
Install Yum Priorities

  1. Run the Yum Priorities install command
    yum install yum-priorities

Configure Yum Priorities

  1. Open the Yum Priorities configuration file
    1. Ensure the following lines exist
    2. Save and close the file
  2. Open the CentOS base repository configuration file
    1. Add the following text to the end of the Base, Updates, Addons, and Extras repository entries*
    2. Add the following text to the end of the CentOSPlus repository entry*

* A repository entry is specified with the repository name placed between [ and ] (i.e. the base repository entry is specified with [base]).

Install EPEL Repository

  1. Download the latest EPEL repository
    wget http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm
  2. Run the rpm install command
    rpm -Uvh epel-release-5*.rpm

Configure EPEL Repository

  1. Open the EPEL repository file
  2. Set priority for the EPEL repository
    Add priority=3 to the end of the [epel] section


Install Remi Repository

  1. Download the latest Remi repository
    wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/el5.i386/remi-release-5-6.el5.remi.noarch.rpm
  2. Run the rpm install command
    rpm -Uvh remi-release-5*.rpm

Configure Remi Repository

  1. Open the EPEL repository file
  2. Enable the Remi Repository
    当Change enabled=0 to enabled=1时安装phpmyadmin3.2×版本不改时安装2.9×版本 (3.2X需要php 5.2以上)
  3. Set priority for the Remi Repository
    Add priority=3 to the end of the [remi] section


Install phpMyAdmin 3.1.x

  1. Run the following yum install command
    yum install phpmyadmin
  2. Restart the Apache Server
    service httpd restart



