1. 使用PuTTY客户端
先到PuTTY网站去下载putty.exe, psftp.exe, puttygen.exe
Link: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
The latest release version (beta 0.60). This will generally be a version I think is reasonably likely to work well. If you have a problem with the release version, it might be worth trying out the latest development snapshot (below) to see if I've already fixed the bug, before reporting it to me.
For Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista on Intel x86 | ||||
PuTTY: | putty.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
PuTTYtel: | puttytel.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
PSCP: | pscp.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
PSFTP: | psftp.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
Plink: | plink.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
Pageant: | pageant.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
PuTTYgen: | puttygen.exe | (or by FTP) | (RSA sig) | (DSA sig) |
1.1 使用puttygen.exe生成密钥
打开psftp.exe,然后使用open来打开指定的主机,这里是我虚拟机上的IP:, 接着使用put命令上传公钥到服务器上,(注意:公钥必须要在psftp.exe运行的当前目录)
1.3 使用putty.exe登录到服务器上进行设置
然后也要把文件authorized_keys 权限设置为所有者读写和执行,其他的都没有任何权限(600)。这一步一定要执行,否则会使密钥无效。