




比如 mpeg2格式。  在libmpeg中有一个mpeg2_parse函数,这个函数提供给了libmpcodecs中的decode函数使用。而这个decode函数 将会在libavcodec里被调用。

#define LIBVD_EXTERN(x) vd_functions_t mpcodecs_vd_##x = {

#include "vd_internal.h"

//#undef MPEG12_POSTPROC

static vd_info_t info =
 "MPEG 1/2 Video decoder libmpeg2-v0.4.0b",
 "A'rpi & Fabian Franz",
 "Aaron & Walken",


生成的这个变量就叫做mpcodecs_vd_libmpeg2 ,这个变量被用在了lib_mpcodecs/vd.c 的数组mpcodecs_vd_drivers中。


int init_video(sh_video_t *sh_video,char* codecname,char* vfm,int status);




each stream 's read is define in his fill_buffer.and this fun is save in his stream_st

the stream_st is transport from stream manager and init by each special stream .

it was called by stream_fill_buffer.

in stream_fill_buffer,we can see that , it judge by type ,and do different thing .
when it's a file ,call read ,when it's a net stream call stream->fill_buffer
when it's a demux call demux_read_data.

it's samed that ,it is the master of demux.

we also see that cash_stream_fill_buffer call it .
and cash_stream_fill_buffer was called by a inline func stream_read .

I guess it's the export fun of stream for it's name is too good !

search caller of this func . i see a list of demux .  I should read demux code next time  ^_^

another line : open_stream_plugin

this parse option ,alloc memory for stream_st ,call open of stream_info_t.

we had see this struct before . every stream has a var of this type.
and descipbe itself , the name ,the protocal it support .

this struct has only one function pointer . the open function!

let see ,who call the fun open_stream_plugin

it's the func open_stream_full,let's see it !

   stream_t* open_stream_full(char* filename,int mode, char** options, int* file_format);

in the func ,we see a loop of deep two. it mean's for each protocal supported by each plugin.
we find one that support this file. and if found , it call open_stream_plugin .

ok.we finish this func.

We find a only caller of this fun in Open.c, open_stream(..)

it check the args  if it's not a playlist ,it type was set to unknow.if filename is null,return null

then it call open_stream_full. the caller of open_stream has too much .but we find a caller is
the main in mplayer .then we got the end !

  main -> open_stream -> open_full_stream -> open_stream_plugin -> plugin's open .

line codec

let's see struct AVCodec
typedef struct AVCodec {
    const char *name;
    enum CodecType type;
    enum CodecID id;
    int priv_data_size;
    int (*init)(AVCodecContext *);
    int (*encode)(AVCodecContext *, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, void *data);
    int (*close)(AVCodecContext *);
    int (*decode)(AVCodecContext *, void *outdata, int *outdata_size,
                  uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
    int capabilities;
#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < ((50<<16)+(0<<8)+0)
    void *dummy; // FIXME remove next time we break binary compatibility
    struct AVCodec *next;
    void (*flush)(AVCodecContext *);
    const AVRational *supported_framerates; ///array of supported framerates, or NULL if

any, array is terminated by {0,0}
    const enum PixelFormat *pix_fmts;       ///array of supported pixel formats, or NULL if

unknown, array is terminanted by -1
} AVCodec;

we can see that there are init and close ,encode and decode func. next pointer show that it

must be a list ! and output format in pix_fmts.



line video out

i search directx and found in libvo. Be puzzled of all the fun and var is static and how

other use it ,until i found a macro LIBVO_EXTERN

#define LIBVO_EXTERN(x) vo_functions_t video_out_##x =

this method was found be used when we first aniyst this project .
I found it ! it's LIBVD_EXTERN !

the LIBVO_EXTERN is declare in video_out_internal.h

from the macro ,we can see that ,a video out must have init and uninit . control ,and the most important "draw_frame".  the draw_osd  I think is for show subtitle. or other.

I will stop this ,and read document once again . I found that the document contain more infomation of architecture
