AndEngine:GLES1 versus GLES2 - comparison

1. What does GLES1 and GLES2 mean?

They are two AndEngine versions (branches), GLES2 is latest version of the engine, GLES1 version development  has been stopped. That's why if you are new, its STRONGLY recommended to use latest version of the engine, obviously its always better to work with newest software. Be aware that on my website, in my articles, I am always trying to use latest engine version.
2. Most important differences between those two versions:
  • Firs of all, GLES2 requires Android version >= 2.2
  • Some developers says that GLES2 is slower in comparison with GLES1 in some cases.
  • GLES2 is latest, and currently developed version of the engine.
If you want to know most important improvements in GLES2, please check  THIS THREAD.
3. Which one should I select?

For me there are no doubts, you should use latest version of the engine. But if you decided to publish your application for wider android audience, GLES2 might be bad idea, because it requires android version >= 2.2 The good news is the fact, that this version is currently supported by 89% of devices worldwide - according to the official informations -  MORE INFO HERE . So what's the conclusion? Basically everything depends on your application needs. Latest engine version, more features, active development!
4. Performance differences:

As previously mentioned, some developers says, that GLES2 is slower in some cases in compare to GLES1, also it has been proven by some tests. CLICK HERE - for performance test comparison. But even though, I strongly recommend to use latest software version.

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