1.GDAL/OGR In CSharp官网主页
2.GDAL CSharp 编译后的dll 下载地址
3.一个不错的帮助文档gdal api document
5.GDAL Raster Formats
1.编译后的DLL下载地址:http://www.gisinternals.com/sdk/,在“GDAL and MapServer lasted release version”中下载最新版本。
原因分析:1.gdal初始化时,因其依赖dll项不全导致注册失败抛出异常,可采用Dependency Walker工具查看相关依赖项。简单的把九个DLL和找到的所有依赖项拷贝到debug目录下,通常也是不能解决问题的。
2.如果同一个应用程序的主程序与其所引用的类库使用不同版本的gdal csharp dll 文件,会出现同样的异常。
3.综合分析此异常是因其依赖的dll 和 配置信息引起的,且dll 与配置相关的文件必须对应。
1. GdalConfiguration.cs
2. gdal_data_config.rar
3.GdalConfiguration类的内容如下:/****************************************************************************** * * Name: GdalConfiguration.cs.pp * Project: GDAL CSharp Interface * Purpose: A static configuration utility class to enable GDAL/OGR. * Author: Felix Obermaier * *****************************************************************************/ using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Gdal = OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal; using Ogr = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr; namespace SharpMap { public static partial class GdalConfiguration { private static bool _configuredOgr; private static bool _configuredGdal; /// <summary> /// Function to determine which platform we're on /// </summary> private static string GetPlatform() { return IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "x86" : "x64"; } /// <summary> /// Construction of Gdal/Ogr /// </summary> static GdalConfiguration() { var executingAssemblyFile = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).LocalPath; var executingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(executingAssemblyFile); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(executingDirectory)) throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot get executing directory"); var gdalPath = Path.Combine(executingDirectory, "gdal"); var nativePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, GetPlatform()); // Prepend native path to environment path, to ensure the // right libs are being used. var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); path = nativePath + ";" + Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins") + ";" + path; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path); // Set the additional GDAL environment variables. var gdalData = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "data"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DATA", gdalData); Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", gdalData); var driverPath = Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath); Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData); Gdal.SetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData); var projSharePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "share"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath); Gdal.SetConfigOption("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath); } /// <summary> /// Method to ensure the static constructor is being called. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Be sure to call this function before using Gdal/Ogr/Osr</remarks> public static void ConfigureOgr() { if (_configuredOgr) return; // Register drivers Ogr.RegisterAll(); _configuredOgr = true; } /// <summary> /// Method to ensure the static constructor is being called. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Be sure to call this function before using Gdal/Ogr/Osr</remarks> public static void ConfigureGdal() { if (_configuredGdal) return; // Register drivers Gdal.AllRegister(); _configuredGdal = true; } } }
// 设置Shp字段、属性等的编码为空
Gdal.SetConfigOption("SHAPE_ENCODING", "");
// 解决Shp文件中文路径乱码,无法读取的问题(有时去掉却可以识别中文,待解决)
Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "NO");//不能完全解决中文路径的问题,路径包含奇数个中文时通常都无法正确识别,偶数则正常