


   1.EXP和IMP是客户段工具程序, EXPDP和IMPDP是服务端的工具程序;

       2.EXP和IMP效率比较低. EXPDP和IMPDP效率高;


   4.数据泵不支持9i以前版本, EXP/IMP短期内还是比较适用;





   命令:createdirectory oracleDB as 'D:\OracleDB';


   命令:Grantread,write on directory oracleDB to radpcs;


   命令:expdp radpcs/ictradpcs@rdpcs directory=oracleDB dumpfile =20150226.dmp logfile=20150226.logFULL=y;




  命令:--sqlplus /nolog

        --conn system/system@radpcs as sysdba








    SIZE 1024K;






    SIZE 1024K;



create user radpcs identified by ictradpcs
default tablespace radpcs_data
quota unlimited on radpcs_data
quota unlimited on radpcs_indx;

grant aq_administrator_role to radpcs;
grant aq_user_role to radpcs;
grant authenticateduser to radpcs;
grant connect to radpcs;
grant ctxapp to radpcs;
grant dba to radpcs;
grant delete_catalog_role to radpcs;
grant ejbclient to radpcs;
grant execute_catalog_role to radpcs;
grant exp_full_database to radpcs;
grant gather_system_statistics to radpcs;
grant hs_admin_role to radpcs;
grant imp_full_database to radpcs;
grant javadebugpriv to radpcs;
grant javaidpriv to radpcs;
grant javasyspriv to radpcs;
grant javauserpriv to radpcs;
grant java_admin to radpcs;
grant java_deploy to radpcs;
grant logstdby_administrator to radpcs;
grant oem_monitor to radpcs;
grant olap_dba to radpcs;
grant recovery_catalog_owner to radpcs;
grant resource to radpcs;
grant select_catalog_role to radpcs;
grant xdbadmin to radpcs;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges 
grant administer database trigger to radpcs;
grant alter any cluster to radpcs;
grant alter any dimension to radpcs;
grant alter any index to radpcs;
grant alter any indextype to radpcs;
grant alter any library to radpcs;
grant alter any outline to radpcs;
grant alter any procedure to radpcs;
grant alter any role to radpcs;
grant alter any sequence to radpcs;
grant alter any snapshot to radpcs;
grant alter any table to radpcs;
grant alter any trigger to radpcs;
grant alter any type to radpcs;
grant alter database to radpcs;
grant alter profile to radpcs;
grant alter resource cost to radpcs;
grant alter rollback segment to radpcs;
grant alter session to radpcs;
grant alter system to radpcs;
grant alter tablespace to radpcs;
grant alter user to radpcs;
grant analyze any to radpcs;
grant audit any to radpcs;
grant audit system to radpcs;
grant backup any table to radpcs;
grant become user to radpcs;
grant comment any table to radpcs;
grant create any cluster to radpcs;
grant create any context to radpcs;
grant create any dimension to radpcs;
grant create any directory to radpcs;
grant create any index to radpcs;
grant create any indextype to radpcs;
grant create any library to radpcs;
grant create any operator to radpcs;
grant create any outline to radpcs;
grant create any procedure to radpcs;
grant create any sequence to radpcs;
grant create any snapshot to radpcs;
grant create any synonym to radpcs;
grant create any table to radpcs;
grant create any trigger to radpcs;
grant create any type to radpcs;
grant create any view to radpcs;
grant create cluster to radpcs;
grant create database link to radpcs;
grant create dimension to radpcs;
grant create indextype to radpcs;
grant create library to radpcs;
grant create operator to radpcs;
grant create procedure to radpcs;
grant create profile to radpcs;
grant create public database link to radpcs;
grant create public synonym to radpcs;
grant create role to radpcs;
grant create rollback segment to radpcs;
grant create sequence to radpcs;
grant create session to radpcs;
grant create snapshot to radpcs;
grant create synonym to radpcs;
grant create table to radpcs;
grant create tablespace to radpcs;
grant create trigger to radpcs;
grant create type to radpcs;
grant create user to radpcs;
grant create view to radpcs;
grant debug any procedure to radpcs;
grant debug connect session to radpcs;
grant delete any table to radpcs;
grant drop any cluster to radpcs;
grant drop any context to radpcs;
grant drop any dimension to radpcs;
grant drop any directory to radpcs;
grant drop any index to radpcs;
grant drop any indextype to radpcs;
grant drop any library to radpcs;
grant drop any operator to radpcs;
grant drop any outline to radpcs;
grant drop any procedure to radpcs;
grant drop any role to radpcs;
grant drop any sequence to radpcs;
grant drop any snapshot to radpcs;
grant drop any synonym to radpcs;
grant drop any table to radpcs;
grant drop any trigger to radpcs;
grant drop any type to radpcs;
grant drop any view to radpcs;
grant drop profile to radpcs;
grant drop public database link to radpcs;
grant drop public synonym to radpcs;
grant drop rollback segment to radpcs;
grant drop tablespace to radpcs;
grant drop user to radpcs;
grant execute any indextype to radpcs;
grant execute any library to radpcs;
grant execute any operator to radpcs;
grant execute any procedure to radpcs;
grant execute any type to radpcs;
grant flashback any table to radpcs;
grant force any transaction to radpcs;
grant force transaction to radpcs;
grant global query rewrite to radpcs;
grant grant any object privilege to radpcs;
grant grant any privilege to radpcs;
grant grant any role to radpcs;
grant insert any table to radpcs;
grant lock any table to radpcs;
grant manage tablespace to radpcs;
grant on commit refresh to radpcs;
grant query rewrite to radpcs;
grant restricted session to radpcs;
grant resumable to radpcs;
grant select any sequence to radpcs;
grant select any table to radpcs;
grant under any table to radpcs;
grant under any type to radpcs;
grant under any view to radpcs;
grant unlimited tablespace to radpcs;
grant update any table to radpcs;
grant select on dba_free_space to radpcs;
grant select on dba_data_files to radpcs;


   命令:createdirectory oracleDB as 'D:\OracleDB';


   命令:Grantread,write on directory oracleDB to radpcs;


   命令:impdp radpcs/ictradpcs@rdpcs directory=oracleDB dumpfile=20150226.dmp logfile=20150226.log;


