
1、Installation of Self-Extracting Binary
chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_<version>-linux-i586.bin

jdk-1_5_0_<version>-linux-i586.bin -localinstall
This option causes the system preferences to be stored in the /etc directory from which they can be shared only by VMs running on the local machine.


2.Installation of RPM File
chmod a+x jdk-1_5_0_<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin

-x: This option only do extract don't install


1.Installation of Self-Extracting Binary
On SPARC processors:
chmod +x jdk-1_5_0<update>-solaris-sparc.sh

On x86/AMD64/EM64T processors:
chmod +x jdk-1_5_0<update>-solaris-i586.sh

2.Installation of Solaris Packages

On SPARC processors:
zcat jdk-1_5_0<update>-solaris-sparc.tar.Z | tar -xf -

On x86/AMD64/EM64T processors:
zcat jdk-1_5_0<update>-solaris-i586.tar.Z | tar -xf -

To uninstall the Solaris packages for JDK 5.0, remove them by running:
On all processors:
pkgrm SUNWj5rt SUNWj5dev SUNWj5cfg SUNWj5man SUNWj5dmo

To install the packages.

On all processors:
pkgadd -d . SUNWj5rt SUNWj5dev SUNWj5cfg SUNWj5man SUNWj5dmo

For Japanese users: Install man pages.
On all processors:
pkgrm SUNWj5jmp

Then run the pkgadd command to install the new Japanese man page package:
On all processors:
pkgadd -d . SUNWj5jmp


1.Migrating from other IBM JVMs
(1) Compatible with 1.4.2, the JVM shared library libjvm.a is installed in both jre/bin/j9vm and jre/bin/classic.Set the LIBPATH environment variable when using JNI.

(2) The JVM Monitoring Interface (JVMMI) is no longer available. You are recommended to use the JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI) instead.

(3) For information about debugging JNI code, see -Xcheck:jni in Appendix A.

(4)-verbose:gc have changed. The data is now formatted as XML.

(5)SDK 1.4 versions of the IBM JRE included JVM specific classes in a file called core.jar. From Java 5.0 onwards, these are included in a file called vm.jar.

(6)Earlier versions of the IBM JRE included a file called rt.jar in the jre/lib directory. From Java v1.4 onwards, this file has been replaced by multiple JAR files in the jre/lib directory.
(7)Tracing class dependencies, invoked using -verbose:Xclassdep, is not supported.

2. AIX environment

To test whether this Java v5.0 SDK is supported on a specific System p(TM) system, at the system prompt type:

lscfg -p | fgrep Architecture
You should receive the reply:
Model Architecture: chrp
Only "Common Hardware Reference Platform" (chrp) systems are supported by this SDK.

The environment variable LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA is not supported for 64-bit processes. Only use LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA on 32-bit processes.


If you are using one of the supported non-UTF8 CJK locales, you must install one of the following filesets (the install images are available on the AIX base CDs; updates are available from the AIX fix distribution Web site:

X11.fnt.ucs.ttf (for ja_JP or Ja_JP)
X11.fnt.ucs.ttf_CN (for zh_CN or Zh_CN)
X11.fnt.ucs.ttf_KR (for ko_KR)
X11.fnt.ucs.ttf_TW (for zh_TW or Zh_TW)


3. Contents of the Runtime Environment

     JRE tools - The following tools are part of the Runtime Environment and are in the /usr/java5_64/jre/bin directory unless otherwise specified.

ikeyman (iKeyman GUI utility)
Allows you to manage keys, certificates, and certificate requests.

java (Java Interpreter)
javaw (Java Interpreter)
jextract (Dump extractor)
Converts a system-produced dump into a common format that can be used by jdmpview. For more information, see jdmpview.
keytool (Key and Certificate Management Tool)
policytool (Policy File Creation and Management Tool)
Creates and modifies the external policy configuration files that define your installation's Java security policy.
rmid (RMI activation system daemon)
rmiregistry (Java remote object registry)
tnameserv (Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) transient naming service)

The following tools are part of the SDK and are located in the /usr/java5_64/bin directory:
appletviewer (Java Applet Viewer)
apt (Annotation Processing Tool)
ControlPanel (Java Control Panel)
Configures your Runtime Environment.
extcheck (Extcheck utility)
Detects version conflicts between a target jar file and currently-installed extension jar files.
idlj (IDL to Java Compiler)
Generates Java bindings from a given IDL file.
jar (Java Archive Tool)
jarsigner (JAR Signing and Verification Tool)
javac (Java Compiler)
javadoc (Java Documentation Generator)
javah (C Header and Stub File Generator)
javap (Class File Disassembler)
Disassembles compiled files and can print a representation of the bytecodes.
jconsole (JConsole Monitoring and Management Tool)
Experimental (unsupported). Monitors local and remote JVMs using a GUI. JMX-compliant.
jdb (Java Debugger)
Helps debug your Java programs.
jdmpview (Cross-platform dump formatter)
Analyzes dumps. For more information, see the Diagnostics Guide.
native2ascii (Native-To-ASCII Converter)
Converts a native encoding file to an ASCII file that contains characters encoded in either Latin-1 or Unicode, or both.
rmic (Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Stub Converter)
serialver (Serial Version Command)
Returns the serialVersionUID for one or more classes in a format that is suitable for copying into an evolving class.


4. Installation
The IBM 64-bit SDK for AIX, v5.0 complete release consists of several installp image files (packages). Each installp image file or package contains one or more related filesets. You can install the packages using the smit or smitty system management tools. Alternatively, you can use the installp command.

This package is required:

Java5_64.sdk (license, base SDK and dt.jar)
These packages are optional:

Java5_64.ext (Comm API)
Java5_64.samples (demos)
Java5_64.source (src.jar)
Java5_64.msg.$LANG (Localized messages)
$LANG is one of the following locales. These packages do not include any files but pull in required Unicode TrueType fonts, if not already installed, for these locales:

Zh_CN zh_CN ko_KR Ja_JP ja_JP Zh_TW zh_TW


The SDK is installed in the directory:



The following user-configurable files are installed to /etc/java5_64/ to support a configuration where the files are not shared:

There are symbolic links in /usr/java5_64/ pointing to the files in /etc/java5_64/.


By default, the SDK is installed in /usr/java5_64/. To install the SDK in another directory, use the AIX relocation commands.

Delete any .toc files in the directory containing your installp images or PTFs before using the AIX relocation commands.

See the AIX man pages for more information about the command-line options for these commands.

Install command. To install the SDK:
installp_r -a -Y -R /<Install Path>/ -d '.' Java5_64.sdk
To remove the SDK:
installp_r -u  -R /<Install Path>/ Java5_64.sdk


List the user-defined installation paths.
Find details of installed products.
lslpp_r -R /<Install Path>/ -S [A|O]
Remove existing user-defined installation paths.
rmusil -R /<Install Path>/


1.      Download Java file and Upload to AIX server

Go to


DownloadJava 5 64-bit

Upload file to /opt/ on AIX server.


2.      Unzip: Java5_64.sdk.tar.gz

# cd /opt

# gzip –d Java5_64.sdk.tar.gz

# tar –xvf Java5_64.sdk.tar


3.      Login in as root user


root password: ipacs123


4.      Install JDK 1.5

# smitty intall



If you can see “OK”, installation is successfully.

JDK is Installed in directory: /usr/java5_64

