

the interface for Wifi's error models

1.1 NistErrorRateModel 继承ErrorRateModel
A model for the error rate for different modulations. For OFDM modulation, the model description and validation can be found in http://www.nsnam.org/~pei/80211ofdm.pdf. For DSSS modulations (802.11b), the model uses the

1.2 YansErrorRateModel  继承ErrorRateModel
Model the error rate for different modulations.

A packet of interest (e.g., a packet can potentially be received by the MAC) is divided into chunks. Each chunk is related to an start/end receiving event. For each chunk, it calculates the ratio (SINR) between received power of packet of interest and summation of noise and interfering power of all the other incoming packets. Then, it will calculate the success rate of the chunk based on BER of the modulation. The success reception rate of the packet is derived from the success rate of all chunks.

The 802.11b modulations:

    1 Mbps mode is based on DBPSK. BER is from equation 5.2-69 from John G. Proakis Digitial Communications, 2001 edition
    2 Mbps model is based on DQPSK. Equation 8 from "Tight bounds and accurate approximations for dqpsk transmission bit error rate", G. Ferrari and G.E. Corazza ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 40(20):1284-1285, September 2004
    5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps are based on equations (18) and (17) from "Properties and performance of the ieee 802.11b complementarycode-key signal sets", Michael B. Pursley and Thomas C. Royster. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 57(2):440-449, February 2009.
    More detailed description and validation can be found in http://www.nsnam.org/~pei/80211b.pdf

2. PropagationDelayModel
calculate a propagation delay.

2.1 ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel 继承PropagationDelayModel
the propagation delay speed is constant

2.2 RandomPropagationDelayModel 继承PropagationDelayModel
the propagation delay is random

3. PropagationLossModel
Modelize the propagation loss through a transmission medium.
Calculate the receive power (dbm) from a transmit power (dbm) and a mobility model for the source and destination positions.

3.1 Cost231PropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
The COST-Hata-Model is the most often cited of the COST 231 models.

Also called the Hata Model PCS Extension, it is a radio propagation model that extends the Hata Model (which in turn is based on the Okumura Model) to cover a more elaborated range of frequencies. COST (COperation europ�enne dans le domaine de la recherche Scientifique et Technique) is a European Union Forum for cooperative scientific research which has developed this model accordingly to various experiments and researches. This model is applicable to urban areas. To further evaluate Path Loss in Suburban or Rural Quasi-open/Open Areas. Frequency: 1500 MHz to 2000 MHz Mobile Station Antenna Height: 1 up to 10m Base station Antenna Height: 30m to 200m Link Distance:up to 20 km

3.2 FixedRssLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
Return a constant received power level independent of the transmit power.

The received power is constant independent of the transmit power. The user must set received power level through the Rss attribute or public SetRss() method. Note that if this loss model is chained to other loss models via SetNext() method, it can only be the first loss model in such a chain, or else it will disregard the losses computed by loss models that precede it in the chain.

3.3 FriisPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
a Friis propagation loss model

3.4 JakesPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
a Jakes propagation loss model

3.5 LogDistancePropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
a log distance propagation model.

3.6 MatrixPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
The propagation loss is fixed for each pair of nodes and doesn't depend on their actual positions.

3.7 NakagamiPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
Nakagami-m fast fading propagation loss model.

3.8 RandomPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
The propagation loss follows a random distribution.

3.9 RangePropagationLossModel  继承PropagationLossModel
The propagation loss depends only on the distance (range) between transmitter and receiver.
The single MaxRange attribute (units of meters) determines path loss. Receivers at or within MaxRange meters receive the transmission at the transmit power level. Receivers beyond MaxRange receive at power -1000 dBm (effectively zero).

3.10 ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
A log distance path loss propagation model with three distance fields. This model is the same as ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel except that it has three distance fields: near, middle and far with different exponents.

3.11 TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel 继承PropagationLossModel
a Two-Ray Ground propagation loss model ported from NS2 Two-ray ground reflection model.
