Python 入门教程 8 ---- Python Lists and Dictionaries


     1 介绍了Python的列表list

     2 列表的格式list_name = [item1 , item2],Python的列表和C语言的数组很像

     3 列表可以为空,就是empty_list = [],比如数组为空

     4 举例

zoo_animals = ["pangolin", "cassowary", "sloth", "dog"];
# One animal is missing!

if len(zoo_animals) > 3:
	print "The first animal at the zoo is the " + zoo_animals[0]
	print "The second animal at the zoo is the " + zoo_animals[1]
	print "The third animal at the zoo is the " + zoo_animals[2]
	print "The fourth animal at the zoo is the " + zoo_animals[3]


     1  介绍了我们可以使用下标来访问list的元素,就像数组一样

     2 下标从0开始,比如list_name[0]是第一个元素

     3 练习:输出列表numbers的第二个和第四个数的和

numbers = [5, 6, 7, 8]

print "Adding the numbers at indices 0 and 2..."
print numbers[0] + numbers[2]
print "Adding the numbers at indices 1 and 3..."
# Your code here!
print numbers[1] + numbers[3]


     1 介绍了我们可以使用下标来对第几个元素进行赋值

     2 比如lisy_name[2] = 2,就是把列表的第三个值赋值为2

     3 练习:把列表zoo_animals中的tiger换成其它的动物

zoo_animals = ["pangolin", "cassowary", "sloth", "tiger"]
# Last night our zoo's sloth brutally attacked 
#the poor tiger and ate it whole.

# The ferocious sloth has been replaced by a friendly hyena.
zoo_animals[2] = "hyena"

# What shall fill the void left by our dear departed tiger?
# Your code here!
zoo_animals[3] = "dog"


     1 介绍了list中添加一个item的方法append()

     2 比list_name.append(item),求列表list_name中有几项就是利用len(list_name)

     3 练习:在列表suitcase在增加三项,然后求出它的元素的个数

suitcase = [] 

# Your code here!

# Set this to the length of suitcase
list_length = len(suitcase)

print "There are %d items in the suitcase." % (list_length)
print suitcase


     1 介绍了list列表怎样得到子列表list_name[a:b],将得到下标a开始到下标b之前的位置

     2 比如列表my_list = [1,2,3,4],那么my_list[1:3]得到的将是[2,3]

my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
my_slice = my_list[1:3]
print my_list
# Prints [0, 1, 2, 3]
print my_slice
# Prints [1, 2]

     3 如果我们默认第二个值,那么将会直接到末尾那个位置。如果默认第一个值,值是从头开始

# Grabs the first two items
# Grabs the fourth through last

     4 练习:把first列表设置为suitcase的前两项,把middle列表设置为suitcase的中间两项,把last列表设置为suitcase的后两项

suitcase = ["sunglasses", "hat", "passport", "laptop", "suit", "shoes"]

# The first two items
first = suitcase[0:2] 
# Third and fourth items
middle = suitcase[2:4]
# The last two items
last = suitcase[4:]


     1 介绍了不仅列表可以得到子串,字符串也满足

     2 比如string[a:b]是得到从下标a开始到b之前的子串

     3 练习:把三个变量分别设置为对应的子串

animals = "catdogfrog"
# The first three characters of animals
cat = animals[:3]   
# The fourth through sixth characters
dog = animals[3:6]   
# From the seventh character to the end
frog = animals[6:] 


     1 介绍了列表的两种方法index(item)和insert(index , item)

     2 index(item)方法是查找item在列表中的下标,使用方法list_name.index(item)

     3 insert(index,item)是在下标index处插入一个item,其余的后移,使用方法list_name.insert(index , item)

     4 练习:使用index()函数找到列表中的"duck",然后在当前位置插入"cobra"

                   如果我们使用print list_name,就是直接输出列表的所有元素

animals = ["aardvark", "badger", "duck", "emu", "fennec fox"]
# Use index() to find "duck"
duck_index = animals.index("duck")

# Your code here!

# Observe what prints after the insert operation
print animals 


     1 介绍我们可以使用for循环来遍历列表的每一个元素

     2 比如for variable in list_name:



     3 练习:打印列表的每一个元素的值*2

my_list = [1,9,3,8,5,7]

for number in my_list:
    # Your code here
    print 2*number


     1 介绍了列表的另外一种方法sort(),可以对列表进行排序,默认是从小到打排序

     2 使用的方法是list_name.sort()

     3 列表中删除一个item的方法list_name.remove(item)  

beatles = ["john","paul","george","ringo","stuart"]
print beatles
>> ["john","paul","george","ringo"]

     4 练习:利用for循环把没一项的值的平方加入列表square_list,然后对square_list排序输出

start_list = [5, 3, 1, 2, 4]
square_list = []

# Your code here!
for numbers in start_list:
print square_list.sort()


     1 介绍了Python中的字典,字典的每一个item是一个键值对即key:value

     2 比如字典d = {'key1' : 1, 'key2' : 2, 'key3' : 3},有三个元素

     3 Python的字典和C++里面的map很像,我们可以使用d["key1"]来输出key1对应的value

     4 练习:打印出'Sloth'和'Burmese Python'对应的value


# Assigning a dictionary with three key-value pairs to residents:
residents = {'Puffin' : 104, 'Sloth' : 105, 'Burmese Python' : 106}

# Prints Puffin's room number
print residents['Puffin'] 

# Your code here!
print residents['Sloth']
print residents['Burmese Python']


     1 介绍了三点

        1 字典和列表一样可以是空的,比如d = {}就是一个空的字典

        2 字典里面添加一个键值对或者是改变已有key的value,使用这种方法 dict_name[key] = value
        3 我们也可以使用len(dict_name)求出字典的元素的个数

     2 练习:至少添加3个键值对到字典menu中

# Empty dictionary
menu = {} 

# Adding new key-value pair
menu['Chicken Alfredo'] = 14.50 
print menu['Chicken Alfredo']

# Your code here: Add some dish-price pairs to menu!
menu["a"] = 1
menu["b"] = 2
menu["c"] = 3

# print you code
print "There are " + str(len(menu)) + " items on the menu."
print menu


     1 介绍了我们可以删除字典中的键值对

     2 我们使用del dict_name[key],这样将删除键值为key的键值对

     3 练习:删除key为"Sloth"和"Bengal Tiger",并且设置key为"Rockhopper Penguin"的val和之前的不一样

# key - animal_name : value - location 
zoo_animals = { 'Unicorn' : 'Cotton Candy House',
'Sloth' : 'Rainforest Exhibit',
'Bengal Tiger' : 'Jungle House',
'Atlantic Puffin' : 'Arctic Exhibit',
'Rockhopper Penguin' : 'Arctic Exhibit'}

# A dictionary (or list) declaration may break across multiple lines
# Removing the 'Unicorn' entry. (Unicorns are incredibly expensive.)
del zoo_animals['Unicorn']

# Your code here!
del zoo_animals["Sloth"]
del zoo_animals["Bengal Tiger"]
zoo_animals["Rockhopper Penguin"] = "aa"

# print you code
print zoo_animals


     1 介绍了字典中一个key可以对应不止一个的value

     2 比如my_dict = {"hello":["h","e","l","l","o"]},那么key为"hello"对应的value有5个,我们可以使用my_dict["hello"][index]来取得下标为index的value,比如index为1的时候是"e"

     3 对于一个key对应多个value的话,我们应该要用list来保存这些value

     4 对于一个key对应多个value的话,我们还可以对这个key的val进行排序,比如my_dict["hello"].sort()

     4 练习

        1 在字典inventory中添加一个key为'pocket',值设置为列表["seashell" , "strange berry" , "lint"]

        2 对key'pocket'的value进行排序

        3 删除字典inventory中key为'backpack'的键值对

        4 把字典inventory中key为'gold'的value加一个50

# Assigned a new list to 'pouch' key
inventory = {'gold' : 500,
'pouch' : ['flint', 'twine', 'gemstone'], 
'backpack' : ['xylophone','dagger', 'bedroll','bread loaf']}

# Adding a key 'burlap bag' and assigning a list to it
inventory['burlap bag'] = ['apple', 'small ruby', 'three-toed sloth']

# Sorting the list found under the key 'pouch'
# Here the dictionary access expression takes the place of a list name 

# Your code here
inventory['pocket'] = ["seashell" , "strange berry" , "lint"]
del inventory['backpack']
inventory['gold'] = [500 , 50]

你可能感兴趣的:(Python 入门教程 8 ---- Python Lists and Dictionaries)