Installing Indy for Delphi XE

A.) Seek and destroy all Indy files that come with Delphi. These are no good as the Indy project is updated every single day with new bug fixes. If Delphi picks up any of the old files instead of your new fresh Indy library, you will get crazy errors from the IDE at all different times that are very hard to trace.

i. Go to Component-->Install Packages, then completely remove all packages that start with "Indy".

ii. Close Delphi.

iii. Erase all files that match "dclIndy*.bpl" and "Indy*.bpl" from Delphi's Bin folder.
(C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\bin)

iv. Erase all files that match "Indy*.dcu" and "Id*.dcu"^^^ in Delphi's Lib sub folders.
(C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\lib\win32\debug)
(C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\lib\win32\release)
^^^ Warning: watch out for non-Indy DCUs that happen to begin with the letters "id" like "idispids.dcu" and "idoc.dcu"

v. Delete the entire Indy10 source folder:
(C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\source\Indy10)

B.) Download the latest from (If you get a compile error or runtime error using this zip file for any of the steps below -- don't be discouraged! Re-download the zip file on the following day and try again. This zip file gets updated every day and there is a chance that there may be some bugs/errors on any given day.)

C.) Extract only the System, Core, and Protocols folders into your own Indy library folder. ex.

D.) Launch Delphi. Ignore all failed package dialogs: These are the Embarcadero packages that rely on Indy! (Just click Ok on all errors, and indicate that any failed packages should not be loaded again.)

E.) Go to Options-->Environment Options-->Delphi Options-->Browsing Path - Remove paths that start with $(BDS)\Lib\Indy10

F.) Go to Options-->Environment Options-->Delphi Options-->Library Path - Add your new System, Core, and Protocols folders from step C to Delphi's library path.

G.) Perform the following 5 actions in order: (Just say OK to any dialogs about upgrading the project.)


After loading each dpk and before each build, go to:

Project-->Options-->Description-->Build Control

Set radio button to "Explicit Rebuild".

(Actually, this is optional, but I always make packages Explicit Rebuild because they seem easier to handle that way, but I'd like to hear what other people think about this...)

  1. Build - System\IndySystem150.dpk
  2. Build - Core\IndyCore150.dpk
  3. Build first, then Install - Core\dclIndyCore150.dpk
  4. Build - Protocols\IndyProtocols150.dpk
  5. Build first, then Install - Protocols\dclIndyProtocols150.dpk

** Double check that you've set "Explicit Rebuild" on all packages! **

H.) Finally, go to Component-->Install Packages and find all of the packages that rely on Indy that were turned off during step D. Reactivate them, and restart Delphi. (If your new Indy hasn't changed too much from the one released with Delphi, those packages will use the new Indy!)

++ Note, you may not receive any errors right away when reactivating those Embarcadero packages, but they may pop up at random times later. For example, I just installed and all the reactivated packages seemed fine. Then a day later out of the blue, the IDE threw me a message that said it couldn't find GetRequestHeaders in TIdCustomHTTP and that the dclWindowsAzureManagement150.bpl was having trouble as a result. So I had to go back and disable that Windows Azure package in the IDE.


