AI middleware


AI middleware

AiLive us | pc 
AiSeek il | pc 
Artificial de | pc 
BabelFlux us | pc xbox360 
Engenuity Technologies ca | pc xbox360 ps2 ps3 
Havok - Behavior ie | pc xbox360 ps3 
Kynogon fr | pc xbox xbox360 ps2 ps3 psp gc linux 
PathEngine fr | pc xbox360 ps3 wii linux 
Procedural Arts us | pc 
SpirOps fr | pc ppc xbox xbox360 ps ps2 ps3 psp gba gc ds symb 
Storytron us | pc 
Stottler Henke us | pc 
TruSoft - Artificial Contender us | pc xbox xbox360 ps2 ps3 gc wii 
X-aitment de | pc 
Xtreme Strategy us | pc

**Nvidia GPU AI

----------------------open source stuffs ------------------

OpenSteer and MetaAgent


FEAR - ageneric framework for AI development with a collection of buildingblocks, and methodologies to extend the system

aicore Artificial Intelligence For Games (2009).pdf

FSM open source projects 

A* solver 



PandaAI(AI for Panda3D engine)  (source code)

BrainiacDesigner  - open source c++ visual behaviour tree editor


openNERO  -  game platform for Artificial Intelligence research and education

ahuman  AI相关,若干AI开源项目

brainbugz , googlecode, blog,等作者的其他项目

crowd simulation framework(java)






Game AI resources:

  • Web sites ongame AI: 
    • Game developer:
      • by SteveRabin ("Our Goal: Catalogue EveryGame AI Article and Every Graphics Article")
      • Game/AI blog byDamian Isla
      • Game AI Page by Steve Woodcock
      • by MichaelZarozinski
      • AI Depot by AlexChampandard
      • GameAI links by RobertZubek
      • AnAIArchitecture for Games and Robotics by Nick Porcino
      • ArtificialIntelligence resources at
      • ArtificialIntelligence resources at GDSE
    • Academic:
      • ArtificialIntelligence and Computer Games Research at UMich by John Laird et al.
      • ArtificialIntelligence section of AmitPatel'sGame Programming Information.
      • AI Center by Alexander Nareyek
      • Dialoguein Computer Games by PennyDrennan
      • GameAI Paper Summaries, StrategyAIand by Penny Sweetser
  • Conferences and workshops:
    • IEEE Symposiumon Computational Intelligence and Games (2007)
    • Artificial Intelligence andInteractive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE 2005 2006, 2007)
    • V-Crowds'05 The First InternationalWorkshop onCrowd Simulation
    • AAAI-04Workshop on Challenges in Game AI (2004)
    • ArtificialIntelligence and Interactive Entertainment (AAAI AIIE 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999)
    • CollaborativeHuman/AI Control for Interactive Experiences (CHACIE 2010)
  • Books: (see also 
    • ArtificialIntelligence for Computer Games: An Introduction (2004) by John D. Funge. The companion website includesbibliography, errata, chapter guide, and relevant links.
    • ProgrammingGame AI by Example (2004) by Mat Buckland
    • AIGame Engine Programming(2004) by Brian Schwab
    • AI for GameDevelopers (2004) by David M. Bourg and Glenn Seeman
    • AI Game Development:Synthetic Creatures withLearning and Reactive Behaviors (2003) by AlexChampandard. See also the companion website
    • AIGame Programming Wisdom 2 (2003) edited by SteveRabin.
    • AIGame Programming Wisdom (2002) edited by SteveRabin.
    • AI forAnimation and Games: A Cognitive Modeling Approach (1999) by John D. Funge.
  • Papers:
    • Surveys and overviews:
      • Alex Nareyek (2004) ArtificialIntelligence in Computer Games - State of the Art and Future DirectionsACM Queue 1(10), 58-65 (PDFof print version)
      • BehaviorModeling in Commercial Games (2004) by David E. Diller, WilliamFerguson, Alice M. Leung, Brett Benyo, Dennis Foley [DOC]
    • Pathfinding:
      • Memory-Efficient Abstractions for Pathfinding (2007) Nathan R. Sturtevant  [PDF]
      • NearOptimal Hierarchical Path-Finding (2004) Adi Botea, MartinMüller and JonathanSchaeffer
      • EfficientNavigation Mesh Implementation (2004) John C. O’Neill
      • Realistic Human Path Planning using Fluid Simulation [PDF](2004) by René G. Burgess and Christian J. Darken
      • RibbonNetworks for Modeling Navigable Paths of Autonomous Agents in VirtualUrban Environments [PDF](2003) Peter Willemsen, Joseph K.Kearney and Hongling Wang
      • InteractiveNavigation in Complex Environments Using Path Planning (2003) BrianSalomon, Maxim Garber, MingC. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha
      • PolygonSoup for the Programmer's Soul: 3D Pathfinding (2001) by PatrickSmith.  GDC 2001 presentation slides in [PPT].
    • Formations:
      • Formation-BasedPathfinding With Real-World Vehicles (2000) by Jim VanVerth, VictorBrueggemann, Jon Owen and Peter McMurry.  Extends steeringbehaviors toinclude multi-vehicle formations and explores more specific vehiclelocomotion models.
      • CoordinatedUnit Movement, and ImplementingCoordinated Movement (1999) by DavePottinger
      • Closely related robotics papers:
        • Formationswith a Mission: Stable Coordination of Vehicle Group Maneuvers(2002) by Petter Ogren,Edward Fiorelli and NaomiEhrich Leonard
        • NegotiatedFormations (2003) by David J. Naffin and GauravS.Sukhatme
        • RobotFormations Using Only Local Sensing and Control (2001) by JakobFredslund and MajaJ Mataric
        • SocialPotentials for Scalable Multi-Robot Formations (2000) by TuckerBalch and MariaHybinette
        • Behavior-basedFormation Control for Multi-robot Teams (1999) by TuckerBalch and RonaldC. Arkin
    • Steering behaviors: 
      • AutonomousBehaviors for Interactive Vehicle Animations (2004) by Jared Go,Thuc Vu and JamesKuffner. [PDF]
      • Fast,Neat and Under Control: Inverse Steering Behaviors for PhysicalAutonomous Agents (2003) Heni Ben Amor, Oliver Obst, Jan Murray. [PDF][CiteSeer]
      • SteeringBehaviors For Autonomous Characters(1999) by Craig Reynolds. [PDF][CiteSeer]
    • Crowds:
      • ContinuumCrowds (2006) by Adrien Treuille, SethCooper and ZoranPopović [PDF][DivXmovie]
      • Big FastCrowds on PS3 (2006) by Craig Reynolds (PSCrowd) [PDF]
      • FastCrowd:Real-Time Simulation and Interaction with Large Crowds based onGraphics Hardware (2004) by NicolasCourty and SoraiaRaupp Musse [PDF]
      • Interactionwith Groups of Autonomous Characters (2000) by Craig Reynolds. [PDF]
    • Camera AI:
      • A Lightweight Intelligent Virtual Cinematography Systemfor Machinima Production (2007) David K. Elson and Mark O. Riedl. [PDF]
      • ACinematography System for Virtual Storytelling (2003) Nicolas Courty, Fabrice Lamarche, StéphaneDonikian, and ÉricMarchand. [PDF]
      • Real-Time Camera Control For Interactive Storytelling(2002) Fred Charles, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Marc Cavazza and Steven J. Mead. [PDF][CiteSeer]
      • ACamera Engine for Computer Games: Managing the Trade-Off BetweenConstraint Satisfaction and Frame Coherence (2001) by Nicolas Halper, Ralf HelbingandThomasStrothotte. [PDF] [CiteSeer]
      • TheVirtual Cinematographer: A Paradigm for Automatic Real-Time CameraControl and Directing (1996) by Michael F. Cohen, Li-wei He and David Salesin. [PDF][CiteSeer] 
    • Visibility and perception:
      • Visibility and Concealment Algorithms for 3D Simulations [PDF](2004) by Christian J.Darken
      • AI on the GPU [PDF](2004) by Christian J.Darken, E. Ray Pursel, J. Steve Correia. On determining howentities on a virtual battlefield see each other.
      • State Estimation for Game AI using Particle Filters(2004) by Curt Bererton. [PDF] [AVIvideo]
      • Object Persistence for Synthetic Characters (2002) byDamian A. Isla and BruceM. Blumberg. [PDF]
    • Social and conversationalagents:
      • Character Participation in Social Interaction [PDF](2004) by Robert Zubek
      • GenericPersonality and Emotion Simulation for Conversational Agents [PDF](2004) by ArjanEgges, Sumedha Kshirsagar, NadiaMagnenat-Thalmann
      • FLAME- A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotions (2000) by Magy Seif El-Nasr, JohnYen, and Thomas Ioerger. [PS]
    • Story AI:
      • Interactive Storytelling: A Player Modelling Approach(2007) David Thue, Vadim Bulitko, Marcia Spetch and EricWasylishen.  [PDF] (regarding: PaSSAGE:Player-Specific Stories via Automatically Generated Events)
      • Dynamic Generation of Dilemma-based InteractiveNarratives (2007) HeatherBarber and DanielKudenko. [PDF]
      • AI Characters and Directors for Interactive ComputerGames (2004) Brian Magerko, John E. Laird, Mazin Assanie, Alex Kerfoot and Devvan Stokes. [PDF]
      • An intent-driven planner for multi-agent story generation(2004) by Mark Owen Riedland R. Michael Young. [PDF]
      • Interactive Narrative Architecture Based on FilmmakingTheory (2004) by Magy SeifEl-Nasr.  [PDF]
      • A Search-Based Drama Manager (2004) by Ari Lamsteinand Michael Mateas [PDF]
      • Façade: AnExperiment in Building a Fully-Realized Interactive Drama (2003) Michael Mateasand Andrew Stern [PDF]
      • TheStage as a Character: Automatic Creation of Acts of God for DramaticEffect(1995) by Bradley Rhodesand Pattie Maes
    • Action selection andagent architecture:
      • Improv: A System for Scripting Interactive Actors inVirtual Worlds (1996) by KenPerlin and AthomasGoldberg [PDF] [CiteSeer] [relatedpage]
      • Multi-LevelDirection of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments(1995) by Bruce Blumbergand Tinsley Galyean. [PDF] [CiteSeer]
    • Strategy and tactics:
      • SORTS: A Human-Level Approach to Real-Time Strategy AI(2007) SamWintermute, Joseph Xu, and John E. Laird  [PDF]
      • Rules versus Scripts in Games Artificial Intelligence(2004) by NathanCombs and Jean-Louis Ardoint. [PDF]
      • It Knows What You're Going to Do: Adding Anticipation toa Quakebot (2001) by JohnE. Laird. [PDF]
    • Learning and evolution:
      • Evolving Opponents for Interesting Interactive ComputerGames (2004) by GeorgiosN. Yannakakis and John Hallam.  [PDF]
      • Fast and Learnable Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling forVirtual Character Animation (2004) Jonathan Dinerstein, Parris K.Egbert, Hugo de Garisand NelsonDinerstein. [PDF]
      • IntegratedLearning for Interactive Synthetic Characters (2002) Bruce Blumberg, Marc Downie, Yuri Ivanov, Matt Berlin, MichaelPatrick Johnson, BillTomlinson. [PDF]
    • Other:
      • SquadSmart: Hierarchical Planning and Coordinated PlanExecution for Squads of Characters (2007) Peter Gorniak and IanDavis [PDF]
      • Automatic Rule Ordering for Dynamic Scripting (2007)Timor Timuri, PieterSpronck and Jaap vanden Herik  [PDF]
      • AutomatingLighting Design for Interactive Entertainment (2004) Magy Seif El-Nasr and Ian Horswill. [PDF]
      • RealisticAutonomousNavigation in Dynamic Environments (2003) by AlexChampandard (Masters thesis, University ofEdinburgh)
      • RTS Games as Test-Bed for Real-Time Research [PDF](2003) Michael Buroand Timothy Furtak.
      • Artificial Stupidity: The Art of Intentional Mistakes(2003) Lars Liden. [PDF]
      • A Visual Environment for Rapid Behavior Definition (2003)Dan Fu, Ryan Houlette, and Randy Jensen. [PDF]
      • Putting AI in Entertainment: An AI Authoring Tool forSimulation and Games (2002) by Daniel Fu and Ryan Houlette [PDF]
      • Strategic and Tactical Reasoning with Waypoints (2002) Lars Liden. [PDF]
      • Gamebots: A 3D Virtual World Test-Bed For Multi-AgentResearch (2001) Rogelio Adobbati,Andrew N. Marshall, Andrew Scholer, Sheila Tejada, Gal Kaminka, StevenSchaffer, Chris Sollitto. [PDF] [CiteSeer]
  • Game AI articles:
    • ArtificialIntelligence articles from Gamasutra (requires free registration)
    • UsingGenetic Algorithms for Game AI by Greg James at GIGnews
    • AIin VideoGames vs. AI in Academia (Slashdot discussion)
    • WildThings game AI article from Wired.
    • AIhelps gamers keep on playing (BBC 2002) by Mark Ward on AI in Majorem
    • Computergames start thinking (BBC 2002) by Mark Ward
    • Thefuture of artificial intelligence: The Borg? (2002, ZDNet) groupmind AI for "Dmitry"
    • AIin action games: complete interviews (2002, PC Gamer)
    • NOLF2: the complete developer interview (2002, PC Gamer)
    • AIMiddleware: Getting into Characterby Eric Dybsand(Gamasutra, July 2003) parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • TheFull Spectrum Warrior Camera System by John Giors (GDC2004, Gamasutra (requires free registration))
    • Underthe hood of The Sims (2002 IE only?) lecture notesby KenForbus
    • What does AIoffer video games? (2004, self-published) by Craig Furness
    • Bringingemotions to video games Can games inspire feelings as well as fun?by Tom Loftus (2004, MSNBC) [PDF]
    • Adaptingthe Tools of Drama to Interactive Storytelling (2001, Gamasutra(requires free registration)) by Randy Littlejohn
    • Agitatingfor Dramatic Change (2003, Gamasutra (requires freeregistration)) by RandyLittlejohn
  • Software:
    • Commercial:
      • AI.implantfrom Engenuity Technologies
      • ArtificialContender from TruSoft
      • DirectIA
      • emotion ai
      • Kynapsefrom Kynogon
      • LiveCombatfrom AiLive
      • Louder Than ABomb! Software
      • Massive (crowdsystem used in Lord of the Rings, see also)
      • Pariveda
      • Realtime Drama
      • RenderWareA.I. ("powered by Kynogon")
      • SimBionicfrom Stottler HenkeAssociates.
      • SoftimageBehavior
      • SpirOps
      • VirtoolsAI Pack (formerly NeMo?)
    • Open source:
  • Other:
    • IGDA'scommittee onArtificial Intelligence (AI) Interface Standards [relatedgame AI newsletter]
    • InternationalJournal of Intelligent Games & Simulation
    • Computers> Artificial Intelligence > Games (Google/DMOZdirectory)
    • (via webor nntp)
    • Related topics:
      • Gameswith programmable AI: games providing API/SDK allowing them to beused astestbeds for AI research. (From CS 672:Learning and Sequential Decision Making by Michael L. Littman.)Some others:
        • ORTS - AFree Software RTS Game Framework
        • Freeciv:"Cause civilization should be free!"
        • Games> Video Games > Simulation > Programming Games (Google/DMOZdirectory)
        • GamebotsUnreal Tournament as a domain for research in artificial intelligence
      • Emotionally Challengedblog by Ian Wilson on articial emotion.
      • Terra Nova ablog about virtual worlds: "computer-generated, persistent, immersive,and representational social platforms...MMORPGs..."
      • InteractiveStorytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction (2004) book by Andrew Glassner
      • GPGPU General-PurposeComputation Using Graphics Hardware
      • AIon the Web a massive directory of general (not specifically gamerelated) AIlinks, online companion to the book ArtificialIntelligence: A Modern Approach

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