在IIS 发布Web App时使用ArcGIS Server Local services可能遇到的问题

 部署Web App时遇到问题,在ESRI bbs上提问贴如下:

Server DotNET ADF部署问题

请教Server9.2 .NET ADF开发的应用得部署问题。
跟踪后发现:连接arcgis server服务器异常,但是我已经把aps.net的帐户加到arcgisuser组,为何连接不上,配置中有什么要点吗?
另外我的dotnet ADF的帮助中ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.VSIPCC.v80/ESRI.EDNv9.2/NET_ADF/developer/ADF/deployment.htm(拷到IE中就可以导航过去)




To update the ArcGIS Identity

If your Web Mapping Application uses ArcGIS Server Local services, an identity is stored in the website for accessing those services. If a different GIS server or ArcGIS user is used for deployment than for development, you will need to update the identity. This is true even if you use a domain account for the identity and the production computer is a member of the domain.

To update the ArcGIS identity, see instructions in the Help page ASP.NET Identity and Impersonation.

Google+MSDN 关键字“ASP.NET Identity and Impersonation ”后问题解决:


<identity impersonate="true" userName="account" password="pass" />


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