/** * 翻译力求准确,信达雅谈不上,如果有不准确的欢迎大家指出,以便修 * @see http://gamedev.tutsplus.com/tutorials/implementation/let-your-players-undo-their-in-game-mistakes-with-the-command-pattern/ */
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javac *.java java TicTacToeMain
public void placeX(int row, int col) { assert(playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); spaces[row][col] = 1; playerXTurn = false; } public void placeO(int row, int col) { assert(!playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); spaces[row][col] = 2; playerXTurn = true; }
/** The game logic for a Tic-Tac-Toe game. This model does not have * an associated User Interface: it is just the game logic. * * The game is represented by a simple 3x3 integer array. A value of * 0 means the space is empty, 1 means it is an X, 2 means it is an O. * * @author aarnott * */ public class TicTacToeModel { //True if it is the X player’s turn, false if it is the O player’s turn private boolean playerXTurn; //The set of spaces on the game grid private int[][] spaces; /** Initialize a new game model. In the traditional Tic-Tac-Toe * game, X goes first. * */ public TicTacToeModel() { spaces = new int[3][3]; playerXTurn = true; } /** Returns true if it is the X player's turn. * * @return */ public boolean isPlayerXTurn() { return playerXTurn; } /** Returns true if it is the O player's turn. * * @return */ public boolean isPlayerOTurn() { return !playerXTurn; } /** Places an X on a space specified by the row and column * parameters. * * Preconditions: * -> It must be the X player's turn * -> The space must be empty * * @param row The row to place the X on * @param col The column to place the X on */ public void placeX(int row, int col) { assert(playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); spaces[row][col] = 1; playerXTurn = false; } /** Places an O on a space specified by the row and column * parameters. * * Preconditions: * -> It must be the O player's turn * -> The space must be empty * * @param row The row to place the O on * @param col The column to place the O on */ public void placeO(int row, int col) { assert(!playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); spaces[row][col] = 2; playerXTurn = true; } /** Returns true if a space on the grid is empty (no Xs or Os) * * @param row * @param col * @return */ public boolean isSpaceEmpty(int row, int col) { return (spaces[row][col] == 0); } /** Returns true if a space on the grid is an X. * * @param row * @param col * @return */ public boolean isSpaceX(int row, int col) { return (spaces[row][col] == 1); } /** Returns true if a space on the grid is an O. * * @param row * @param col * @return */ public boolean isSpaceO(int row, int col) { return (spaces[row][col] == 2); } /** Returns true if the X player won the game. That is, if the * X player has completed a line of three Xs. * * @return */ public boolean hasPlayerXWon() { //Check rows if(spaces[0][0] == 1 && spaces[0][1] == 1 && spaces[0][2] == 1) return true; if(spaces[1][0] == 1 && spaces[1][1] == 1 && spaces[1][2] == 1) return true; if(spaces[2][0] == 1 && spaces[2][1] == 1 && spaces[2][2] == 1) return true; //Check columns if(spaces[0][0] == 1 && spaces[1][0] == 1 && spaces[2][0] == 1) return true; if(spaces[0][1] == 1 && spaces[1][1] == 1 && spaces[2][1] == 1) return true; if(spaces[0][2] == 1 && spaces[1][2] == 1 && spaces[2][2] == 1) return true; //Check diagonals if(spaces[0][0] == 1 && spaces[1][1] == 1 && spaces[2][2] == 1) return true; if(spaces[0][2] == 1 && spaces[1][1] == 1 && spaces[2][0] == 1) return true; //Otherwise, there is no line return false; } /** Returns true if the O player won the game. That is, if the * O player has completed a line of three Os. * * @return */ public boolean hasPlayerOWon() { //Check rows if(spaces[0][0] == 2 && spaces[0][1] == 2 && spaces[0][2] == 2) return true; if(spaces[1][0] == 2 && spaces[1][1] == 2 && spaces[1][2] == 2) return true; if(spaces[2][0] == 2 && spaces[2][1] == 2 && spaces[2][2] == 2) return true; //Check columns if(spaces[0][0] == 2 && spaces[1][0] == 2 && spaces[2][0] == 2) return true; if(spaces[0][1] == 2 && spaces[1][1] == 2 && spaces[2][1] == 2) return true; if(spaces[0][2] == 2 && spaces[1][2] == 2 && spaces[2][2] == 2) return true; //Check diagonals if(spaces[0][0] == 2 && spaces[1][1] == 2 && spaces[2][2] == 2) return true; if(spaces[0][2] == 2 && spaces[1][1] == 2 && spaces[2][0] == 2) return true; //Otherwise, there is no line return false; } /** Returns true if all the spaces are filled or one of the players has * won the game. * * @return */ public boolean isGameOver() { if(hasPlayerXWon() || hasPlayerOWon()) return true; //Check if all the spaces are filled. If one isn’t the game isn’t over for(int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < 3; col++) { if(spaces[row][col] == 0) return false; } } //Otherwise, it is a “cat’s game” return true; } }
public interface Command { public void execute(); }
public interface Command { public void execute(); public void undo(); }
public class CommandManager { private Command lastCommand; public CommandManager() {} public void executeCommand(Command c) { c.execute(); lastCommand = c; } ... }
public boolean isUndoAvailable() { return lastCommand != null; } public void undo() { assert(lastCommand != null); lastCommand.undo(); lastCommand = null; }
public class TicTacToeModel { ... private class PlaceXCommand implements Command { public void execute() { ... } public void undo() { ... } } private class PlaceOCommand implements Command { public void execute() { ... } public void undo() { ... } } }
//第一种:存储当前和下一状态 //Option 1: Storing the previous and next states private class PlaceXCommand implements Command { private TicTacToeModel model; // private int[][] previousGridState; private boolean previousTurnState; private int[][] nextGridState; private boolean nextTurnState; // private PlaceXCommand (TicTacToeModel model, int row, int col) { this.model = model; // previousTurnState = model.playerXTurn; //Copy the entire grid for both states previousGridState = new int[3][3]; nextGridState = new int[3][3]; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { //This is allowed because this class is an inner //class. Otherwise, the model would need to //provide array access somehow. previousGridState[i][j] = m.spaces[i][j]; nextGridState[i][j] = m.spaces[i][j]; } } //Figure out the next state by applying the placeX logic nextGridState[row][col] = 1; nextTurnState = false; } // public void execute() { model.spaces = nextGridState; model.playerXTurn = nextTurnState; } // public void undo() { model.spaces = previousGridState; model.playerXTurn = previousTurnState; } }
//Option 2: Storing only the changes between states private class PlaceXCommand implements Command { private TicTacToeModel model; private int previousValue; private boolean previousTurn; private int row; private int col; // private PlaceXCommand(TicTacToeModel model, int row, int col) { this.model = model; this.row = row; this.col = col; //Copy the previous value from the grid this.previousValue = model.spaces[row][col]; this.previousTurn = model.playerXTurn; } // public void execute() { model.spaces[row][col] = 1; model.playerXTurn = false; } // public void undo() { model.spaces[row][col] = previousValue; model.playerXTurn = previousTurn; } }
public class TicTacToeModel { private CommandManager commandManager; // ... // public TicTacToeModel() { ... // commandManager = new CommandManager(); } // ... // public void placeX(int row, int col) { assert(playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); commandManager.executeCommand(new PlaceXCommand(this, row, col)); } // public void placeO(int row, int col) { assert(!playerXTurn); assert(spaces[row][col] == 0); commandManager.executeCommand(new PlaceOCommand(this, row, col)); } // ... }
public class TicTacToeModel { // ... // public boolean canUndo() { return commandManager.isUndoAvailable(); } // public void undo() { commandManager.undo(); } }
public class CommandManager { private Command lastCommandUndone; ... public void executeCommand(Command c) { c.execute(); lastCommand = c; lastCommandUndone = null; } public void undo() { assert(lastCommand != null); lastCommand.undo(); lastCommandUndone = lastCommand; lastCommand = null; } public boolean isRedoAvailable() { return lastCommandUndone != null; } public void redo() { assert(lastCommandUndone != null); lastCommandUndone.execute(); lastCommand = lastCommandUndone; lastCommandUndone = null; } }
public class CommandManager { private Stack<Command> undos = new Stack<Command>(); private Stack<Command> redos = new Stack<Command>(); public void executeCommand(Command c) { c.execute(); undos.push(c); redos.clear(); } public boolean isUndoAvailable() { return !undos.empty(); } public void undo() { assert(!undos.empty()); Command command = undos.pop(); command.undo(); redos.push(command); } public boolean isRedoAvailable() { return !redos.empty(); } public void redo() { assert(!redos.empty()); Command command = redos.pop(); command.execute(); undos.push(command); } }