OSX: 快速生成系统记录


快捷键: Command+Option+Control+Shift+.

等一段时间后, 在/private/var/tmp/文件夹中生成sysdiagnose加上时间的.tar.gz压缩文件. 其中包括几乎系统的所有检测信息, 比如diskutil, gpt, ifconfig, odutil, logs, airport, SystemConfigration, DiagnosticMessages, crashes_and_spins, fsck_hfs_var等等, 详细.

OSX: 快速生成系统记录_第1张图片



sysdiagnose version: 1.2.2
USAGE: sysdiagnose [-h] [-f result_directory] [process_name | pid]
          -h                      Display this help
          -f result directory     Specify the directory where results will be stored.
          [process_name | pid]    If a single process appears to be slowing down the system,
                                  passing in the process name or ID as the argument gathers
                                  addition process-specific diagnostic data.

  sysdiagnose gathers system diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues.
  A great deal of information is harvested, spanning system state and configuration. The data is stored /var/tmp directory.
  sysdiagnose can be triggered upon pressing a special key chord; this is currently Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period.
WHAT sysdiagnose COLLECTS:
  - A spindump of the system
  - Several seconds of fs_usage ouput
  - Several seconds of top output
  - Data about kernel zones
  - Status of loaded kernel extensions
  - Resident memory usage of user processes
  - All system logs, kernel logs, opendirectory log, windowserver log, and log of power management events
  - A System Profiler report
  - All spin and crash reports
  - Disk usage information
  - I/O Kit registry information
  - Network status
  - If a specific process is supplied as an argument: a list of malloc-allocated buffers in the process's heap is collected
  - If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about unreferenced malloc buffers in the process's memory is collected
  - If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about the virtual memory regions allocated in the process
