上周技术关注:Visual Studio 2005 Professional Released

  • [VSTS; 开发工具] Visual Studio 2005 Professional Released #
    Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2005正式版昨天推出.MSDN订阅者现在可以从MSDN订阅站点上下载他们了.同时包括Visual Studio Team System Tester,Developer和Architect还有新的为构架设计的Visio和Infopath VSTO Toolkit..NET Framework 2.0现在也可以下载了,有中文版的.但是SDK只有英文版的,微软说过两天就会推出.
  • [开发工具] Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind? #
    Visual Studio can be one of the programmer's best friends, but over the years it has become increasingly pushy, domineering, and suffering from unsettling control issues. Should we just surrender to Visual Studio's insistence on writing our code for us? Or is Visual Studio sapping our programming intelligence rather than augmenting it? This talk dissects the code generated by Visual Studio; analyzes the appalling programming practices it perpetuates; rhapsodizes about the joys, frustrations, and satisfactions of unassisted coding; and speculates about the radical changes that Avalon will bring.
  • [搜索; 微软] Microsoft launches Search Technology Center in China #
    The MSR Asia STC will focus on leveraging data mining, machine learning and knowledge discovery techniques to drive information analysis, organization, retrieval and visualization. Search technologies and innovations already created by Microsoft Research include multimedia, mobile and vertical search. A number of new technologies which were created at Microsoft Research have been transferred into MSN products.
  • [ajax] 使用Ajax的挑战 #
    你现在应该对于Ajax的基本原则有了一个良好的了解,另外,你应该理解一些更高级的随Ajax方法而来的设计问题。创建一个成功的Ajax应用需要一系列的方法—从JavaScript UI设计到服务器端架构—但是你现在应该已经具备了需要使用到的Ajax核心知识。
  • [javascript] moo.fx - the next small thing #
    moo.fx is a superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library, written with prototype.js.It's easy to use, fast, cross-browser, standards compliant, provides controls to modify Height, Width, and Opacity with builtin checks that won't let a user break the effect with multiple crazy clicks. It's also optimized to make you write the lesser code possible.
  • [Tech.Ed] 微软技术大会 Tech.Ed2005 所有讲义(ppt格式)下载地址 #
    昨天刚刚下载了微软技术大会 Tech.Ed 2005 讲义,得一个一个手工点,累死了,我把下载地址放到上面,省得兄弟们和我一样受累。
  • [RSS] 十个RSS使用技巧 #
  • [Google; 微软] 旁观者的奇妙冒险: 是谁阻挡了微软? #
    说到底,在长期被称为“Bill Gates和他的野蛮人”,被称为“the beast return”,在打了这么多反垄断官司之后,微软就像70年代的IBM一样,把竞争的膘悍劲头丧失了,虽然我们还是看到它努力跟全世界的对手搏斗,可它把自己的致命武器,那种压路机一样倾轧创新型小公司的本领,丢掉了。很不巧,现在来了一个它所见过的,最不放弃创新的对手。
  • [搜索技术] Web2.0 Apps: 功能绝对丰富的exalead #
  • [ajax] AJAX基础教程 #
  • [搜索技术; yahoo] 搜索引擎功能大比拼 #
  • [Google] Gmai程序员谈Gmail:猜一猜谁34岁了 #
  • [Google; 微软; 苹果] Google达到顶峰了吗? #

