = 2014, month = 1, day = 1) location '/logs/2014/01/01' partition(year = 2014, month = 1, day = 2) location '/logs/2014/01/02' ...;还可以高效的移动位置来修改某个分区的路径:
alter table log_message partition(year = 2014, month = 1, day = 1) set location 'hdfs://master_server/data/log_message/logs/2014/01/01';用户还可以删除某个分区:
alter table log_message drop if exists partition(year = 2014, month = 1, day = 1);3)修改列信息
alter table log_message change column hms hours_munites_seconds int comment 'THe hours , minutes, and seconds part of the timestamp' after serverity;即使字段名或字段类型没有改变,用户也需要完全指定旧的字段名,并给出新的字段名及新的字段类型。关键字column和comment子句都是可选的。上面的例子将字段转移到了serverity字段之后。如果用户想将这个字段移动到第一个位置,那么只需要使用first关键字替代after other_column子句即可。
alter table log_message add columns ( app_name string comment 'Application name', session_id long comment 'The current session id' );5)删除或替换列
alter table log_message replace columns ( hours_mins_secs int comment 'hour, minute, seconds from timestamp', servertity string comment 'The rest of the message' );这个语句实际上重命名了之前的hms字段并且从之前的表定义的模式中移除了字段server和process_id。因为是alter语句,所以只有表的元数据信息改变了。
alter table log_message set tblproperties ( 'notes' = 'The process id is no longer captured; this column is always NULL' );8)修改存储属性
alter table log_message partition(year = 2014, month = 1, day = 1) set fileformat sequencefilel;