Display Camera test (BCB dll)

//#include <vcl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "PC_OS.h"
#include "testsuite_dll.h"
#include "dwdptest.h"

#pragma argsused
int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved)
        return 1;

#define CAPTURED_PICTURE_FILE "c://test.jpg"
#define MAX_SEG_SIZE 128
#define ASSERT(condition) return (condition)?RES_PASS:RES_FAIL;

//#define FILENAME_MAX 1000
#define VRAM_SIZE 128*200*2
#define MAX_SEG_SIZE 128
#define TitleMsg "Display test"

char *(*pDWD_get_last_error)(void);
bool             TargetSystem;
bool             RunTestCase;
int              TestStep;
int              TestResult;
char             FileName[FILENAME_MAX];

unsigned char vram_buf[VRAM_SIZE];
unsigned char rgb_buf[VRAM_SIZE];

static int LCD_left = 0;
static int LCD_top = 0;
static int LCD_right = 127;
static int LCD_bottom = 100;
static int jpg_size;

bool DLL_Initialise(void* hinst)
  GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)hinst, FileName, FILENAME_MAX);
  // Enable this line if a configuration form is included with the testsuite
//  Application->CreateForm(__classid(TtemplateTestsuiteConfigurationForm), &templateTestsuiteConfigurationForm);
  return true;

void DLL_Release()

void DLL_LocateFunctions(bool OnTarget)
  TargetSystem = OnTarget;

  //pDWD_get_last_error = (char* (*)(void))FindFunction("_DWD_get_last_error");

void DLL_TerminateRequested()

int TC_check_camera_id()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    unsigned int id;
    char buf[50];

    input[0]=253;   // For camera
    len=200 * sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_get_hw_capabilities, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    //sprintf(buf, "res code=%d, length=%d, id=%d", output[0], len, id);
    ::MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)buf, "camera id", 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_start_preview_cif()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    // First switch off display standby
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=0x2E;         // left
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_llc_txi, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    // Switch display on
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=0x51;         // left
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_llc_txi, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    // First set image format
    input[0]=0x03;  //  CIF format
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    if(output[0] != dwd_ok)
        return RES_FAIL;

    // enable preview
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=LCD_left;         // left
    input[2]=LCD_top;         // top
    input[3]=LCD_right;       // right
    input[4]=LCD_bottom;        // bottom
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_enable, 20, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_start_preview_vga()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
#if 0
    // First switch off display standby
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=0x2E;         // left
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_llc_txi, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    // Switch display on
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=0x51;         // left
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_llc_txi, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    // First set image format
    input[0]=0x00;  //  VGA format
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    if(output[0] != dwd_ok)
        return RES_FAIL;

    // enable preview
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    input[1]=LCD_left;         // left
    input[2]=LCD_top;         // top
    input[3]=LCD_right;       // right
    input[4]=LCD_bottom;        // bottom
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_enable, 20, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_stop_preview()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_disable, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_capture_picture()
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned long size, i;
    char buf[80];

    // take snapshot
    input[0]=0xFA;      // hardware id
    len=sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_capture, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    if(output[0] != dwd_ok)
        return RES_FAIL;

#if 0
    // get picture size
    while(count < 1000)
        DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_get_picture_size, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

        if(output[0] == dwd_ok && output[1] > 0)
            sprintf(buf, "size=%d",output[1]);
            ::MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)buf, "size", 0);



    if(count == 1000)
        return RES_FAIL;

    // Open file
    fp=fopen("c://TC_capture_picture.jpg", "wb");
    if(fp == NULL)
        return RES_FAIL;

    // load picture data
    for(i=0; i< size;)
        if(i + MAX_SEG_SIZE < size)
            input[1]=size - i;

        len=MAX_SEG_SIZE + 4;
        DWD_gdd_generic(305, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
        fwrite(&output[1], 1, input[1], fp);



    ::MessageBox(NULL,"Capture Finished!", "Message!", 0);

    return RES_PASS;

int TC_get_picture_size()
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned long  i;
    char buf[80];

    // get picture size
    while(count < 1000)
        DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_get_picture_size, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

        if(output[0] == dwd_ok && output[1] > 0)
            sprintf(buf, "output[0]=%d, output[1]=%d,output[2]=%d",output[0],output[1],output[2]);
            ::MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)buf, "size", 0);



    if(count == 1000)
        return RES_FAIL;
    return RES_PASS;


int TC_get_picture_data()
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned long  i;
    char buf[80];

    // Open file
    fp=fopen("c://TC_capture_picture.jpg", "wb");
    if(fp == NULL)
        return RES_FAIL;
    jpg_size=jpg_size * 2;
    // load picture data
    for(i=0; i< jpg_size;)
        if(i + MAX_SEG_SIZE < jpg_size)
            input[1]=jpg_size - i;

        len=MAX_SEG_SIZE + 4;
        DWD_gdd_generic(305, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
        fwrite(&output[1], 1, input[1], fp);



    return RES_PASS;

int TC_decode_test()
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0]= 0;
    len = 4;
    DWD_gdd_generic(306, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    return RES_PASS;

int TC_decode_to_lcd()
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0]= 0;
    len = 4;
    DWD_gdd_generic(307, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
    return RES_PASS;

#if 0
int TC_read_display_ram()
    unsigned int count,j;
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned long size = 128*160*2, i;
    char buf[80];

    // Open file
    fp=fopen("c://test1.565", "wb");
    if(fp == NULL)
        return RES_FAIL;
    //Read data from memory
    for(i=0; i< size;)
        if(i + MAX_SEG_SIZE < size)
            input[1]=size - i;

        len=MAX_SEG_SIZE + 4;
        DWD_gdd_generic(303, 8, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
        fwrite(&output[1], 1, input[1], fp);


    return RES_PASS;

static void convertBMP_RGB24_to_RGB16(unsigned char *vram_out, Graphics::TBitmap *pBitmap)
  unsigned char *ptr1 = vram_out;
  unsigned char *ptr2;
  for (int y = 0; y < pBitmap->Height; y++)
    ptr2 = (unsigned char *)pBitmap->ScanLine[y];
    for (int i=0; i < pBitmap->Width; i++)
      int16 a = ((ptr2[i*3+2]<<8)&0xF800)|((ptr2[i*3+1]<<3)&0x07E0)|((ptr2[i*3]>>3)&0x001F);
      memcpy(ptr1,(unsigned char *)&a,2);

static void change_endianess(unsigned char *vram_out, unsigned char *vram_in,unsigned int16 num_pix)
  unsigned int16 i,pix_hi, pix_low;
  unsigned char *vramptr;

  vramptr = (unsigned char *)vram_out;
    pix_low= *vram_in;

static unsigned int min(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
   return ( (a < b) ? a : b);

static int TC_lcd_test_BMP_image(AnsiString fileName,unsigned int min_width, unsigned int min_height)
  unsigned int output_width;
  unsigned int output_height;
  unsigned int startx, starty, size, addroffset, i, j;
  unsigned int input[255], output[255];
  unsigned short len;
  FILE *fp;
  char tempstr[50];
  //gdd_result_type res;
  TPixelFormat format;
  int result = RES_PASS;
  Graphics::TBitmap *Bitmap1 = new Graphics::TBitmap();
  if (FileExists(fileName))


    output_width = min_width;
    output_height = min(min_height,Bitmap1->Height);
    memset(vram_buf, 0x00, sizeof(vram_buf));

    if (Bitmap1->Width!= min_width)
       ::MessageBox(NULL,"Width should be equal 128", TitleMsg, 0);
       delete Bitmap1;
       return RES_FAIL;

    if (Bitmap1->PixelFormat != pf24bit)
      //AddLogLine(clBlack, LOG_LEVEL_1, "IMAGE Is not BMP 24 BIT!!!...");
      result = RES_FAIL;

      change_endianess(rgb_buf,vram_buf,output_width*output_height);  //not Change endian

      // show RGB on target
     // AddLogLine(clBlack, LOG_LEVEL_1, "Sending RGB to target...");
      startx = 0;
      starty = 0;
      addroffset = 0;
    for (i=0; i<output_width*output_height*2/MAX_SEG_SIZE;i++)

       // for (j=0;j<32;j++)
         // input[j+4]= 0x1F001F00;
        memcpy((char *)(void *)(input+4), rgb_buf+addroffset, MAX_SEG_SIZE);
       // memcpy((char *)(void *)(input+4), vram_buf+addroffset, MAX_SEG_SIZE);  //not Change endian
        //sprintf(tempstr, "startx=%d, starty=%d", startx, starty);
        // ::MessageBox(NULL,tempstr, "display testsuite", 0);

        len = 4;
        DWD_gdd_generic(300, MAX_SEG_SIZE+4*4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

        if (output[0] != dwd_ok)

        if (startx==0)
           startx = startx + MAX_SEG_SIZE/2;
           startx = 0;

        if (startx==0)

        addroffset = addroffset + MAX_SEG_SIZE;

     }     // for (i=0; i<output_width*output_height*2/MAX_SEG_SIZE;i++)
      //When transfer is finished, then notify mobile phone to update data
      input[0]=output_width - 1;
      input[1]=output_height - 1;
      //input[1]=1 - 1;

      DWD_gdd_generic(300, 4*4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    } //else
  }  //if (Bitmap1->PixelFormat != pf24bit)
    //AddLogLine(clBlack, LOG_LEVEL_1, "Cannot open file!!!...");
    result = RES_FAIL;
  delete Bitmap1;
  return result;

int TC_show_bitmap_file()
  AnsiString BitMap;
  //gdd_result_type res;
  TPixelFormat format;
  int result = RES_PASS;
  Dialogs::TOpenDialog *OpenDialog1 = new Dialogs::TOpenDialog(NULL);
  OpenDialog1->Filter = "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";
  if (OpenDialog1->Execute())
    if (FileExists(OpenDialog1->FileName))
      BitMap = OpenDialog1->FileName;

    if (BitMap.IsEmpty())
      result = RES_FAIL;
  delete OpenDialog1;
  return result;


int TC_display_id()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    unsigned int id;
    char buf[250];

    len=200 * sizeof(unsigned int);
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_get_hw_capabilities, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ::MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)buf, "display id", 0);


    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_100()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 100;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_120()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 120;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_144()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 144;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_166()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 166;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_180()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 180;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_200()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 200;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_220()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 220;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_240()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 240;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_set_contrast_255()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 255;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_contrast, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_init()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_init, sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_reinit()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0]=1;    //start
    len = 4;

    DWD_gdd_generic(301, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_stop_reinit()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0]=0; //stop
    len = 4;

    DWD_gdd_generic(301, 4, (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_standby_on()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 0;//hw_id;   
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_power_save_mode, 2*sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_standby_off()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 1;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_power_save_mode, 2*sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_standby_on_off()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

  int dll_handle = 0; 


    for (int i=0; i<50;i++)
     input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
     input[1] = 0;   //standby on
     DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_power_save_mode, 2*sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
     if (output[0]!=dwd_ok)
        return RES_FAIL; 

 DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,   0, FALSE, 0,dll_handle); 
     input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
     input[1] = 1;   //standby off
     DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_set_power_save_mode, 2*sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);
     if (output[0]!=dwd_ok)
        return RES_FAIL; 
       DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,   1, FALSE, 250,dll_handle);
    return RES_PASS;

int TC_backlight_on_off()
  int dll_handle = 0; 

  for (int i=0; i<50;i++)
   DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,   1, FALSE, 250,dll_handle); 
   DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,   0, FALSE, 0,dll_handle);    
   return RES_PASS;

int TC_shutdown()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_shutdown, sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_display_backlight_on_50()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          1,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          50,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_display_backlight_on_100()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          1,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          100,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_display_backlight_on_150()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          1,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          150,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_display_backlight_on_200()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          1,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          200,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_display_backlight_on_250()
  int dll_handle = 0;

  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          1,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          250,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_display_backlight_CONTINUOUS_on_250()
  int dll_handle = 0;

  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          2,     // action (2 CONTINUOUS on)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          250,    // intensity

  return result;


int TC_display_backlight_off()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_lcd_backlight_init(dll_handle))
    DWD_set_lcd_backlight(0,     // lcd_tp (0=MAIN)
                          0,     // action (0=OFF, 1=ON)
                          FALSE, // fade
                          0,    // intensity

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_on_50()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_on_100()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_on_150()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_on_200()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_on_250()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_key_backlight_off()
  int dll_handle = 0; 
  int result = RES_PASS;

  if (DWD_keypad_backlight_init(dll_handle))

  return result;

int TC_cam_set_zoom_1()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    input[0] = 1;
    DWD_gdd_generic(304, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_zoom_2()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 2;
    DWD_gdd_generic(304, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_zoom_3()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 3;
    DWD_gdd_generic(304, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_zoom_4()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 4;
    DWD_gdd_generic(304, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_zoom_5()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;

    input[0] = 5;
    DWD_gdd_generic(304, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);


int TC_cam_set_image_fmt_premium()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    input[0] = 0;
    LCD_left = 0;
    LCD_top = 30;
    LCD_right = 127;
    LCD_bottom = 125;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_image_fmt_high()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    input[0] = 1;
    LCD_left = 0;
    LCD_top = 30;
    LCD_right = 127;
    LCD_bottom = 125;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_image_fmt_medium()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    input[0] = 2;
    LCD_left = 0;
    LCD_top = 30;
    LCD_right = 127;
    LCD_bottom = 99;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_cam_set_image_fmt_wallpaper()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
    input[0] = 3;
    LCD_left = 32;
    LCD_top = 30;
    LCD_right = 95;
    LCD_bottom = 109;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_cam_set_image_format, 1 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_test_pattern_1()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 1;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_test_image_start, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_test_pattern_3()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 3;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_test_image_start, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_test_pattern_4()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 4;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_test_image_start, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_test_pattern_8()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 8;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_test_image_start, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_test_pattern_9()
    unsigned int input[255], output[255];
    unsigned short len;
   // unsigned int id;
   // char buf[80];

    input[0] = 250;//hw_id;
    input[1] = 9;
    DWD_gdd_generic(atctst_gdd_lcd_test_image_start, 2 * sizeof(int32), (unsigned char*)input, &len, (unsigned char*)output, 0);

    ASSERT(output[0] == dwd_ok);

int TC_power_down_0()
    int result = DWD_set_power_down_mode(0, 109, 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;
int TC_power_down_1()
    int result = DWD_set_power_down_mode(1, 109, 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;


int TC_in_line_mode()
    int result = DWD_set_test_mode(dwd_in_line_mode, 0, 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;


int TC_calib_mode()
    int result = DWD_set_test_mode(dwd_calib_mode, 0, 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;


int TC_mmi_mode()
    int result = DWD_set_test_mode(dwd_mmi_mode, 0, 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;


int TC_get_eep_value()
    int data;
    char temp[20];
    int result = DWD_get_dynamic_parm_xx("eep_static.lcd_parms.contrast_ctrl_reg",2, (void *)&data, 0);
    sprintf(temp, "%d", data);

   ::MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)temp, "eep value", 0);
    if (result==TRUE)
       return RES_PASS;
       return RES_FAIL;

void AddTestCases(void)
    AddTestSuite("Display test", NULL);
    AddTestCase("Display id", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Display id", TC_display_id, "TC_display_id");
    AddTestCase("Contrast test", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_100",    TC_set_contrast_100, "TC_set_contrast_100");
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_120",    TC_set_contrast_120, "TC_set_contrast_120");
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_144",    TC_set_contrast_144, "TC_set_contrast_144");   
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_166",    TC_set_contrast_166, "TC_set_contrast_166");       
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_180",    TC_set_contrast_180, "TC_set_contrast_180");
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_200",    TC_set_contrast_200, "TC_set_contrast_200");               
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_220",    TC_set_contrast_220, "TC_set_contrast_220");               
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_240",    TC_set_contrast_240, "TC_set_contrast_240");                       
    AddTestCase("Set_contrast_255",    TC_set_contrast_255, "TC_set_contrast_255");               

    AddTestCase("Sequence test", NULL, "");       
    AddTestCase("Init",    TC_init, "TC_init");                   
    AddTestCase("ReInit",    TC_reinit, "TC_reinit");                       
    AddTestCase("Stop ReInit",    TC_stop_reinit, "TC_stop_reinit");                           
    //AddTestCase("Display on",    TC_display_on, "TC_display_on");
    //AddTestCase("Display off",    TC_display_off, "TC_display_off");                       
    AddTestCase("Standby on",    TC_standby_on, "TC_standby_on");                           
    AddTestCase("Standby off",    TC_standby_off, "TC_standby_off");                               
    AddTestCase("Shut down",    TC_shutdown, "TC_shutdown");                       
    AddTestCase("Test standby on off",    TC_standby_on_off, "TC_standby_on_off");                       
    AddTestCase("Test backlight on off",    TC_backlight_on_off, "TC_backlight_on_off");                           

    AddTestCase("Test pattern", NULL, "");       
    AddTestCase("Test pattern 1", TC_test_pattern_1, "TC_test_pattern_1");           
    AddTestCase("Test pattern 3", TC_test_pattern_3, "TC_test_pattern_3");
    AddTestCase("Test pattern 4", TC_test_pattern_4, "TC_test_pattern_4");
    AddTestCase("Test pattern 8", TC_test_pattern_8, "TC_test_pattern_8");
    AddTestCase("Test pattern 9", TC_test_pattern_9, "TC_test_pattern_9");

#if 0
    AddTestCase("Data transfer", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Read_display_ram",    TC_read_display_ram, "TC_read_display_ram");
    AddTestCase("Show_bitmap_file",    TC_show_bitmap_file, "TC_show_bitmap_file");
    AddTestCase("Get eep value",    TC_get_eep_value, "TC_get_eep_value");

    AddTestSuite("Camera test", NULL);
    AddTestCase("Camera test", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Check camera id",    TC_check_camera_id, "TC_check_camera_id");
    AddTestCase("Start preview mode CIF", TC_start_preview_cif, "TC_start_preview_cif");
    AddTestCase("Start preview mode VGA", TC_start_preview_vga, "TC_start_preview_vga");   
    AddTestCase("Stop preview mode",  TC_stop_preview,  "TC_stop_preview");
    AddTestCase("Capture picture",    TC_capture_picture, "TC_capture_picture");
    AddTestCase("Get picture size",    TC_get_picture_size, "TC_get_picture_size");
    AddTestCase("Get picture data",    TC_get_picture_data, "TC_get_picture_data");
    AddTestCase("Decode raw data to LCD",    TC_decode_test, "TC_decode_test");
    AddTestCase("Decode camera data to LCD",    TC_decode_test, "TC_decode_to_lcd");

    AddTestCase("Image Format", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Premium", TC_cam_set_image_fmt_premium, "TC_cam_set_image_fmt_premium");
    AddTestCase("High", TC_cam_set_image_fmt_high, "TC_cam_set_image_fmt_high");
    AddTestCase("Medium", TC_cam_set_image_fmt_medium, "TC_cam_set_image_fmt_medium");
    AddTestCase("Wallpaper", TC_cam_set_image_fmt_wallpaper, "TC_cam_set_image_fmt_wallpaper"); 

    AddTestCase("Zoom", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Set Zoom Level 1", TC_cam_set_zoom_1, "TC_cam_set_zoom_1");
    AddTestCase("Set Zoom Level 2", TC_cam_set_zoom_2, "TC_cam_set_zoom_2");
    AddTestCase("Set Zoom Level 3", TC_cam_set_zoom_3, "TC_cam_set_zoom_3");
    AddTestCase("Set Zoom Level 4", TC_cam_set_zoom_4, "TC_cam_set_zoom_4"); 
    AddTestCase("Set Zoom Level 5", TC_cam_set_zoom_5, "TC_cam_set_zoom_5"); 

    AddTestSuite("Backlight", NULL);
    AddTestCase("Display backlight", NULL, "");   
    AddTestCase("Display backlight on 50", TC_display_backlight_on_50, "TC_display_backlight_on_50");
    AddTestCase("Display backlight on 100", TC_display_backlight_on_100, "TC_display_backlight_on_100");
    AddTestCase("Display backlight on 150", TC_display_backlight_on_150, "TC_display_backlight_on_150");
    AddTestCase("Display backlight on 200", TC_display_backlight_on_200, "TC_display_backlight_on_200");
    AddTestCase("Display backlight on 250", TC_display_backlight_on_250, "TC_display_backlight_on_250");
    AddTestCase("Display backlight CONTINUOUS on 250", TC_display_backlight_on_250, "TC_display_backlight_CONTINUOUS_on_250");   
    AddTestCase("Display backlight off", TC_display_backlight_off, "TC_display_backlight_off");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight on 50", TC_key_backlight_on_50, "TC_key_backlight_on_50");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight on 100", TC_key_backlight_on_100, "TC_key_backlight_on_100");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight on 150", TC_key_backlight_on_150, "TC_key_backlight_on_150");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight on 200", TC_key_backlight_on_200, "TC_key_backlight_on_200");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight on 250", TC_key_backlight_on_250, "TC_key_backlight_on_250");
    AddTestCase("Key backlight off", TC_key_backlight_off, "TC_key_backlight_off");

    AddTestSuite("System test", NULL);
    AddTestCase("Power down", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("Power down--restore non-signalling operation", TC_power_down_0, "TC_power_down_0");
    AddTestCase("Power down--power off after command", TC_power_down_1, "TC_power_down_1");

    AddTestCase("Test mode", NULL, "");
    AddTestCase("In line mode", TC_in_line_mode, "TC_in_line_mode");
    AddTestCase("Calib mode", TC_calib_mode, "TC_calib_mode");
    AddTestCase("MMI mode", TC_mmi_mode, "TC_mmi_mode");

void Pre_Run_TC(void)
    TestStep = 0;
    RunTestCase = true;
    TestResult = RES_INCONCLUSIVE;

void Post_Run_TC(void)
    RunTestCase = false;

void Stop_Run_TC(void)
    RunTestCase = false;

int GetVersionNumber()
    return VERSION;

char *GetModuleName()
    return MODULE_NAME;

char *GetGenericFunctionName()

// If this function is exported, then the TestSystem will show a menu item to active the configuration form.
bool TS_Configuration(void)
    // do nothing
    return true;

// Functions used to communicate with the system being tested

// Function for adding configuration data to Report
void LogConfigData(void)
    // do nothing


