Welcome to Flex 4.6 SDK and Flash Builder 4.6 Prerelease Pro

You can access this program via Flex 4.6 SDK and Flash Builder 4.6 Prerelease Program link on the Adobe Prerelease Program site home page at https://prerelease.adobe.com , using the Username and Password you created during the registration process.

你可以访问https://prerelease.adobe.com 获取Flex 4.6 SDK 和 Flash Builder 4.6

Flex 4.6 SDK and Flash Builder 4.6 build upon the existing in-market releases to provide exciting new capabilities for developing mobile and tablet applications, as well as providing support for the latest Adobe runtimes.

The new features available in this release include:

Flex SDK

New components
SplitViewNavigator – Master/Detail multi-navigator layout
Callout and CalloutButton – Popup with directional tail
DateSpinner – Touch control to choose time and date
SpinnerList – New list that recycles content circularly
ToggleSwitch – A Boolean slider switch
DynamicSplashScreen – Support multi-dpi, resolution and orientation
List Item Snapping – Snaps content to desired location on the screen
StageText – Native OS text input control

Flash Builder

Support for AIR 3 and Flash Player 11 projects
Develop applications that leverage AIR native extensions
Add ANE files as Referenced Libraries to a project
In-editor code complete for ANE libraries
Package native extensions with your desktop and mobile applications
Embed the AIR runtime within your Android and desktop applications
FlexUnit support for mobile projects (via Wi-Fi)
Network Monitor support for mobile projects (via Wi-Fi)
Support for Eclipse 3.7

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