MAC Access Modes

Access to the wireless medium is controlled by coordination functions。 对WLAN来说,station接入无线网络有三种方式。




DCFdistributed coordination function一般都用这种


The DCF is the basis of the standard CSMA/CA access mechanism. Like Ethernet, it first checks to see that the radio link is clear before transmitting. To avoid collisions, stations use a random backoff after each frame, with the first transmitter seizing the channel. In some circumstances, the DCF may use the CTS/RTS clearing technique to further reduce the possibility of collisions.


PCF  ( point coordination function


The point coordination function provides contention-free services. Special stations called point coordinators are used to ensure that the medium is provided without contention. Point coordinators reside in access points, so the PCF is restricted to infrastructure networks. To gain priority over standard contention-based services, the PCF allows stations to transmit frames after a shorter interval. The PCF is not widely implemented and is described in Chapter 9.


HCF  ( hybrid coordination function


Some applications need to have service quality that is a step above best-effort delivery, but the rigorous timing of the PCF is not required. The HCF allows stations to maintain multiple service queues and balance access to the wireless medium in favor of applications that require better service quality. The HCF is not fully standardized yet, but is being produced as part of the eventual 802.11e specification.
