1:如何从 PL/SQL 存储函数返回数组
在数据库中创建一个 SQLVARRAY 类型,在本例中,它是 VARCHAR2 类型。 作为 scott/tiger 用户连接到数据库,并在 SQL 提示符处执行以下命令。
然后创建下面的函数,它返回一个 VARRAY。
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getEmpArray RETURN EMPARRAYAS l_data EmpArray := EmpArray(); CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT ename FROM EMP; BEGIN FOR emp_rec IN c_emp LOOP l_data.extend; l_data(l_data.count) := emp_rec.ename; END LOOP; RETURN l_data; END;
在数据库中创建函数后,可以从 java 应用程序调用它并在应用程序中获得数组数据。
public static void main( ) {//...
OracleCallableStatement stmt =(OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall( "begin ?:= getEMpArray; end;" );
// The name we use below, EMPARRAY, has to match the name of the type defined in the PL/SQL Stored Function
stmt.registerOutParameter( 1, OracleTypes.ARRAY,"EMPARRAY" );
stmt.executeUpdate(); // Get the ARRAY object and print the meta data assosiated with it
ARRAY simpleArray = stmt.getARRAY(1);
System.out.println("the type of the array is " + simpleArray.getSQLTypeName());
System.out.println("the type code of the element in the array is "+simpleArray.getBaseType());
System.out.println("the length of the array is " + simpleArray.length()); // Print the contents of the array
String[] values = (String[])simpleArray.getArray();
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
System.out.println( "row " + i + " = '" + values[i] +"'" );//...
在上面的代码段中,可以看到 OracleCallableSatatement 用于调用 PL/SQL 存储函数。在执行 PL/SQL 存储函数前,将返回的数据类型注册为 OracleTypes.ARRAY,并且指定在数据库中定义的类型名称 (EMPARRAY)。然后执行 PL/SQL 存储函数并获得 oracle.sql.ARRAY 形式的返回值。 oracle.sql.ARRAY 类拥有的方法可以获得关于数组的详细信息,如数组类型、数组长度等。使用 oracle.sql.ARRAY 的 getArray() 方法获得数组的内容并将内容打印出来。
package Demo;
import java.io.*;
//Importing the Oracle Jdbc driver package makes the code more readable
import oracle.jdbc.*;
import java.sql.*;
class OracleRef
public static void main (String args [])
throws SQLException
// Load the driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:yangyang";
try {
String url1 = System.getProperty("JDBC_URL");
if (url1 != null)
url = url1;
} catch (Exception e) {
// If there is any security exception, ignore it
// and use the default
// Connect to the database
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection (url, "scott", "tiger");
// Create the stored procedure
init (conn);
// Prepare a PL/SQL call
CallableStatement call =
conn.prepareCall ("{ ? = call java_refcursor.job_listing (?)}");
// Find out all the SALES person
call.registerOutParameter (1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
call.setString (2, "SALESMAN");
call.execute ();
ResultSet rset = (ResultSet)call.getObject (1);
// Dump the cursor
while (rset.next ())
System.out.println (rset.getString ("ENAME"));
// Close all the resources
// Utility function to create the stored procedure
static void init (Connection conn)
throws SQLException
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
stmt.execute ("create or replace package java_refcursor as " +
" type myrctype is ref cursor return EMP%ROWTYPE; " +
" function job_listing (j varchar2) return myrctype; " +
"end java_refcursor;");
stmt.execute ("create or replace package body java_refcursor as " +
" function job_listing (j varchar2) return myrctype is " +
" rc myrctype; " +
" begin " +
" open rc for select * from emp where job = j; " +
" return rc; " +
" end; " +
"end java_refcursor;");