HNOI2002 营业额统计
* @prob: HNOI2002 营业额统计 *
* @auth: Wang Junji *
* @stat: Accepted. *
* @date: June. 28th, 2012 *
* @memo: 伸展树 *
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
const int maxN = 200010, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
class SplayTree
struct Node
int key, cnt, sz; Node *F, *lc, *rc; Node() {} /* Node */
Node(int key): key(key), cnt(1), sz(1) {} /* Node */
} NIL[maxN], *T, *tot;
Node* NewNode(int key)
Node* tmp = new (tot++) Node(key);
tmp -> F = tmp -> lc = tmp -> rc = NIL;
return tmp;
} /* NewNode */
void update(Node* T) {T -> sz = T -> lc -> sz + T -> rc -> sz + T -> cnt; return;} /* update */
void Zig(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> rc;
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else (P -> F -> lc == P) ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> lc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> rc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zig */
void Zag(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> lc;
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else (P -> F -> lc == P) ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> rc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> lc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zag */
void Splay(Node*& T, Node* t)
while (t != T)
Node* P = t -> F;
if (P == T) P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(t);
if (P -> F -> lc == P) P -> lc == t ? Zig(P) : Zag(t), Zig(t);
else P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(P), Zag(t);
} /* else */
} /* while */
update(t); return;
} /* Splay */
void Find(int v)
for (Node* t = T; t != NIL;)
if (v == t -> key ||
(v < t -> key && t -> lc == NIL) ||
(v > t -> key && t -> rc == NIL))
{Splay(T, t); break;} /* if */
t = v < t -> key ? t -> lc : t -> rc;
} /* for */
} /* Find */
tot = NIL; NewNode(0); NewNode(~INF); NewNode(INF);
NIL -> sz = NIL -> cnt = 0;
NIL[1].rc = NIL + 2, NIL[1].sz = 2;
NIL[2].F = NIL + 1; T = NIL + 1;
} /* SplayTree */
void Ins(int v)
Node *t = T;
while (t != NIL)
++t -> sz;
if (v == t -> key) {++t -> cnt; break;}
if (v < t -> key && t -> lc == NIL)
Node* p = NewNode(v);
t -> lc = p, p -> F = t;
t = p; break;
} /* if */
if (v > t -> key && t -> rc == NIL)
Node* p = NewNode(v);
t -> rc = p, p -> F = t;
t = p; break;
} /* if */
t = v < t -> key ? t -> lc : t -> rc;
} /* while */
if (t != NIL) Splay(T, t);
} /* Ins */
int pred(int v)
Find(v); if (T -> cnt > 1) return v;
Node* t = T -> lc;
for (; t -> rc != NIL; t = t -> rc);
return t -> key;
} /* pred */
int succ(int v)
Find(v); if (T -> cnt > 1) return v;
Node* t = T -> rc;
for (; t -> lc != NIL; t = t -> lc);
return t -> key;
} /* succ */
} Tr; int n, x;
int main()
freopen("" , "r", stdin );
freopen("Revenue.out", "w", stdout);
scanf("%d%d", &n, &x); Tr.Ins(x); int ans = x;
while (--n)
x = 0; scanf("%d", &x); Tr.Ins(x);
int pred = Tr.pred(x), succ = Tr.succ(x);
ans += std::min(x - pred, succ - x);
} /* while */
printf("%d\n", ans); return 0;
} /* main */
hdu1890 Robotic Sort
* @prob: hdu1890 Robotic Sort *
* @auth: Wang Junji *
* @stat: Accepted. *
* @date: June. 30th, 2012 *
* @memo: 伸展树 *
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
const int maxN = 100010;
class SplayTree
struct Node
int key, sz; bool rev; Node *lc, *rc, *F; Node() {} /* Node */
Node(int key): key(key), sz(1), rev(false) {} /* Node */
} NIL[maxN], *ele[maxN], *T, *tot; int cur;
Node* NewNode(int key)
Node* T = new (tot++) Node(key);
T -> lc = T -> rc = T -> F = NIL;
return T;
} /* NewNode */
void pushdown(Node* T)
if (T -> rev)
std::swap(T -> lc, T -> rc);
if (T -> lc != NIL) T -> lc -> rev ^= 1;
if (T -> rc != NIL) T -> rc -> rev ^= 1;
T -> rev = false;
} /* if */
} /* pushdown */
void update(Node* T) {T -> sz = T -> lc -> sz + T -> rc -> sz + 1;} /* update */
void Zig(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> rc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> rc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> lc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> rc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zig */
void Zag(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> lc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> lc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> rc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> lc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zag */
void Splay(Node*& T, Node* t)
for (pushdown(t); t != T;)
Node* P = t -> F;
if (P == T) P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(t);
if (P -> F -> lc == P) P -> lc == t ? Zig(P) : Zag(t), Zig(t);
else P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(P), Zag(t);
} /* else */
} /* for */
update(t); return;
} /* Splay */
void K_th(Node*& T, int k)
for (Node* t = T; pushdown(t), t != NIL && k > 0;)
if (k == t -> lc -> sz + 1) {Splay(T, t); return;}
if (k <= t -> lc -> sz) t = t -> lc;
else k -= t -> lc -> sz + 1, t = t -> rc;
} /* for */
} /* K_th */
void modify(Node* t)
if (t -> F != NIL) modify(t -> F);
} /* modify */
static bool cmp(const Node* const& a, const Node* const& b) {return a -> key < b -> key;} /* cmp */
SplayTree() {init();} /* SplayTree */
void init(const int* __fir = NULL, const int *__la = NULL)
tot = NIL; T = NewNode(0); NIL[0].sz = 0; cur = 0;
if (__fir == __la) return;
const int* fir = __fir; Node *p, *q;
ele[0] = T = p = NewNode(*fir);
while (++fir != __la)
ele[fir - __fir] = q = NewNode(*fir);
p -> rc = q, q -> F = p, p = q;
} /* while */
std::stable_sort(ele, ele + (__la - __fir), cmp);
Splay(T, p); return;
} /* init */
int count()
Node* t = ele[cur++];
modify(t); Splay(T, t);
int res = T -> lc -> sz;
if (T -> lc == NIL) T = T -> rc, T -> F = NIL;
T -> lc -> rev ^= 1;
K_th(T -> lc, T -> lc -> sz);
T -> lc -> rc = T -> rc;
T -> rc -> F = T -> lc;
T = T -> lc;
T -> F = NIL;
} /* else */
return res;
} /* count */
} Tr; int a[maxN], n;
int main()
freopen("" , "r", stdin );
freopen("Sort.out", "w", stdout);
while (~scanf("%d", &n) && n)
for (int* i = a; i != a + n;) scanf("%d", i++);
if (n == 1) {printf("1\n"); continue;}
Tr.init(a, a + n);
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", i + Tr.count() + 1);
printf("%d\n", n + Tr.count());
} /* while */
return 0;
} /* main */
hdu3487 Play with Chain
* @prob: hdu3487 Play with Chain *
* @auth: Wang Junji *
* @stat: Accepted. *
* @date: June. 29th, 2012 *
* @memo: 伸展树 *
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
const int maxN = 3000010;
class SplayTree
struct Node
int key, sz; bool rev; Node *lc, *rc, *F; Node() {} /* Node */
Node(int key): key(key), sz(1), rev(false) {} /* Node */
} NIL[maxN], *T, *tot;
static int num[maxN], *fir, *la;
Node* NewNode(int v)
Node* T = new (tot++) Node(v);
T -> lc = T -> rc = T -> F = NIL;
return T;
} /* NewNode */
void update(Node* T) {T -> sz = T -> lc -> sz + T -> rc -> sz + 1; return;} /* update */
void pushdown(Node* T)
if (T -> rev)
std::swap(T -> lc, T -> rc);
if (T -> lc != NIL) T -> lc -> rev ^= 1;
if (T -> rc != NIL) T -> rc -> rev ^= 1;
T -> rev = false;
} /* if */
} /* pushdown */
void Zig(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> rc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> rc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else (P -> F -> lc == P) ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> lc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> rc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zig */
void Zag(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> lc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> lc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else (P -> F -> lc == P) ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> rc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> lc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zag */
void Splay(Node*& T, Node* t)
for (pushdown(t); t != T;)
Node* P = t -> F;
if (P == T) (P -> lc == t) ? Zig(t) : Zag(t);
if (P -> F -> lc == P) (P -> lc == t) ? Zig(P) : Zag(t), Zig(t);
else (P -> lc == t) ? Zig(t) : Zag(P), Zag(t);
} /* else */
} /* for */
update(t); return;
} /* Splay */
void K_th(Node*& T, int k)
for (Node* t = T; t != NIL && k > 0;)
if (k == t -> lc -> sz + 1) {Splay(T, t); return;}
if (k <= t -> lc -> sz) t = t -> lc;
else k -= t -> lc -> sz + 1, t = t -> rc;
} /* for */
} /* K_th */
void print(Node* T)
if (T == NIL) return; pushdown(T);
if (T -> lc != NIL) print(T -> lc);
if (T -> key) *la++ = T -> key;
if (T -> rc != NIL) print(T -> rc);
} /* print */
SplayTree() {init();} /* SplayTree */
void init(int fir = 0, int la = 0)
tot = NIL; NewNode(0); NewNode(0); NewNode(0);
NIL[0].sz = 0;
NIL[1].sz = 2; NIL[1].rc = NIL + 2;
NIL[2].F = NIL + 1;
T = NIL + 1;
if (fir == la) return;
Node* p = NewNode(fir++);
T -> rc -> lc = p; p -> F = T -> rc;
while (fir != la)
Node* q = NewNode(fir++);
p -> rc = q; q -> F = p; p = q;
} /* while */
Splay(T, p); return;
} /* init */
void cut(int L, int R, int pos)
K_th(T, L); K_th(T -> rc, R - L + 2);
Node* p = T -> rc -> lc;
T -> rc -> lc = p -> F = NIL;
update(T -> rc); update(T);
K_th(T, pos + 1); K_th(T -> rc, 1);
T -> rc -> lc = p, p -> F = T -> rc;
update(T -> rc); update(T); return;
} /* cut */
void Flip(int L, int R)
K_th(T, L); K_th(T -> rc, R - L + 2);
T -> rc -> lc -> rev ^= 1;
Splay(T, T -> rc -> lc); return;
} /* Flip */
void println()
fir = la = num; print(T);
if (fir == la) {puts(""); return;} /* if */
while (fir != la - 1) printf("%d ", *fir++);
printf("%d\n", *fir++); return;
} /* println */
} Tr; int n, m, x, y, p; char str[20];
int SplayTree::num[maxN], *SplayTree::fir, *SplayTree::la;
int main()
freopen("" , "r", stdin );
freopen("Chain.out", "w", stdout);
while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) && ~n && ~m)
Tr.init(1, n + 1);
while (m--) switch (scanf("%s%d%d", str, &x, &y), str[0])
case 'C': scanf("%d", &p); Tr.cut(x, y, p); break;
case 'F': Tr.Flip(x, y); break;
} /* switch */
} /* while */
return 0;
} /* main */
spoj4487 Can you answer these queries VI
* @prob: spoj4487 Can you answer these queries VI *
* @auth: Wang Junji * @stat: Accepted. *
* @date: June. 29th, 2012 * @memo: 伸展树 *
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using std::min; using std::max;
const int maxN = 200010, INF = 0x07070707;
inline int& gmax(int& a, const int& b) {return a > b ? a : (a = b);} /* gmax */
inline int& gmin(int& a, const int& b) {return a < b ? a : (a = b);} /* gmin */
class SplayTree
struct Node
int key, sum, mls, mrs, Max, sz; Node *lc, *rc, *F; Node() {} /* Node */
Node(int key): key(key), sum(key), mls(key), mrs(key), Max(key), sz(1) {} /* Node */
} NIL[maxN], *T, *tot;
Node* NewNode(int key)
Node* T = new (tot++) Node(key);
T -> lc = T -> rc = T -> F = NIL;
return T;
} /* NewNode */
void update(Node* T)
T -> sum = T -> lc -> sum + T -> rc -> sum + T -> key;
T -> sz = T -> lc -> sz + T -> rc -> sz + 1;
T -> mls = T -> lc -> mls;
gmax(T -> mls, T -> lc -> sum + T -> key);
gmax(T -> mls, T -> lc -> sum + T -> key + T -> rc -> mls);
T -> mrs = T -> rc -> mrs;
gmax(T -> mrs, T -> rc -> sum + T -> key);
gmax(T -> mrs, T -> rc -> sum + T -> key + T -> lc -> mrs);
T -> Max = T -> key;
gmax(T -> Max, max(T -> lc -> Max, T -> rc -> Max));
gmax(T -> Max, max(T -> mls, T -> mrs));
gmax(T -> Max, max(T -> lc -> mrs, T -> rc -> mls) + T -> key);
gmax(T -> Max, T -> lc -> mrs + T -> key + T -> rc -> mls);
} /* update */
void Zig(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> rc;
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> lc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> rc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zig */
void Zag(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> lc;
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> rc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> lc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zag */
void Splay(Node*& T, Node* t)
while (T != t)
Node* P = t -> F;
if (P == T) P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(t);
if (P -> F -> lc == P) P -> lc == t ? Zig(P) : Zag(t), Zig(t);
else P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(P), Zag(t);
} /* else */
} /* while */
update(t); return;
} /* Splay */
void K_th(Node*& T, int k)
for (Node* t = T; t != NIL && k > 0;)
if (k == t -> lc -> sz + 1) {Splay(T, t); return;}
if (k <= t -> lc -> sz) t = t -> lc;
else k -= t -> lc -> sz + 1, t = t -> rc;
} /* for */
} /* K_th */
tot = NIL; NewNode(~INF); NewNode(~INF); NewNode(~INF);
NIL[0].sz = 0; NIL[0].sum = NIL[0].key = 0;
NIL[1].sz = 2; NIL[1].rc = NIL + 2; NIL[1].sum = NIL[1].key = 0;
NIL[2].F = T = NIL + 1; NIL[2].sum = NIL[2].key = 0;
} /* SplayTree */
void Ins(int pos, int v)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, 1);
Node* p = NewNode(v);
T -> rc -> lc = p, p -> F = T -> rc;
update(T -> rc); update(T); return;
} /* Ins */
void Del(int pos)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, 2);
T -> rc -> lc = NIL;
update(T -> rc); update(T); return;
} /* Del */
void Replace(int pos, int v) {K_th(T, pos + 1); T -> key = v; update(T); return;} /* Replace */
int query(int L, int R)
K_th(T, L); K_th(T -> rc, R - L + 2);
return T -> rc -> lc -> Max;
} /* query */
} Tr; int n, m, x, y; char str[10];
int main()
freopen("" , "r", stdin );
freopen("query4.out", "w", stdout);
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &x), Tr.Ins(i + 1, x);
scanf("%d", &m);
while (m--) switch (scanf("%s%d", str, &x), str[0])
case 'D': Tr.Del(x); break;
case 'I': scanf("%d", &y); Tr.Ins (x, y); break;
case 'R': scanf("%d", &y); Tr.Replace(x, y); break;
case 'Q': scanf("%d", &y); printf("%d\n", Tr.query(x, y)); break;
} /* switch */
return 0;
} /* main */
NOI2005 维护数列
* @prob: NOI2005 维护数列 *
* @auth: Wang Junji *
* @stat: Accepted. *
* @date: June. 29th, 2012 *
* @memo: 伸展树 *
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using std::min; using std::max;
const int maxN = 300010, INF = 0x07070707;
inline int& gmax(int& a, const int& b) {return a > b ? a : (a = b);} /* gmax */
inline int& gmin(int& a, const int& b) {return a < b ? a : (a = b);} /* gmin */
class SplayTree
struct Node
int key, sum, mls, mrs, Max, sz; bool rev, sm;
Node *lc, *rc, *F; Node() {} /* Node */
Node(int key): key(key), sum(key), mls(key),
mrs(key), Max(key), sz(1), rev(false), sm(false) {} /* Node */
} *NIL, *T;
Node* NewNode(int v)
Node* T = new Node(v);
T -> lc = T -> rc = T -> F = NIL;
return T;
} /* NewNode */
void release(Node*& T)
if (T -> lc != NIL) release(T -> lc);
if (T -> rc != NIL) release(T -> rc);
if (T != NIL) delete T;
T = NIL; return;
} /* release */
void pushdown(Node* T)
Node *&lc = T -> lc, *&rc = T -> rc;
if (T -> rev)
std::swap(lc, rc);
std::swap(T -> mls, T -> mrs); //
if (lc != NIL) lc -> rev ^= 1;
if (rc != NIL) rc -> rev ^= 1;
T -> rev = false;
} /* if */
if (T -> sm)
if (lc != NIL) lc -> sm = true, lc -> key = T -> key;
if (rc != NIL) rc -> sm = true, rc -> key = T -> key;
T -> sum = T -> sz * T -> key; //
T -> mls = T -> mrs = T -> Max = max(T -> sum, T -> key); //
T -> sm = false;
} /* if */
} /* pushdown */
void update(Node* T)
Node *&lc = T -> lc, *&rc = T -> rc;
T -> sz = lc -> sz + rc -> sz + 1;
T -> sum = lc -> sum + rc -> sum + T -> key;
T -> mls = lc -> mls;
gmax(T -> mls, lc -> sum + T -> key);
gmax(T -> mls, lc -> sum + T -> key + rc -> mls);
T -> mrs = rc -> mrs;
gmax(T -> mrs, rc -> sum + T -> key);
gmax(T -> mrs, rc -> sum + T -> key + lc -> mrs);
T -> Max = T -> key;
gmax(T -> Max, max(lc -> Max, rc -> Max));
gmax(T -> Max, max(T -> mls, T -> mrs));
gmax(T -> Max, max(lc -> mrs, rc -> mls) + T -> key);
gmax(T -> Max, lc -> mrs + T -> key + rc -> mls);
} /* update */
void Zig(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> rc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> rc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> lc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> rc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zig */
void Zag(Node* T)
Node *P = T -> F, *tmp = T -> lc;
pushdown(T -> lc); pushdown(T -> rc); pushdown(P -> lc);
if (P == this -> T) this -> T = T;
else P -> F -> lc == P ? (P -> F -> lc = T) : (P -> F -> rc = T);
T -> F = P -> F; P -> F = T; P -> rc = tmp;
tmp -> F = T -> lc = P; update(P); return;
} /* Zag */
void Splay(Node*& T, Node* t)
for (pushdown(t); t != T;)
Node* P = t -> F;
if (P == T) P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(t);
if (P -> F -> lc == P) P -> lc == t ? Zig(P) : Zag(t), Zig(t);
else P -> lc == t ? Zig(t) : Zag(P), Zag(t);
} /* else */
} /* for */
update(t); return;
} /* Splay */
void K_th(Node*& T, int k)
for (Node* t = T; pushdown(t), t != NIL && k > 0;)
if (k == t -> lc -> sz + 1) {Splay(T, t); return;}
if (k <= t -> lc -> sz) t = t -> lc;
else k -= t -> lc -> sz + 1, t = t -> rc;
} /* for */
} /* K_th */
NIL = NewNode(~INF); T = NewNode(~INF); T -> rc = NewNode(~INF);
NIL -> lc = NIL -> rc = NIL -> F = NIL;
NIL -> sz = 0; NIL -> key = NIL -> sum = 0; T -> sz = 2;
T -> rc -> F = T;
} /* SplayTree */
void Ins(int pos, int* fir, int* la)
if (fir == la) return;
K_th(T, pos + 1); K_th(T -> rc, 1);
Node* p = NewNode(*fir++);
T -> rc -> lc = p, p -> F = T -> rc;
while (fir != la)
Node* q = NewNode(*fir++);
p -> rc = q, q -> F = p, p = q;
} /* while */
Splay(T, p); return;
} /* Ins */
void Del(int pos, int num)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, num + 1);
release(T -> rc -> lc); Splay(T, T -> rc);
//update(T -> rc); update(T); return;
} /* Del */
void rev(int pos, int num)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, num + 1);
T -> rc -> lc -> rev ^= 1; Splay(T, T -> rc -> lc); //
//pushdown(T -> rc -> lc); return;
} /* rev */
void mksm(int pos, int num, int v)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, num + 1);
T -> rc -> lc -> key = v;
T -> rc -> lc -> sm = true; Splay(T, T -> rc -> lc); //
//pushdown(T -> rc -> lc); return;
} /* mksm */
int qsum(int pos, int num)
K_th(T, pos); K_th(T -> rc, num + 1);
return T -> rc -> lc -> sum;
} /* qsum */
int qmax() {return T -> Max;} /* qmax */
} Tr; int a[maxN], n, m, x, y, p; char str[20];
int main()
freopen("" , "r", stdin );
freopen("sequence.out", "w", stdout);
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
for (int* i = a; i != a + n;) scanf("%d", i++);
Tr.Ins(0, a, a + n);
while (m--)
scanf("%s", str);
if (!strcmp(str, "MAX-SUM")) printf("%d\n", Tr.qmax());
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
if (!strcmp(str, "GET-SUM")) printf("%d\n", Tr.qsum(x, y));
else if (!strcmp(str, "DELETE" )) Tr.Del(x, y);
else if (!strcmp(str, "REVERSE")) Tr.rev(x, y);
else if (!strcmp(str, "INSERT" ))
for (int* i = a; i != a + y;) scanf("%d", i++);
Tr.Ins(x, a, a + y);
} /* if */
else scanf("%d", &p), Tr.mksm(x, y, p);
} /* else */
} /* while */
return 0;
} /* main */