2011-11-8 14:07:02
E/FslCameraHAL( 2174): The preview size w 352, h 288 is not corrected
E/StagefrightRecorder( 2174): Could not change settings. Someone else is using camera 0?
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): after recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 392
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): AMP_USER_INFORM_THROB...
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): before recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 389
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): after recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 392
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): AMP_REQUEST_TCP_PREVIEW...
I/CameraRecorder( 2581): handleMessage@1
I/CameraRecorder( 2581): Msg.MsgType.REQUEST_START_TCPVIEW
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): constructor
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): doCleanUp
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setListener
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setVideoSource(1)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): Call init() since the media recorder is not initialized yet
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): init
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): before recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 389
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setAudioSource(1)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setOutputFormat(2)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setVideoSize(352, 288)
V/MediaRecorder( 25VideoFrameRate(15)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setVideoEncoder(2)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setAudioEncoder(1)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setOutputFile(38, 0, 0)
I/MediaRecorderJNI( 2581): prepare: surface=0xa6a50 (identity=25)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setPreviewSurface(0xa6a50)
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): prepare
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): start
W/iMX ALSA( 2174): s_close--
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): open called for devices 00040000 in mode 0...
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): card 0: imx3stack [imx-3stack], device 0: SGTL5000 SGTL5000-0 []
W/iMX ALSA( 2174): enable MMAP access for PCM
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): card 0: imx3stack [imx-3stack], device 0: SGTL5000 SGTL5000-0 []
D/iMX ALSA( 2174): setDefaultControls set card: hw:00
I/iMX ALSA( 2174): Initialized ALSA CAPTURE device hw:00
W/AudioHardwareALSA( 2174): the hardware default channels is 12, sampleRate is 44100, format is 1
W/CameraService( 2174): CameraService::connect X (pid 2174) rejected (existing client).
E/StagefrightRecorder( 2174): Camera connection could not be established.
W/ ( 2174): Call stop() when encoder has not started.
E/MediaRecorder( 2581): start failed: -16
E/CameraRecorder( 2581): start failed.
D/dalvikvm( 2581): GC_CONCURRENT freed 331K, 51% free 2871K/5767K, external 912K/1038K, paused 3ms+4ms
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): setListener
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): release
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ###the mesg disabled is 10###
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Camera hal already stop preview
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ###the mesg disabled is 1ff###
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Camera hal already stop preview
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Camera hal already stop preview
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): close the device
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): Stop Player.
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): Stop Player.
W/iMX ALSA( 2174): s_close--
W/iMX ALSA( 2174): s_close--
V/MediaRecorder( 2581): destructor
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): after recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 392
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): AMP_USER_INFORM_THROB...
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): before recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 389
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2581): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
W/AudioHardwareALSA( 2174): the hardware default channels is 12, sampleRate is 44100, format is 1
W/CameraService( 2174): CameraService::connect X (pid 2174) rejected (existing client).
E/StagefrightRecorder( 2174): Camera connection could not be established.
W/ ( 2174): Call stop() when encoder has not started.
CameraService::connect 失败
StagefrightRecorder 这个在存储的时候做
aster( 2174): A component of name 'OMX.Freescale.std.parser.fsl.sw-based' already exists, ignoring this one.
E/OMXMaster( 2174): A component of name 'OMX.Freescale.std.parser.fsl.sw-based' already exists, ignoring this one.
E/OMXMaster( 2174): A component of name 'OMX.Freescale.std.parser.fsl.sw-based' already exists, ignoring this one.
E/OMXMaster( 2174): A component of name 'OMX.Freescale.std.parser.fsl.sw-based' already exists, ignoring this one.
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Face Back Camera is ov, orient is 0
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Face Front Camera is #, orient is 0
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): It is the CSI device
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): Create the software encoder
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): mPreviewFormat :NV12
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): mUvcSpecialCaptureFormat :YUYV
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): mPreviewCapturedFormat :NV12
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): mPreviewCapturedFormat is 3231564e
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ##The supportedPictureSizes is ?##
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ##the supportedPreviewSizes is ?##
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ##the supportedFPS is 15,30##
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): created the fsl Camera hal
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ###the mesg enabled is d###
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): rw.VIDEO_RENDER_NAME: [video_render.overlay]
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): SetVideoRenderType 1
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): Loading content: /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): after recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 392
D/ProxyUnhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x2bbbc054
Interface( 2528): AMP_USER_INFORM_THROB...
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): before recvMsg @ProxyInterface.java: Line 389
Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x2bbbc054
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): rw.VIDEO_RENDER_NAME: [video_render.overlay]
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): SetVideoRenderType 1
I/OMXPlayer( 2174): Loading content: /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg
Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x2bbcd054
Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x2bbcd054
I/FslCameraHAL( 2174): ##the set preview size is 352x288 ##
E/FslCameraHAL( 2174): The preview size w 352, h 288 is not corrected
E/StagefrightRecorder( 2174): Could not change settings. Someone else is using camera 0?
W/ ( 2174): Call stop() when encoder has not started.
E/MediaRecorder( 2528): start failed: -16
E/CameraRecorder( 2528): start failed.
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
D/ProxyInterface( 2528): SocketTimeoutException null@ProxyInterface.java: Line 606
这分辨率不支持 ?
csi 和 uvc
uvc 和 csi的查询接口不一样
还有一个基类 V4l2CapDeviceBase
CAMERA_HAL_ERR_RET CameraHal::Init()
mCameraReady == true;
if ((ret = AolLocForInterBuf())<0)
return ret;
if ((ret = InitCameraHalParam()) < 0)
return ret;
if (mPPDeviceNeed == true && mPPDevice == NULL)
if ((ret = CameraMiscInit()) < 0)
return ret;
return ret;
mxc_v4l_open 打开
如果是打开失败 out/target/product/imx51_bbg/system/lib/libcamera.so
mxc_v4l2_probe match后做了什么?
int v4l2_int_device_register(struct v4l2_int_device *d)
if (d->type == v4l2_int_type_slave)
sort(d->u.slave->ioctls, d->u.slave->num_ioctls,
sizeof(struct v4l2_int_ioctl_desc),
&ioctl_sort_cmp, NULL);
list_add(&d->head, &int_list);
return 0;
ioctl_sort_cmp 比较大小
struct v4l2_int_master {
int (*attach)(struct v4l2_int_device *slave);
void (*detach)(struct v4l2_int_device *slave);
struct v4l2_int_device {
/* Don't touch head. */
struct list_head head;
struct module *module;
char name[V4L2NAMESIZE];
enum v4l2_int_type type;
union {
struct v4l2_int_master *master;
struct v4l2_int_slave *slave;
} u;
void *priv;
每个slave 有自己的ioctl 描述
struct v4l2_int_slave {
/* Don't touch master. */
struct v4l2_int_device *master;
char attach_to[V4L2NAMESIZE];
int num_ioctls;
struct v4l2_int_ioctl_desc *ioctls;
slave attach 有什么问题
static int mxc_v4l2_master_attach(struct v4l2_int_device *slave)
In MVC: init_camera_struct
m->type != v4l2_int_type_master 0 m->name mxc_v4l2_cap
s->type != v4l2_int_type_slave 1 s->u.slave->master -21444612720x
zhw m->name mxc_v4l2_cap ,s->u.slave->attach_to .?
现在看一下slave 注册有什么问题
OV3640 根本没有注册
int __init
i2c_register_board_info(int busnum,
struct i2c_board_info const *info, unsigned len)
int status;
/* dynamic bus numbers will be assigned after the last static one */
if (busnum >= __i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num)
__i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num = busnum + 1;
for (status = 0; len; len--, info++) {
struct i2c_devinfo *devinfo;
devinfo = kzalloc(sizeof(*devinfo), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!devinfo) {
pr_debug("i2c-core: can't register boardinfo!\n");
status = -ENOMEM;
devinfo->busnum = busnum;
devinfo->board_info = *info;
list_add_tail(&devinfo->list, &__i2c_board_list);
return status;