Lead the bidirectional circular linked list——双向循环链表

//lead the bidirectional circular link list

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "list.h"

#define NAMESIZE 24

typedef struct stuinfo{
 int id;
 char name[NAMESIZE];
 int math;

static void print_s(const void *data)
 const DATA *stup = data;
 printf("%d %s %d\n",

static int IdCmp(const void *key, const void *data)
 const int *id = key;
 const DATA *stup = data;

 return (*id - stup->id);
static int NameCmp(const void *key, const void *data)
 const char *name = key;
 const DATA *stup = data;

 return strcmp(name, stup->name);

int main()
 int i;
 int id = 5;
 char name[NAMESIZE] = "stu3";
 DATA stu, *stup;
 LIST handle = NULL;

 handle = ListCreate(sizeof(DATA));
 if(NULL == handle)
  return -1;

 for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
  stu.id = i + 1;
    "stu%d", i + 1);
  stu.math = 100 - i;

  //ListInsert(handle, &stu, HEADINSERT);
  ListInsert(handle, &stu, TAILINSERT);
 //stup = ListFind(handle, &id, IdCmp);
 stup = ListFind(handle, name, NameCmp);
 if(stup != NULL)
  printf("not find\n");
 ListDelete(handle, name, NameCmp);
 ListDelete(handle, &id, IdCmp);

 ListDisplay(handle, print_s);
 return 0;


#ifndef _LIST_H__
#define _LIST_H__

#define HEADINSERT 1
#define TAILINSERT         2

struct listnode;
struct headnode;
typedef struct headnode *LIST;
typedef struct listnode *PtrNode;

typedef void print(const void *);
typedef int cmp(const void *, const void *);

LIST ListCreate(int);
int ListInsert(LIST, const void *, int);
void *ListFind(LIST, const void *, cmp *);
int ListDelete(LIST, const void *, cmp *);
int ListFetch(LIST, const void *, cmp *, void *);
void ListDisplay(LIST, print *);
void ListDispose(LIST);

struct listnode{
 void *data;
 struct listnode *prev;
 struct listnode *next;

struct headnode{
 int size;
 struct listnode head;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "list.h"

LIST ListCreate(int size)
 LIST handle = malloc(sizeof(*handle));
 if(NULL == handle)
  return NULL;

 handle->size = size;
 handle->head.data = NULL;
 handle->head.prev = handle->head.next = &handle->head;

 return handle;

int ListInsert(LIST l, const void *data, int mode)
 PtrNode cur = malloc(sizeof(*cur));
 if(NULL == cur)
  return -1;
 cur->data = malloc(l->size);
 if(NULL == cur->data)
  return -2;

 memcpy(cur->data, data, l->size);

 if(mode == HEADINSERT)
  cur->next = l->head.next;
  cur->prev = &l->head;
 else if(mode == TAILINSERT)
  cur->next = &l->head;
  cur->prev = l->head.prev;
  return -3;
 cur->prev->next = cur;
 cur->next->prev = cur;
 return 0;

static PtrNode find(LIST l, const void *key, cmp *funp)
 PtrNode p = l->head.next;

 for(;p != &l->head && funp(key, p->data); p = p->next);

 return p;

void *ListFind(LIST l, const void *key, cmp *funp)
 return find(l, key, funp)->data;

int ListDelete(LIST l, const void *key, cmp *funp)
 PtrNode p = find(l, key, funp);
 if(p == &l->head)
  return -1;

 p->prev->next = p->next;
 p->next->prev = p->prev;
 //p->prev = p->next = NULL;
 //p = NULL;
 return 0;

int ListFetch(LIST l, const void *key, cmp * funp, void *data)
 PtrNode p = find(l, key, funp);
 if(p == &l->head)
  return -1;

 memcpy(data, p->data, l->size);
 p->prev->next = p->next;
 p->next->prev = p->prev;
 //p->prev = p->next = NULL;
 //p = NULL;
 return 0;

void ListDisplay(LIST l, print *funp)
 PtrNode p = l->head.next;

 while(p != &l->head)
  p = p->next;

void ListDispose(LIST l)
 PtrNode p = l->head.next;
 PtrNode q;

 while(p != &l->head)
  q = p;
  p = p->next;


