Kernel Hackers Guide to git (v3)


From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: 06/25/05

  • Next message: Gene Heskett: "Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.12-rc6-V0.7.48-00"
    Date:	Sat, 25 Jun 2005 01:13:46 -0400
    To: Linux Kernel <[email protected]>

    See attached. 

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    Kernel Hackers' Guide to git 


    1) installing git 

    git requires bootstrapping, since you must have git installed in order 
    to check out git.git (git repo), and linux-2.6.git (kernel repo). I 
    have put together a bootstrap tarball of a recent git repository. 

    Download tarball from: 

    tarball build-deps: zlib, libcurl, libcrypto (openssl) 

    install tarball: unpack && make && sudo make prefix=/usr/local install 

    jgarzik helper scripts, not in official git distribution: 

    After reading the rest of this document, come back and update your copy 
    of git to the latest: 


    2) download a linux kernel tree for the very first time 

    $ git clone / 
       rsync:// / 
    $ cd linux-2.6 
    $ rsync -a --delete --verbose --stats --progress / 
       rsync:// / 


    NOTE: The kernel tree is very large. This constitutes downloading 
    several hundred megabytes of data. 


    3) update local kernel tree to latest 2.6.x upstream ("fast-forward merge") 

    $ cd linux-2.6 
    $ git-pull-script / 


    4) check out files from the git repository into the working directory 

    $ git checkout -f 


    5) check in your own modifications (e.g. do some hacking, or apply a 

    # go to repo 
    $ cd linux-2.6 

    # make some modifications 
    $ vi drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c 

    # NOTE: add '--add' and/or '--remove' if files were added or removed 
    $ git-update-cache <list of all files changed> 

    # check in changes 
    $ git commit 


    6) List all changes in working dir, in diff format. 

    $ git diff 


    7) Obtain summary of all changes in working dir 

    $ git status 


    8) List all changesets (i.e. show each cset's description text) in local 
    branch of local tree, that are not present in remote tree. 

    $ cd my-kernel-tree-2.6 
    $ git-changes-script -L ../linux-2.6 | less 


    9) List all changesets: 

    $ git log 


    10) apply all patches in a Berkeley mbox-format file 

    First, download and add to your PATH Linus's git tools: 

    $ cd my-kernel-tree-2.6 
    $ dotest /path/to/mbox # yes, Linus has no taste in naming scripts 


    11) don't forget to download tags from time to time. 

    git-pull-script only downloads sha1-indexed object data, and the 
    requested remote head. This misses updates to the .git/refs/tags/ and 
    .git/refs/heads directories. It is advisable to update your kernel .git 
    directories periodically with a full rsync command, to make sure you got 

    $ cd linux-2.6 
    $ rsync -a --delete --verbose --stats --progress / 
       rsync:// / 


    12) list all branches 

    $ ls .git/refs/heads/ 


    13) make desired branch current in working directory 

    $ git checkout -f $branch 


    14) create a new branch, and make it current 

    $ cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/my-new-branch-name 
    $ git checkout -f my-new-branch-name 


    15) examine which branch is current 

    $ ls -l .git/HEAD 


    16) undo all local modifications (same as checkout): 

    $ git checkout -f 


    17) obtain a diff between current branch, and master branch 

    In most trees WITH BRANCHES, .git/refs/heads/master contains the current 
    'vanilla' upstream tree, for easy diffing and merging. (in trees 
    without branches, 'master' simply contains your latest changes) 

    $ git diff master..HEAD 


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    你可能感兴趣的:(Kernel Hackers Guide to git (v3))