掌握好基础啊!<<Effective C++>>,<<C++ Primer>>
重构,重载,析构函数里(重构,重载,)new,malloc异常 堆和栈
OOP,OSI七层模型(应用层:http,ftp 传输层:tcp)
数据库 sybase
2.10.2 The DOCTYPE declaration
An XML file which is valid (as opposed to simply well-formed) must specify a DTD against which its content is to be validated. This is the function of the DOCTYPE declaration.
The DOCTYPE declaration contains, following the DOCTYPE keyword, at least two parts: the name of the root element for the associated document, and a set of declarations for all the elements, attributes, notations, entities, etc. which together define the document type declaration (DTD) of that document. Note, incidentally, that the root element name (and hence the DOCTYPE name) may be that of any element whose declaration is supplied in this set. The declarations may be supplied explicitly, or by reference to an external entity such as a file, or by a combination of the two.
Taking each of these possibilities in turn, we first present a DOCTYPE declaration in which the declarations for all the elements, attributes, etc. required are given explicitly:
<!DOCTYPE myDoc [ <!ELEMENT myDoc (p+) > <!ATTLIST myDoc n CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA)> ]> <myDoc n="1"> <p>This is an instance of a "my.doc" document</p> </myDoc>Note that the required declarations are enclosed within square brackets inside the DOCTYPE declaration: this part of the declaration is technically known as the DTD subset .
More usually, however, the required declarations will be held in a separate entity and invoked by reference, as follows:
<!DOCTYPE myDoc SYSTEM "myDoc.dtd" []> <myDoc> <p>This is another instance of a "myDoc" document.</p> <p>It has two paragraphs.</p> </myDoc>Note the similarity between the syntax used to reference the external entity containing the required declarations and that used to define any other system entity (see 2.7.1 Entity declarations ). The square brackets may be supplied even though they enclose nothing, as in this example, or they may be omitted.
Next, we present a case where declarations are given both within the DTD subset and by reference to an external entity:
<!DOCTYPE myDoc SYSTEM "myDoc.dtd" [ <!ENTITY tla "three letter acronym">]> <myDoc> <p>This is yet another instance of a "myDoc" document.</p> <p>It is surprisingly free of &tla;s.</p> </myDoc>
Any kind of declaration may be added to a DTD subset; as we have already seen (2.8.2 Conditional marked section), this is the mechanism by which the TEI DTD is customized.
<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 PUBLIC "-//TEI P3//DTD Main Document Type//EN" "tei2.dtd" [ <!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE'> <!ENTITY % TEI.XML 'INCLUDE'> <!ENTITY tla "Three Letter Acronym"> <!ENTITY % x.phrase 'myTag|'> <!ELEMENT myTag (#PCDATA) > <!-- any other special-purpose declarations or re-declarations go here --> ]> <TEI.2> <!-- This is an instance of a modified TEI.2 type document, which may contain <myTag>my special tags</myTag> and references to my usual entities such as &tla;. --> </TEI.2>When, as here, the document type declaration in force includes both the contents of the DTD subset, and the contents of some external entity (in the case above, whatever file is specified by the PUBLIC identifier given, tei2.dtd by default), declarations in the DTD subset are always carried out first. As noted above, ( 2.7.5 Parameter entities ), the order is important, because in XML only the first declaration of an entity counts. In the above example, therefore, the declaration of the entity tla in the DTD subset takes precedence over any declaration of the same entity in the file tei2.dtd . Similarly, the declaration for x.phrase takes precedence over the existing declaration for that entity in the TEI dtd. It is perfectly legal for entities to be declared more than once; elements, by contrast, may not be declared more than once; if a declaration for <myTag> were already contained in file tei.dtd , the XML parser would signal an error.
2. C++new失败的处理
我们都知道,使用 malloc/calloc 等分配内存的函数时,一定要检查其返回值是否为“空指针”(亦即检查分配内存的操作是否成功),这是良好的编程习惯,也是编写可靠程序所必需的。但是,如果你简单地把这一招应用到 new 上,那可就不一定正确了。我经常看到类似这样的代码:
int* p = new int[SIZE]; 其实,这里的 if ( p == 0 ) 完全是没啥意义的。C++ 里,如果 new 分配内存失败,默认是抛出异常的。所以,如果分配成功,p == 0 就绝对不会成立;而如果分配失败了,也不会执行 if ( p == 0 ),因为分配失败时,new 就会抛出异常跳过后面的代码。如果你想检查 new 是否成功,应该捕捉异常: try { 据说一些老的编译器里,new 如果分配内存失败,是不抛出异常的(大概是因为那时 C++ 还没加入异常机制),而是和 malloc 一样,返回空指针。不过我从来都没遇到过 new 返回空指针的情况。 当然,标准 C++ 亦提供了一个方法来抑制 new 抛出异常,而返回空指针: int* p = new (std::nothrow) int; // 这样如果 new 失败了,就不会抛出异常,而是返回空指针 ===============================详解=================================== 首先按c++标准的话,new失败会抛出bad_alloc异常,但是有些编译器对c++标准支持不是很好,比如vc++6.0中new失败不会抛出异常,而返回0 |
3.stlcontainer Adapter
1、容器(Containers):各种数据结构,如Vector,List,Deque,Set,Map,用来存放数据,STL容器是一种Class Template,就体积而言,这一部分很像冰山载海面的比率。 ——《STL源码剖析》 |
4. 关键字 volatile
与锁相比,Volatile 变量是一种非常简单但同时又非常脆弱的同步机制,它在某些情况下将提供优于锁的性能和伸缩性。如果严格遵循 volatile 的使用条件 —— 即变量真正独立于其他变量和自己以前的值 —— 在某些情况下可以使用 volatile
代替 synchronized
来简化代码。然而,使用 volatile
的代码往往比使用锁的代码更加容易出错。本文介绍的模式涵盖了可以使用 volatile
的最常见的一些用例。遵循这些模式(注意使用时不要超过各自的限制)可以帮助您安全地实现大多数用例,使用 volatile 变量获得更佳性能。
5. 析构函数 异常问题
1: 构造函数中是否可以抛异常?
2: 有什么限制吗?
建议,在构造函数中不要做过多的事情,只是能对成员变量的做初始化工作就好了。真的需要做其他复杂的初始化操作,完全可以提供一个Init或Start函数. 这样在Init或Start抛出异常后,如果对象是在栈上,析构函数仍会被调用。如果是在堆上,需要在捕获Init或Start抛出的异常后,delete对象。
网申结束后2天收到邮件,通知进行IKM online test,有C++, C#, Java可供选择,选择其一即可。收到邮件后,开始在网上收IKM的相关资料,但很遗憾,没有找到原题。从查到的信息来看,大概是说这个测试很难,题目是adaptive的。另外可以找到考试的说明,大概来说,题目都是选择题,答题的正确率比速度更重要等等。
也不知道怎么准备。。于是开着google,旁边放本C++ premier就开始做题。选的是C#的题目,一共35分钟。题目范围很广,涉及到多线程(lock等知识点)、内存管理、调试、界面类(与C#对应)、多态继承以及一些设计模式的问题。另外,还有给个程序,让你指出哪里有错误的题目。题目确实很难,而且大部分题一时半会是查不到。我做题速度很慢,一共只做了20多道题,估计要挂。
刚做完了,只做了17道。貌似题目都是看上去不难(我的意思是以概念题为主,看来我悲剧了,做的太差,系统默认给我越来越简单了),当然我还是不会做就是了。悲剧啊。。 选的C++,貌似主要考C++、面向对象和unix线程的一些概念。
没有,全是选择题。主要考 C,面向对象和unix操作系统一些东西。
标签: 杂谈 |
分类: 我的求职 |