VACUUM会把由于delete和update操作造成的空洞重复利用,但是不会释放空间。而VACUUM FULL则会释放相应的空间。下面是测试过程

[gpadmin1@hadoop5 ~]$ psql
psql (8.2.13)
Type "help" for help.

template1=# create table ttt2(id int);
NOTICE:  Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'id' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table.
HINT:  The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.

template1=# insert into ttt2 select generate_series(1,1000000);
INSERT 0 1000000
template1=# select pg_relation_size('ttt2')/1024/1024;
(1 row)

template1=# select oid,relname,relfilenode from pg_class where relname='ttt2';
  oid  | relname | relfilenode
 55309 | ttt2    |       55309
(1 row)


[gpadmin1@hadoop5 1]$ ll -h | grep 55309
-rw------- 1 gpadmin1 gpadmin1  18M Feb 20 21:06 55309

template1=# delete from ttt2 where id<500000;
DELETE 499999

template1=# vacuum ttt2;
template1=# select pg_relation_size('ttt2')/1024/1024;
(1 row)


[gpadmin1@hadoop5 1]$ ll -h | grep 55309
-rw------- 1 gpadmin1 gpadmin1  18M Feb 20 21:07 55309


template1=# insert into ttt2 select generate_series(1,200000);
INSERT 0 200000
template1=# select pg_relation_size('ttt2')/1024/1024;
(1 row)


[gpadmin1@hadoop5 1]$ ll -h | grep 55309
-rw------- 1 gpadmin1 gpadmin1  18M Feb 20 21:07 55309

template1=# vacuum full ttt2;
NOTICE:  'VACUUM FULL' is not safe for large tables and has been known to yield unpredictable runtimes.
HINT:  Use 'VACUUM' instead.
template1=# select pg_relation_size('ttt2')/1024/1024;
(1 row)

使用vacuum full,可以看到剩余空间得到了释放

[gpadmin1@hadoop5 1]$ ll -h | grep 55309
-rw------- 1 gpadmin1 gpadmin1  13M Feb 20 21:08 55309



Plain VACUUM (without FULL) simply reclaims space and makes it available for re-use. This form of the command can operate in parallel with normal reading and writing of the table, as an exclusive lock is not obtained. VACUUM FULL does more extensive processing, including moving of tuples across blocks to try to compact the table to the minimum number of disk blocks. This form is much slower and requires an exclusive lock on each table while it is being processed.




Note that VACUUM does not shrink a table when it runs, unless there is a large run of space
at the end of a table
, and nobody is accessing the table when we try to shrink it. To properly
shrink a table, you need VACUUM FULL. That locks up the whole table for a long time, and
should be avoided, if possible. VACUUM FULL will literally rewrite every row of the table, and
completely rebuild all indexes. That process is faster in 9.0 than it used to be, though it's still a
long time for larger tables.
