Macfee 不能升级了,提示 返回错误

Macfee 不能升级了,提示 返回错误,卸载后重装,升级时提示变成“初始化常规更新程序子系统失败,确保McAfee Franework Service正在运行。McAfee Common Framework 返回错误[email=80040154@1]80040154@1”。进服务控制台手动启动McAfee Common Framework 服务,不能启动该服务。


Corporate KnowledgeBase
ERROR: McAfee Common Framework returned error fffff95b @ 2 (issue: FrameworkManifest.xml corrupt)

Corporate KnowledgeBase ID:     KB54520
Published:     August 08, 2008

McAfee Common Management Agent 3.60
McAfee Common Management Agent 3.5x
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i
Problem 1
The following errors occur after initiating an AutoUpdate:
McAfee Common Framework returned error fffff95b @ 2. (FrameworkManifest.xml corrupt)

Failed to initialize common updater subsystem

Make sure the McAfee Framework Services is running
Problem 2
Subsequent errors when trying to start the McAfee Framework Service:
Could not start the McAfee Framework Service on Local Computer

The system cannot find the file specified
Problem 3

Any of the following update methods will result in the AutoUpdate error:
Right-clicking the McShield icon in the system tray and selecting Update Now
Right-clicking the AutoUpdate in the VirusScan Console and clicking Start
Creating a new scheduled task
Editing the properties of the existing AutoUpdate task
FrameworkManifest.xml has become corrupted.
Solution 1
McAfee Agent 4.0

Changes in the design of the McAfee Agent 4.0 will prevent the corruption of the FrameworkManifest.xml file.
To download the McAfee Agent from the website, see KB54808 .

Solution 2

Common Management Agent

Solution 1 - Obtain FrameworkManifest.xml from another computer:
Locate another VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) computer where the updates are working without error.
Copy the FrameworkManifest.xml from the following path:

For VSE 8.5i   (running on Windows Vista)
x:/Program Data/McAfee/Common Framework

For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
x:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/McAfee/Common Framework

For VSE 8.0i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
x:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Network Associates/Common Framework

Paste the file to portable media or network share that can be accessed by both computers.
Click Start, Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
Right-click McAfee Framework Service and select Stop.
Copy FrameworkManifest.xml to the Common Framework directory.
Right-click McAfee Framework Service and select Start.
Update the product.

Solution   2 - Delete FrameworkManifest.xml and reinstall the Common Management Agent (CMA)
It is necessary to delete FrameworkManifest.xml because it may not be removed or replaced when an uninstall/re-install is undertaken.

Step 1 - Allow VSE files and settings to be modified (VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i and higher only)

Click Start, Programs, McAfee, VirusScan Console.
Right-click Access Protection, then select Properties.
Select Common Standard Protection.
Select Prevent modification of McAfee files and settings and disable this option.
Click OK.

Step 2 - Delete FrameworkManifest.xml and reinstall CMA:
Delete FrameworkManifest.xml from the following path:

For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows Vista)
x:/Program Data/McAfee/Common Framework

For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
x:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/McAfee/Common Framework

For VSE 8.0i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
x:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Network Associates/Common Framework

Restart your computer.
Re-install the Common Management Agent (CMA) / ePO agent.

NOTE: CMA is available for download from the McAfee Downloads site. See KB54808.
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