
#import "C://Program Files//Microsoft Office//OFFICE11//MSOUTL.OLB" /
no_namespace exclude("_IRecipientControl", "_DRecipientControl")  
#include "msoutl.h" 
// OutLook Automatic
void COutlookExport_1Dlg::OnButton1()
   // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
   _Application olApp;
   COleException e;
   if(!olApp.CreateDispatch("Outlook.Application", &e)) {
      CString str;
      str.Format("CreateDispatch() failed w/error 0x%08lx", e.m_sc);
      AfxMessageBox(str, MB_SETFOREGROUND);
   // Logon. Doesn't hurt if you are already running and logged on...
   _NameSpace olNs(olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"));
   COleVariant covOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
   olNs.Logon(covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional);
   // Get Contact Folder
   MAPIFolder outbox = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(10);
   // Get All Contact Items
   _Items outboxItems = outbox.GetItems();   
   if (outboxItems == NULL) {

   // Get First Item
   _ContactItem contact = outboxItems.GetFirst(); 
     if (contact==NULL)
     CString strD2CS;
     COleDateTime bdDate;
     CString strTemp;

     // Get Full Name
     // Get Birthday
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";      
     bdDate = contact.GetBirthday();
     strD2CS.Format("%i", bdDate.GetYear());
     strTemp=strTemp + strD2CS + "-";
     strD2CS.Format("%i", bdDate.GetMonth());
     strTemp=strTemp + strD2CS + "-";
     strD2CS.Format("%i", bdDate.GetDay());
     strTemp=strTemp + strD2CS;
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     // Get Company Name
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";      
     strTemp=strTemp + contact.GetCompanyName();
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     // Get Home Telephone Number
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";
     strTemp=strTemp + contact.GetHomeTelephoneNumber();
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     // Add Contact Information to First Line
     m_mailList.InsertString(m_mailList.GetCount(), strTemp);
     // Clear the whole strTemp
     // Get Email 1 Address
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";
     strTemp=strTemp + contact.GetEmail1Address();
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     // Get Job Title
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";
     strTemp=strTemp + contact.GetJobTitle();
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     m_mailList.InsertString(m_mailList.GetCount(), strTemp);
     // Get Home Address
     strTemp=strTemp + "<";
     strTemp=strTemp + contact.GetHomeAddress();
     strTemp=strTemp + ">";
     m_mailList.InsertString(m_mailList.GetCount(), strTemp);
     contact = outboxItems.GetNext();
四、在.cpp文件中添加一个Ole-initialization class,并生成一个实例
// Ole-initialization class.
class OleInitClass {
    OleInitClass() {
    ~OleInitClass() {
// This global class calls OleInitialize() at
// application startup, and calls OleUninitialize()
// at application exit...
 OleInitClass g_OleInitClass;
