[Happy DSA] 如何对单链表进行快速排序




static SListEntry *slist_sort_internal(SListEntry **list, 
                                       SListCompareFunc compare_func)
     SListEntry *pivot;
     SListEntry *rover;
     SListEntry *less_list, *more_list;
     SListEntry *less_list_end, *more_list_end;
     /* If there are less than two entries in this list, it is
     * already sorted */

     if (*list == NULL || (*list)->next == NULL) {
          return *list;

     /* The first entry is the pivot */

     pivot = *list;

     /* Iterate over the list, starting from the second entry.  Sort
     * all entries into the less and more lists based on comparisons
     * with the pivot */

     less_list = NULL;
     more_list = NULL;
     rover = (*list)->next;

     while (rover != NULL) {
          SListEntry *next = rover->next;

          if (compare_func(rover->data, pivot->data) < 0) {

               /* Place this in the less list */

               rover->next = less_list;
               less_list = rover;

          } else {

               /* Place this in the more list */

               rover->next = more_list;
               more_list = rover;


          rover = next;

     /* Sort the sublists recursively */

     less_list_end = slist_sort_internal(&less_list, compare_func);
     more_list_end = slist_sort_internal(&more_list, compare_func);

     /* Create the new list starting from the less list */

     *list = less_list;

     /* Append the pivot to the end of the less list.  If the less list
     * was empty, start from the pivot */

     if (less_list == NULL) {
          *list = pivot;
     } else {
          less_list_end->next = pivot;

     /* Append the more list after the pivot */

     pivot->next = more_list;

     /* Work out what the last entry in the list is.  If the more list was 
     * empty, the pivot was the last entry.  Otherwise, the end of the 
     * more list is the end of the total list. */

     if (more_list == NULL) {
          return pivot;
     } else {
          return more_list_end;

void slist_sort(SListEntry **list, SListCompareFunc compare_func)
     slist_sort_internal(list, compare_func);

你可能感兴趣的:([Happy DSA] 如何对单链表进行快速排序)