hive json 查询

hive json 查询

select count(1),  get_json_object(datainfo, '$.dataInfo.domainFlag')  from t_origin_ugc_stat_online where datecol='2015-05-28' and appid=1000 and category='user.reg' group by get_json_object(datainfo, '$.dataInfo.domainFlag');

/opt/hive-0.9.0/bin/hive -e "use ent;select distinct ysuid from t_origin_web_type_access_stat_online where datecol between '2015-05-21' and '2015-06-02' order by ysuid" > 20150602ysuid_uv.txt

/opt/hive-0.9.0/bin/hive -e "use ent;select distinct get_json_object(datainfo, '$.dataInfo.ysuid') as ysuid from t_origin_ugc_union_online where datecol between '2015-05-21' and '2015-06-02' and category='ugc.consume' and ugcType = 't_accountrecord'" > 20150602ysuid_con.txt

/opt/hive-0.9.0/bin/hive -e "use ent;select distinct get_json_object(datainfo, '$.dataInfo.ysuid') as ysuid from t_origin_ugc_union_online where datecol between '2015-05-21' and '2015-06-02' and category='user.reg' and ugcType = 't_user'" > 20150602ysuid_reg.txt
