
#include <atlbase.h> #include <activeds.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <lm.h> #pragma comment(lib,"ActiveDS") #pragma comment(lib,"adsiid") int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { LPUSER_INFO_0 pBuf = NULL; LPUSER_INFO_0 pTmpBuf; DWORD dwLevel = 0; DWORD dwPrefMaxLen = MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; DWORD i; DWORD dwTotalCount = 0; NET_API_STATUS nStatus; LPWSTR pszServerName = NULL; if (argc > 2) { fwprintf(stderr, L"Usage: %s [////ServerName]/n", argv[0]); return 0; } // The server is not the default local computer. // if (argc == 2) pszServerName = argv[1]; wprintf(L"/nUser account on %s: /n", pszServerName); // 获取关机权限 // HANDLE hToken; // TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; // //得到当前进程的令牌 // OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES and TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken); // //得到关机特权的Luid // LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,TEXT("SeShutdownPrivilege"),&tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); // //指定一次设置的特权属性的个数 // tkp.PrivilegeCount=1; // //虽然用户可能有关机特权,但其状态缺省是disable的 // tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes=SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken,FALSE,&tkp,0,(PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL,0); // 一下DEMO用于验证登陆机制 /* begin // 域用户根据用户名密码登陆,获取 SE_TCB_NAME权限 HANDLE hdlTokenHandle ; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; HANDLE user; OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hdlTokenHandle); LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_TCB_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount=1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes=SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if(AdjustTokenPrivileges(hdlTokenHandle, FALSE, &tkp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL, 0)) { } //wchar_t USER[256] = L""; //wchar_t PASS[256] = L""; LPCSTR USER(""); LPCSTR PASS(""); if (LogonUser( (LPSTR)USER,("a.com.cn"),(LPSTR)PASS,LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT,&user)) { printf("good"); } else { printf("error"); } */ // end // GET DC NAME LPBYTE bufptr = (LPBYTE)malloc(100*sizeof(WCHAR)); NET_API_STATUS rt = NetGetDCName(NULL, pszServerName, &bufptr); int n = GetLastError(); if(rt==NERR_Success) { wchar_t cc[512] ; swprintf((wchar_t *)cc, (L"/thell dc name ---- %s/n"), bufptr); OutputDebugStringW(cc); } else if(rt==NERR_DCNotFound) { } else if(rt==ERROR_INVALID_NAME) { } do // begin do { nStatus = NetUserEnum(pszServerName, dwLevel, FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, // global users (LPBYTE*)&pBuf, dwPrefMaxLen, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &dwResumeHandle); // // If the call succeeds, // if ((nStatus == NERR_Success) || (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { if ((pTmpBuf = pBuf) != NULL) { // // Loop through the entries. // for (i = 0; (i < dwEntriesRead); i++) { assert(pTmpBuf != NULL); if (pTmpBuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "An access violation has occurred/n"); break; } // // Print the name of the user account. // wprintf(L"/t-- %s/n", pTmpBuf->usri0_name); wchar_t cc[512] ; swprintf((wchar_t *)cc, (L"/thell ---- %s/n"), pTmpBuf->usri0_name); OutputDebugStringW(cc); pTmpBuf++; dwTotalCount++; } } } // // Otherwise, print the system error. // else fprintf(stderr, "A system error has occurred: %d/n", nStatus); // // Free the allocated buffer. // if (pBuf != NULL) { NetApiBufferFree(pBuf); pBuf = NULL; } } // Continue to call NetUserEnum while // there are more entries. // while (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // end do // // Check again for allocated memory. // if (pBuf != NULL) NetApiBufferFree(pBuf); // // Print the final count of users enumerated. // fprintf(stderr, "/nTotal of %d entries enumerated/n", dwTotalCount); getchar(); return 0; }
