Jquery 甘特图 插件 jQuery.Gantt


参数 默认值 类型 说明
source null Array, String (url) 数据源:json数组或者返回json的url地址
itemsPerPage 7 Number 每页显示项目数
months ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] Array 月份对应的显示字符
dow ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"] Array 周日到周一的显示字符
navigate "buttons" String ("buttons","scroll") 导航类型:按钮和滚动条
scale "days" String 显示单元
maxScale "months" String 视图缩放最大单元
minScale "hours" String 视图缩放最小单元
waitText "Please Wait..." String 加载时的提示文字
onItemClick: function (data) { return; }   点击时执行的操作,参数是被点击项目相关联的数据对象
onAddClick function (dt, rowId) { return; }   在空白格子点击时执行的函数
onRender function () { return; }   甘特图渲染完毕后执行的操作
useCookie false   声明是是否使用cookie记录图表的状态(缩放单元、滚动条位置)
scrollToToday true Boolean 是否滚动到当天

Source Configuration 数据源配置格式

source: [{
	name: "标题",
	desc: "描述.",
	values: [ ... ]
参数 默认值 类型 说明
name null String 甘特图左侧显示的每行所对应的标题——体文字部分
desc null String 左侧说明的描述部分
values null Array 甘特图单元所对应的时间段等信息,在右侧的单元格显示

Value Configuration 数据源的json数值对

values: [{
	to: "/Date(1328832000000)/",
	from: "/Date(1333411200000)/",
	desc: "鼠标悬停时的描述文字",
	label: "甘特图项目标题",
	customClass: "ganttRed",
	dataObj: foo.bar[i]
参数 类型 说明
to String (Date) 结束时间(毫秒数,php返回时可以在时间戳后添加3个0)
from String (Date) 开始时间
desc String 鼠标悬停到项目上个的提示文字Text that appears on hover, I think?
label String 甘特图项目的标题文字
customClass String 添加到甘特图项目的自定义类,可以用来标记甘特图项目的颜色
dataObj All 点击时应用到甘特图项目的data对象

$(function() {

			"use strict";

				source: [{
					name: "Sprint 0",
					desc: "Analysis",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1320192000000)/",
						to: "/Date(1322401600000)/",
						label: "Requirement Gathering",
						customClass: "ganttRed"
					name: " ",
					desc: "Scoping",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1322611200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1323302400000)/",
						label: "Scoping",
						customClass: "ganttRed"
					name: "Sprint 1",
					desc: "Development",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1323802400000)/",
						to: "/Date(1325685200000)/",
						label: "Development",
						customClass: "ganttGreen"
					name: " ",
					desc: "Showcasing",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1325685200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1325695200000)/",
						label: "Showcasing",
						customClass: "ganttBlue"
					name: "Sprint 2",
					desc: "Development",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1326785200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1325785200000)/",
						label: "Development",
						customClass: "ganttGreen"
					name: " ",
					desc: "Showcasing",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1328785200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1328905200000)/",
						label: "Showcasing",
						customClass: "ganttBlue"
					name: "Release Stage",
					desc: "Training",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1330011200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1336611200000)/",
						label: "Training",
						customClass: "ganttOrange"
					name: " ",
					desc: "Deployment",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1336611200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1338711200000)/",
						label: "Deployment",
						customClass: "ganttOrange"
					name: " ",
					desc: "Warranty Period",
					values: [{
						from: "/Date(1336611200000)/",
						to: "/Date(1349711200000)/",
						label: "Warranty Period",
						customClass: "ganttOrange"
				navigate: "scroll",
				maxScale: "hours",
				itemsPerPage: 10,
				onItemClick: function(data) {
					alert("Item clicked - show some details");
				onAddClick: function(dt, rowId) {
					alert("Empty space clicked - add an item!");
				onRender: function() {
					if (window.console && typeof console.log === "function") {
						console.log("chart rendered");

				selector: ".bar",
				title: "I'm a popover",
				content: "And I'm the content of said popover.",
				trigger: "hover"



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