From: Walter Oliver
Sent: 2008年2月28日 5:15
Subject: The New Hosting Guidance in is LIVE!
The new Hosting Guidance is now LIVE, this is an important part of the new IIS.NET site (see attached announcement). Its goal is to provide Hosters with the information they need to Deploy, Configure, Provision, and Manage their Windows Server 2008 environments. It covers key components of the Windows Hosting platform: IIS, ASP.NET, Silverlight, WCF, SQL Server, WSS, FastCGI/PHP, AD, WSUS, DHCP, DNS, and others. It features:
1. Information based on Windows Server 2008 Hosting scenarios. Initial focus on bootstrapping web and application hosting for shared hosting scenarios, next Dedicated and Virtual Hosting.
2. Best practice guidance for Web Hosting. Validated and Updated Guidance and samples by MS with feedback from the community.
3. Sample Managed Code and PowerShell Scripts.
4. Hosted in IIS.NET new Wiki publishing technology.
5. Regular contributions by the product teams
6. Leverages articles from Technet, IIS.NET, and other MS Libraries.
7. Quarterly updates to refresh hosting content and to add hosting scenarios
Many thanks to the various teams whose content is included or referenced through the site and to those who have provided valuable feedback:
1. IIS Team: dev, test, and PM teams… all of it!!
2. WinISP team: Rich Mullen, Patrick Wright, Scott Gayler, and Mark Lium.
3. MCS Team: Mannan Mohammed, Mark Stevenson, Lisa Takahashi, and Gang Pan.
4. Members of the Hosting Advisory Council.
5. Com Sector: Michael Joffe.
6. Marketing: Hyder Ali.
7. The SQL Team: Ruwen Hess.
8. WSS: Jason Cahill and Bob Sutton.
9. Deployment teams: Mike Lewis and Jez Sadler.
10. Many others…
Now is time to give it a try! Browse, search, discover. We want to know what you think. Please send any feedback to the alias iisnet
Thank you ALL!!
Walter Oliver
PM, IIS Team.