

JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework. jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want.

Works on all modern browsers:

6+ 2+ 1.0 2+ 9+
  • - 2011.05.03: jQzoom Evolution 2.3 released

  • Standard zoom
  • Standard zoom with thumbnails
  • Reverse zoom
  • Drag zoom
  • Inner zooom
  • Always on zoom
  • Resize,zoom popup custom position, fadein, fadeout effects

Add first the last jQuery release, then the jQZoom script(don't forget this),the correct order is important.Look at the installation code below.

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  1. <script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery-1.5.xx.js'></script>  
  2. <script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.jqzoom-core.js'></script>  

Add jqzoom.css to your header.

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  1. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jquery.jqzoom.css">  
How to use

Using jQZoom is easy,but you need to specify the HTML anchor element,that is going to generate the zoomrevealing a portion of the enlarged image.

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  1. <a href="images/BIGIMAGE.JPG" class="MYCLASS" title="MYTITLE">  
  2.     <img src="images/SMALLIMAGE.JPG" title="IMAGE TITLE">  
  3. </a>  

The anchor element wraps the small image you would like to zoom.Following this schema the necessary and base elements are:

SMALLIMAGE.JPG: Represents the small image you would like to zoom.
BIGIMAGE.JPG: Represents the big image that jQZoom will reveal.
MYCLASS: Represents the anchor class,that would be used to instantiate the jQZoom script to all the elements matching this class(you can use an ID as well).
MYTITLE/IMAGE TITLE: Anchor title and/or image title that will be used to show the zoom title close to the jQZoom Window.
PAY ATTENTION: The SMALLIMAGE must be a scaled versione of the BIGIMAGE.

Now load the plugin at window load.

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  1. $(document).ready(function(){  
  2.     $('.MYCLASS').jqzoom();  
  3. });  

This will instantiate jQzoom in default(standard) mode.You can pass more options(Documentation section),to create special or custom effects as in the example below.

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  1. $(document).ready(function(){  
  2.     var options = {  
  3.             zoomType: 'standard',  
  4.             lens:true,  
  5.             preloadImages: true,  
  6.             alwaysOn:false,  
  7.             zoomWidth: 300,  
  8.             zoomHeight: 250,  
  9.             xOffset:90,  
  10.             yOffset:30,  
  11.             position:'left'  
  12.             //...MORE OPTIONS  
  13.     };  
  14.     $('.MYCLASS').jqzoom(options);  
  15. });  
Multiple thumbnails support

If you want to create galleries, jQZoom can manage it for you.

1. Attach the gallery ID to your main anchor "rel" attribute.

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  1. <a href="images/BIGIMAGE.JPG" class="MYCLASS" title="MYTITLE" rel="gal1">  
  2.     <img src="images/SMALLIMAGE.JPG" title="IMAGE TITLE">  
  3. </a>  

2. Manage your thumbnails "class" and "rel" attributes.
The class "zoomThumbActive" is attached to your thumbnails by jQzoom. By default specify this class to the selected thumbnail(it should be the same image in your main anchor element)

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  1. <a class="zoomThumbActive" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/SMALLIMAGE1.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/LARGEIMAGE1.jpg'}">  
  2.     <img src="imgProd/thumbs/THUMBIMG1.jpg">  
  3. </a>  
The structure of the thumbnail rel attribute is very important.The base elements are

gallery: the ID of the gallery to which it belongs.
smallimage: the path to the SMALLIMAGE to be loaded on the when you click on the thumbnail.
largeimage: the path to the LARGEIMAGE

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  1. rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/SMALLIMAGE1.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/LARGEIMAGE1.jpg'}"  
Check out this demo.

Configuration options:

You can choose between these options.

  • zoomType
    The others admitted option values are 'reverse', 'drag', 'innerzoom'.
  • zoomWidth
    The popup window width showing the zoomed area.
  • zoomHeight
    The popup window height showing the zoomed area.
  • xOffset
    The popup window x offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the right if position is "right" or more on the left if position is "left")
  • yOffset
    The popup window y offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the top if position is "top" or more on the bottom if position is "bottom"),
  • position
    The popup window position.Admitted values: 'right' , 'left' , 'top' , 'bottom'
  • preloadImages
    if set to true,jqzoom will preload large images.
  • preloadText
    'Loading zoom'
    The text to show while preloading images.
  • title
    Show a small title over the zoomed window it can be the anchor title and if not specified,it will get the small image title.
  • lens
    if set to false,the small lens,over the image, won't show.
  • imageOpacity
    Set the image opacity when the 'zoomType' option is set to 'reverse'.
  • showEffect
    The effect by which showing the popup window.Options available: 'show' , 'fadein'.
  • hideEffect
    The effect by which hiding the popup window.Options available: 'hide' , 'fadeout'.
  • fadeinSpeed
    Changes fade in speed,in case the showEffect option is set to 'fadein'.(options: 'fast', 'slow', number)
  • fadeoutSpeed
    Changes fade out speed,in case the hideEffect option is set to 'fadeout'.(options: 'fast', 'slow', number)


Style customizations are obviously admitted simply changing the right parameters value in the jqzoom stylesheet file.

Latest release version: 2.3 [2011.05.03]

This software is licensed under BSD.(read the license inside the archive)
Remember:Develop,mantain,and longtime support in never easy and without efforts.So if you like this plugin and you would like future support for jQZoom,donate something with Paypal,before downloading it.

Note: Choose and click to download.

Note: When upgrading make sure to replace all files.
