最近用到的informix sql,关于时间函数



两个时间段函数相减,得到的秒数。 extend(sendtime,hour to hour) 截取小时数
select sendtime, sheetcompletelimit, ((sheetcompletelimit-sendtime)::interval second(9) to second ::char(20) ::integer), extend(sendtime,hour to hour)
from businesschange_main where sendtime > '2013-07-12 15:59:59'
2013-7-12 下午4:17:25'2013-7-19 下午3:50:01'603156
2013-7-12 下午4:28:25'2013-7-19 下午4:01:01'603156

inforix统计sql,case when 语句,sum求和。
select task.subtaskflag as s1,
nvl(sum(case when task.taskstatus='2' then 1 else 0 end),0) as f1,--"待受理",指派发后未受理的工单
nvl(sum(case when task.taskstatus='8' then 1 else 0 end),0) as f2, ---"待处理",指受理后未回复的工单
nvl(sum(case when task.taskname='HoldHumTask' then 1 else 0 end),0) as f3,---"待归档",指回复后未归档的工单
nvl(sum(case when main.sheetcompletelimit-current>=interval(2) day to day and main.sheetcompletelimit-current<=interval(3) day to day  then 1 else 0 end),0) as f4,--"3天超时预警",指距回复时限还有3~5天的工单
nvl(sum(case when main.sheetcompletelimit-current>=interval(3) day to day and main.sheetcompletelimit-current<=interval(5) day to day then 1 else 0 end),0) as f8,--"5天超时预警",指距回复时限还有2~3天的工单
nvl(sum(case when main.sheetcompletelimit-current>=interval(1) day to day and main.sheetcompletelimit-current<=interval(2) day to day then 1 else 0 end),0) as f5,--"2天超时警告",指距回复时限还有1~2天的工单
nvl(sum(case when  main.sheetcompletelimit>=current and main.sheetcompletelimit-current<=interval(1) day to day then 1 else 0 end),0) as f6,--、"1天超时警告",指距回复时限还有0~1天的工单
nvl(sum(case when current>main.sheetcompletelimit then 1 else 0 end),0) as f7  --"已超时工单数",指已超时未回复的工单。
 from businessdredge_main main,businessdredge_task task where 
 main.sendtime>=extend(today-30,year to second) 
and main.id=task.sheetkey and (task.taskstatus='2'or task.taskstatus='8'or task.taskname='HoldHumTask') 
and task.createtime in (select max(createtime) from businessdredge_task kk where kk.sheetkey=main.id group by main.id) group by task.subtaskflag

你可能感兴趣的:(最近用到的informix sql,关于时间函数)