2. 应用程序注册键盘消息接收通道的过程分析
InputManager启动以后,就开始负责监控键盘输入事件了。当InputManager监控到键盘输入事件时,它应该把这个键盘事件分发给谁呢?当然是要把这个键盘消息分发给当前激活的Activity窗口了,不过,当前激活的Activity窗口还需要主动注册一个键盘消息接收通道到InputManager中去,InputManager才能把这个键盘消息分发给它处理。那么,当前被激活的Activity窗口又是什么时候去注册这个键盘消息接收通道的呢?在前面一篇文章Android应用程序启动过程源代码分析中,我们分析Android应用程序的启动过程时,在Step 33中分析到ActivityThread类的handleLaunchActivity函数中,我们曾经说过,当函数handleLaunchActivity调用performLaunchActivity函数来加载这个完毕应用程序的默认Activity后,再次回到handleLaunchActivity函数时,会调用handleResumeActivity函数来使这个Activity进入Resumed状态。在调用handleResumeActivity函数的过程中,ActivityThread会通过android.view.WindowManagerImpl类为该Activity创建一个ViewRoot实例,并且会通过调用ViewRoot类的setView成员函数把与该Activity关联的View设置到这个ViewRoot中去,而Activity正是通过ViewRoot类的setView成员函数来注册键盘消息接收通道的。

Step 1. ViewRoot.setView
- public final class ViewRoot extends Handler implements ViewParent,
- View.AttachInfo.Callbacks {
- ......
- public void setView(View view, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs,
- View panelParentView) {
- ......
- synchronized (this) {
- if (mView == null) {
- ......
- requestLayout();
- mInputChannel = new InputChannel();
- try {
- res = sWindowSession.add(mWindow, mWindowAttributes,
- getHostVisibility(), mAttachInfo.mContentInsets,
- mInputChannel);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- ......
- } finally {
- ......
- }
- ......
- if (view instanceof RootViewSurfaceTaker) {
- mInputQueueCallback =
- ((RootViewSurfaceTaker)view).willYouTakeTheInputQueue();
- }
- if (mInputQueueCallback != null) {
- mInputQueue = new InputQueue(mInputChannel);
- mInputQueueCallback.onInputQueueCreated(mInputQueue);
- } else {
- InputQueue.registerInputChannel(mInputChannel, mInputHandler,
- Looper.myQueue());
- }
- ......
- }
- }
- }
- }
Step 2. ViewRoot.requestLayout
- public final class ViewRoot extends Handler implements ViewParent,
- View.AttachInfo.Callbacks {
- ......
- public void requestLayout() {
- ......
- mLayoutRequested = true;
- scheduleTraversals();
- }
- ......
- }
Step 3. WindowManagerService.Session.relayout
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java 文件中:
- public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
- implements Watchdog.Monitor {
- ......
- private final class Session extends IWindowSession.Stub
- implements IBinder.DeathRecipient {
- ......
- public int relayout(IWindow window, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs,
- int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, int viewFlags,
- boolean insetsPending, Rect outFrame, Rect outContentInsets,
- Rect outVisibleInsets, Configuration outConfig, Surface outSurface) {
- int res = relayoutWindow(this, window, attrs,
- requestedWidth, requestedHeight, viewFlags, insetsPending,
- outFrame, outContentInsets, outVisibleInsets, outConfig, outSurface);
- return res;
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
Step 4. WindowManagerService.relayoutWIndow
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java 文件中:
- public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
- implements Watchdog.Monitor {
- ......
- public int relayoutWindow(Session session, IWindow client,
- WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, int requestedWidth,
- int requestedHeight, int viewVisibility, boolean insetsPending,
- Rect outFrame, Rect outContentInsets, Rect outVisibleInsets,
- Configuration outConfig, Surface outSurface) {
- ......
- synchronized(mWindowMap) {
- ......
- mInputMonitor.updateInputWindowsLw();
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
Step 5. InputMonitor.updateInputWindowsLw
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java 文件中:
- public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
- implements Watchdog.Monitor {
- ......
- final class InputMonitor {
- ......
- public void updateInputWindowsLw() {
- final ArrayList<WindowState> windows = mWindows;
- final int N = windows.size();
- for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- final WindowState child = windows.get(i);
- if (child.mInputChannel == null || child.mRemoved) {
- continue;
- }
- ......
- final InputWindow inputWindow = mTempInputWindows.add();
- ......
- }
- mInputManager.setInputWindows(mTempInputWindows.toNullTerminatedArray());
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
Step 6. InputManager.setInputWindows
- public class InputManager {
- ......
- public void setInputWindows(InputWindow[] windows) {
- nativeSetInputWindows(windows);
- }
- ......
- }
Step 7. InputManager.nativeSetInputWindows
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni/com_android_server_InputManager.cpp 文件中:
- static void android_server_InputManager_nativeSetInputWindows(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
- jobjectArray windowObjArray) {
- if (checkInputManagerUnitialized(env)) {
- return;
- }
- gNativeInputManager->setInputWindows(env, windowObjArray);
- }
Step 8. NativeInputManager.setInputWindows
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni/com_android_server_InputManager.cpp 文件中:
- void NativeInputManager::setInputWindows(JNIEnv* env, jobjectArray windowObjArray) {
- Vector<InputWindow> windows;
- jsize length = env->GetArrayLength(windowObjArray);
- for (jsize i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- jobject inputTargetObj = env->GetObjectArrayElement(windowObjArray, i);
- if (! inputTargetObj) {
- break;
- }
- windows.push();
- InputWindow& window = windows.editTop();
- bool valid = populateWindow(env, inputTargetObj, window);
- if (! valid) {
- windows.pop();
- }
- env->DeleteLocalRef(inputTargetObj);
- }
- mInputManager->getDispatcher()->setInputWindows(windows);
- }
Step 9. InputDispatcher.setInputWindows
- void InputDispatcher::setInputWindows(const Vector<InputWindow>& inputWindows) {
- ......
- {
- AutoMutex _l(mLock);
- sp<InputChannel> oldFocusedWindowChannel;
- if (mFocusedWindow) {
- oldFocusedWindowChannel = mFocusedWindow->inputChannel;
- mFocusedWindow = NULL;
- }
- mWindows.clear();
- mWindows.appendVector(inputWindows);
- size_t numWindows = mWindows.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
- const InputWindow* window = & mWindows.itemAt(i);
- if (window->hasFocus) {
- mFocusedWindow = window;
- break;
- }
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
回到Step 1中的ViewRoot.setView函数中,接下来就调用下面语句来注册键盘消息接收通道的一端到InputManager中去:
- mInputChannel = new InputChannel();
- try {
- res = sWindowSession.add(mWindow, mWindowAttributes,
- getHostVisibility(), mAttachInfo.mContentInsets,
- mInputChannel);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- ......
- } finally {
- ......
- }
Step 10. WindowManagerService.Session.add
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java 文件中:
- public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
- implements Watchdog.Monitor {
- ......
- private final class Session extends IWindowSession.Stub
- implements IBinder.DeathRecipient {
- ......
- public int add(IWindow window, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs,
- int viewVisibility, Rect outContentInsets, InputChannel outInputChannel) {
- return addWindow(this, window, attrs, viewVisibility, outContentInsets,
- outInputChannel);
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
Step 11. WindowManagerService.addWindow
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java 文件中:
- public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
- implements Watchdog.Monitor {
- ......
- public int addWindow(Session session, IWindow client,
- WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, int viewVisibility,
- Rect outContentInsets, InputChannel outInputChannel) {
- ......
- WindowState win = null;
- synchronized(mWindowMap) {
- ......
- win = new WindowState(session, client, token,
- attachedWindow, attrs, viewVisibility);
- ......
- if (outInputChannel != null) {
- String name = win.makeInputChannelName();
- InputChannel[] inputChannels = InputChannel.openInputChannelPair(name);
- win.mInputChannel = inputChannels[0];
- inputChannels[1].transferToBinderOutParameter(outInputChannel);
- mInputManager.registerInputChannel(win.mInputChannel);
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
这里的outInputChannel即为前面在Step 1中创建的InputChannel,它不为NULL,因此,这里会通过InputChannel.openInputChannelPair函数来创建一对输入通道,其中一个位于WindowManagerService中,另外一个通过outInputChannel参数返回到应用程序中:
- inputChannels[1].transferToBinderOutParameter(outInputChannel);
- win.mInputChannel = inputChannels[0];
Step 12. InputChannel.openInputChannelPair
- public final class InputChannel implements Parcelable {
- ......
- public static InputChannel[] openInputChannelPair(String name) {
- ......
- return nativeOpenInputChannelPair(name);
- }
- ......
- }
Step 13. InputChannel.nativeOpenInputChannelPair
- static jobjectArray android_view_InputChannel_nativeOpenInputChannelPair(JNIEnv* env,
- jclass clazz, jstring nameObj) {
- const char* nameChars = env->GetStringUTFChars(nameObj, NULL);
- String8 name(nameChars);
- env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(nameObj, nameChars);
- sp<InputChannel> serverChannel;
- sp<InputChannel> clientChannel;
- status_t result = InputChannel::openInputChannelPair(name, serverChannel, clientChannel);
- if (result) {
- LOGE("Could not open input channel pair. status=%d", result);
- jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Could not open input channel pair.");
- return NULL;
- }
- jobject serverChannelObj = android_view_InputChannel_createInputChannel(env,
- new NativeInputChannel(serverChannel));
- jobject clientChannelObj = android_view_InputChannel_createInputChannel(env,
- new NativeInputChannel(clientChannel));
- jobjectArray channelPair = env->NewObjectArray(2, gInputChannelClassInfo.clazz, NULL);
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(channelPair, 0, serverChannelObj);
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(channelPair, 1, clientChannelObj);
- return channelPair;
- }
Step 14. InputChannel.openInputChannelPair
- status_t InputChannel::openInputChannelPair(const String8& name,
- sp<InputChannel>& outServerChannel, sp<InputChannel>& outClientChannel) {
- status_t result;
- int serverAshmemFd = ashmem_create_region(name.string(), DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE);
- if (serverAshmemFd < 0) {
- ......
- } else {
- result = ashmem_set_prot_region(serverAshmemFd, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
- if (result < 0) {
- ......
- } else {
- int clientAshmemFd;
- clientAshmemFd = dup(serverAshmemFd);
- if (clientAshmemFd < 0) {
- ......
- } else {
- int forward[2];
- if (pipe(forward)) {
- ......
- } else {
- int reverse[2];
- if (pipe(reverse)) {
- ......
- } else {
- String8 serverChannelName = name;
- serverChannelName.append(" (server)");
- outServerChannel = new InputChannel(serverChannelName,
- serverAshmemFd, reverse[0], forward[1]);
- String8 clientChannelName = name;
- clientChannelName.append(" (client)");
- outClientChannel = new InputChannel(clientChannelName,
- clientAshmemFd, forward[0], reverse[1]);
- return OK;
- }
- ......
- }
- ......
- }
- }
- }
- ......
- }
- InputChannel::InputChannel(const String8& name, int32_t ashmemFd, int32_t receivePipeFd,
- int32_t sendPipeFd) :
- mName(name), mAshmemFd(ashmemFd), mReceivePipeFd(receivePipeFd), mSendPipeFd(sendPipeFd) {
- ......
- }
为了创建一个InputChannel,我们需要准备四个参数,一个是输入通道的名称name,一个是 匿名共享内存
文件描述符,一个是管道的读端文件描述符,一个是管道的写端文件描述符。在上面的openInputChannelPair函数,输入通道的名称已经作为参数传递进来,因此,还需要创建匿名共享内存文件,还有管道。这里需要创建两个管道,一个称为前向管道(forward pipe),一个称为反向管道(reverse pipe),它们交叉使用在Server端和Client端的InputChannel中,这样就使入Server和Client可以互相通信了。
Server Input Channel: ashmem - reverse(read) - forward(write)
Client Input Channel: ashmem - forward(read) - reverse(write)
前面我们在Android应用程序消息处理机制(Looper、Handler)分析一文中学习Android应用程序的消息处理机制时知道,管道可以用作进程间通信,其中一个进程在管道的读端等待新的内空可读,另一个进程在管道的写端写入新的内容以唤醒在管道读端等待的进程,这样就实现了进程间通信。在我们这个情景中,Client端可以在前向管道(forward pipe)的读端睡眠等待新的内容可读,而Server端可以通过向前向管道(forward pipe)的写端写入新的内容来唤醒Client端,同样,把前向管道(forward pipe)换成反向管道(reverse pipe),也能实现Client端唤醒Server端。在后面我们分析InputDispatcher分发键盘消息时,会看到它们的用法。
创建好了这两个输入通道后,回到Step 11中的WindowManagerService.addWindow函数中,一方面它把刚才创建的Client端的输入通道通过outInputChannel参数返回到应用程序中:
- inputChannels[1].transferToBinderOutParameter(outInputChannel);
- mInputManager.registerInputChannel(win.mInputChannel);
Step 15. InputManager.registerInputChannel
- public class InputManager {
- ......
- public void registerInputChannel(InputChannel inputChannel) {
- if (inputChannel == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("inputChannel must not be null.");
- }
- nativeRegisterInputChannel(inputChannel, false);
- }
- ......
- }
Step 16. InputManager.nativeRegisterInputChannel
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni/com_android_server_InputManager.cpp 文件中:
- static void android_server_InputManager_nativeRegisterInputChannel(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
- jobject inputChannelObj, jboolean monitor) {
- ......
- sp<InputChannel> inputChannel = android_view_InputChannel_getInputChannel(env,
- inputChannelObj);
- ......
- status_t status = gNativeInputManager->registerInputChannel(
- env, inputChannel, inputChannelObj, monitor);
- ......
- }
这里首先通过Java层的InputChannel对象获得C++层的InputChannel对象,它们之间的对应关系是在前面的Step 13中设置好的,接着调用NativeInputManager的registerInputChannel执行进一步的操作。
Step 17. NativeInputManager.registerInputChannel
这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni/com_android_server_InputManager.cpp 文件中:
- status_t NativeInputManager::registerInputChannel(JNIEnv* env,
- const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel, jobject inputChannelObj, bool monitor) {
- ......
- status = mInputManager->getDispatcher()->registerInputChannel(inputChannel, monitor);
- ......
- }
Step 18. InputDispatcher.registerInputChannel
- status_t InputDispatcher::registerInputChannel(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel, bool monitor) {
- ......
- {
- AutoMutex _l(mLock);
- if (getConnectionIndexLocked(inputChannel) >= 0) {
- LOGW("Attempted to register already registered input channel '%s'",
- inputChannel->getName().string());
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- sp<Connection> connection = new Connection(inputChannel);
- status_t status = connection->initialize();
- if (status) {
- LOGE("Failed to initialize input publisher for input channel '%s', status=%d",
- inputChannel->getName().string(), status);
- return status;
- }
- int32_t receiveFd = inputChannel->getReceivePipeFd();
- mConnectionsByReceiveFd.add(receiveFd, connection);
- if (monitor) {
- mMonitoringChannels.push(inputChannel);
- }
- mLooper->addFd(receiveFd, 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, handleReceiveCallback, this);
- runCommandsLockedInterruptible();
- }
- return OK;
- }
道的读端描述符。回忆一下Step 14中的InputChannel.openInputChannelPair函数,我们创建了一个Server端的InputChannel,就是对应这里的inputChannel了,这个inputChannel的Receive Pipe Fd就是我们前面说的反向管道的读端描述符了。有了这个Receive Pipe Fd后,就以它作为Key值来把前面创建的Connection对象保存在InputDispatcher中,这样就基本完成键盘消息接收通道的注册了。但是,注册的工作还未完成,最后,还要把这个Receive Pipe Fd添加到InputDispatcher的成员变量mLooper中去,这里的成员变量mLooper的类型为Looper,我们在前面介绍InputManager的启动过程的Step 15中已经见过了,这里就不再详述了,不过这里仍然值得介绍一下它的addFd函数。
分析到这里,Server端的InputChannel就注册完成了。回忆一下前面介绍InputManager启动过程的Step 14,这时InputDispatcherThread同时睡眠在InputDispatcher的成员变量mLooper内部的管道的读端以及这里的Server端InputChannel里面的反向管道的读端上,mLooper内部的管道的读端等待键盘事件的发生而被唤醒,而Server端InputChannel里面的反向管道的读端等待Client端InputChannel里面的反向管道的写端被写入新的内容而被唤醒。
Server端的InputChannel注册完成后,回到Step 11中的WindowManagerService.addWindow函数,接下来就是把Client端的InputChannel转换成addWindow的参数outInputChannel中,然后返回到Step 1中的ViewRoot.setView函数中,继续执行Client端的InputChannel的注册过程,即为应用程序这一侧注册键盘消息接收通道:
- if (view instanceof RootViewSurfaceTaker) {
- mInputQueueCallback =
- ((RootViewSurfaceTaker)view).willYouTakeTheInputQueue();
- }
- if (mInputQueueCallback != null) {
- mInputQueue = new InputQueue(mInputChannel);
- mInputQueueCallback.onInputQueueCreated(mInputQueue);
- } else {
- InputQueue.registerInputChannel(mInputChannel, mInputHandler,
- Looper.myQueue());
- }
- InputQueue.registerInputChannel(mInputChannel, mInputHandler,
- Looper.myQueue());
它调用InputQueue的registerInputChannel函数为应用程序注册键盘消息接收通道,这里的mInputChannel即为我们在前面Step 14中创建的Client端的InputChannel;Looper.myQueue函数返回的便是应用程序主线程的消息队列,具体可以参考前面一篇文章 Android应用程序消息处理机制(Looper、Handler)分析
Step 19. InputQueue.registerInputChannel
- public final class InputQueue {
- ......
- public static void registerInputChannel(InputChannel inputChannel, InputHandler inputHandler,
- MessageQueue messageQueue) {
- ......
- synchronized (sLock) {
- ......
- nativeRegisterInputChannel(inputChannel, inputHandler, messageQueue);
- }
- }
- ......
- }
Step 20. InputQueue.nativeRegisterInputChannel
- static void android_view_InputQueue_nativeRegisterInputChannel(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
- jobject inputChannelObj, jobject inputHandlerObj, jobject messageQueueObj) {
- status_t status = gNativeInputQueue.registerInputChannel(
- env, inputChannelObj, inputHandlerObj, messageQueueObj);
- ......
- }
Step 21. NativeInputQueue.registerInputChannel
- status_t NativeInputQueue::registerInputChannel(JNIEnv* env, jobject inputChannelObj,
- jobject inputHandlerObj, jobject messageQueueObj) {
- sp<InputChannel> inputChannel = android_view_InputChannel_getInputChannel(env,
- inputChannelObj);
- ......
- sp<Looper> looper = android_os_MessageQueue_getLooper(env, messageQueueObj);
- {
- AutoMutex _l(mLock);
- if (getConnectionIndex(inputChannel) >= 0) {
- LOGW("Attempted to register already registered input channel '%s'",
- inputChannel->getName().string());
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- uint16_t connectionId = mNextConnectionId++;
- sp<Connection> connection = new Connection(connectionId, inputChannel, looper);
- status_t result = connection->inputConsumer.initialize();
- if (result) {
- LOGW("Failed to initialize input consumer for input channel '%s', status=%d",
- inputChannel->getName().string(), result);
- return result;
- }
- connection->inputHandlerObjGlobal = env->NewGlobalRef(inputHandlerObj);
- int32_t receiveFd = inputChannel->getReceivePipeFd();
- mConnectionsByReceiveFd.add(receiveFd, connection);
- looper->addFd(receiveFd, 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, handleReceiveCallback, this);
- }
- ......
- return OK;
- }
这里注册应用程序的InputChannel的逻辑和前面介绍的Step 18中在InputDispatcher中注册Server端的InputChannel是一样的,所不同的是,这里用的looper是应用程序主线程中的消息循环对象Looper,而添加到这个looper对象中的Receive Pipe Fd是前面在Step 14中创建的前向管道的读端文件描述符,而使用的回调函数是NativeInputQueue的成员函数handleReceiveCallback。
A. 即将会被激活的Activity窗口,会通知InputManager,它是当前激活的窗口,因此,一旦发生键盘事件的时候,InputManager就把这个键盘事件抛给这个Activity处理;
B. 应用程序会为这个Activity窗口和InputManager之间创建一个键盘消息接收通道,这个通道的一端由一个Server端的InputChannel构成,另一端由Client端的InputChannel构成,Server端的InputChannel注册在由InputManager所管理的InputDispatcher中,而Client端的InputChannel注册在由应用程序主线程的消息循环对象Looper中;
C. 注册在InputDispatcher中的InputChannel由一个反向管道的读端和一个前向管道的写端组成,而注册在应用程序主线程的消息循环对象Looper中的InputChannel由这个前向管道的读端和反向管道的写端组成,这种交叉结构使得当有键盘事件发生时,InputDispatcher可以把这个事件通知给应用程序。
转自:老罗的 Android应用程序键盘(Keyboard)消息处理机制分析