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计算机科学里的线程执行(thread of execution)的概念指的是把计算机程序的执行路线分叉(fork)成两条或多条执行路线,实现并发运行。不同的操作系统对进程和线程的现实都有少许不同,不过大都是进程包含着线程。同一进程内的多个线程可共享诸如内存这样的资源,而进程间不能共享这些资源。
不同的编程语言对线程的支持是不同的。有相当一部分编程语言是不支持线程,不支持在单一程序内同时有多于一个以上的执行上下文。比如Python就是这样。Python里有所谓的全局解释锁(Global Interpreter Lock)限制了它的运行时(runtime)对并行运行的支持。有一些语言则只支持用户线程,用户线程是内核不可见的,因此它不能被多处理器并行调度执行,多处理器并行执行的必须实现所谓的内核线程。
很多现代操作直接支持时间片式和多处理器式线程操作。操作系统内核为程序员对线程操作提供了系统调用(system call)。
像Windows NT和OS/2这些操作系统声称线程很“轻”而进程很“重”,但一些其它操作系统则认为二者其实并没有这么大的区别,二者在切换上只是在地址空间上开销有一点区别。
为了做到线程独立,程序员必须当心以防出现竞态(race conditions )和一些隐晦(non-intuitive)的程序行为。还有,为了正确的使用数据,线程间必须约定好使用数据的次序。
为了防止常用数据被同时修改,线程需要使用原子操作(atomic operations)(一般用信号灯机[semaphores]制实现)。原子操作使用不慎会造成死锁(deadlocks)现象。
多线程另一个优点就是即便是单处理器系统,应用程序对用户输入仍能保持应答,提高交互友好性。在单线程的程序里,如果主线程要完成一项长时间的任务,那么整个程序就像被冻结一样,没有任何反应。换成多线程模型,我们可以把该长时间任务交给一个新的工作线程(worker thread),主线程可以继续与用户交互。
抢先式的缺点就是系统可能会切换线程不适时,引发“优先级反转”(priority inversion)现象或其它协作式多线程能避免的负面效果。
上世纪九十年代后期,多线程同时执行的思想已经成为事实,出现所谓的同时多线程技术(simultaneous multithreading.)这也就P4的里的所谓超线程技术。
内核线程则是最“轻”的内核调度单元。每个进程至少有一个内核线程。如果进程内有多个内核线程,那它们可共享进程资源。当操作系统的调度器是抢先式时,内核线程也是抢先式多任务的(preemptively multitasked)
线程除可以内核内实现,还可以在用户空间内实现,这种线程称用户线程。用户线程是内核不可见的,它们在用户空间内被管理和调度。为了配合多处理器的机器环境 (N:M 模型),有一些用户线程的实现是基于内核线程的。在本文中如果没有特指,线程默认指内核线程。在虚拟机上实现的用户线程也叫绿色线程。
进程内的线程共享地址空间,这意味着两个紧密合作的并发线程可以很方便的交换数据,没有通IPC(Inter-process communication)实现通信所带的复杂性和代价。不过,互斥问题在线程间依然存在的。如果两个线程同时使用一块数据,并且需要多于单条CPU指令的操作时,那么很可能出现竞态(race hazards)现象。由竞态现象产生的BUG是很难再现(reproduce )和隔离的。
为了防止这些现象发生,线程API为资源的并发访问提供了同步原语(synchronization primitives),比如互斥体(mutex)。
一种常见的解决办法就是,线程库提供一个同步接口,库内部实现异步机制(KEMIN:详情?)。这种方法也用于其它可被阻塞的系统调用(system calls)。还有一种办法,就是尽量避免使用可被阻塞的系统调用。
现代UNIX系统提供了异步I/O机制,异步I/O是一个非常有用的手段,因为它允许一个进程在等待I/O操作完成的同时执行其它任务。但是,它带来了一个复杂的编程模型。人们希望把异步限制到操作系统级上,而给应用程序一个同步的编程环境。——摘自《1^^^^^Unix Internals - The New Frontiers - 1996》3.2.3
内核线程的使用简化了用户代码的编写,因为大部分的线程管理代码被移入内核。程序本身不需要自己调度线程和显式让出CPU。用户代码可以以很自然的顺序方式编写,包括调用会被阻塞的API,并且不会饥饿其它用户线程。内核线程的缺点是线程切换的时间点很随意,这样很可能引发竞态(race hazards)现象。这在单处理器环境可能发生,多处理器环境则机率更大。
race condition
Anomalous behavior due to unexpected critical dependence on the relative timing of events.
For example, if one process writes to a file while another is reading from the same location then the data read may be the old contents, the new contents or some mixture of the two depending on the relative timing of the read and write operations.
A common remedy in this kind of race condition is file locking; a more cumbersome remedy is to reorganize the system such that a certain processes (running a daemon or the like) is the only process that has access to the file, and all other processes that need to access the data in that file do so only via interprocess communication with that one process.
As an example of a more subtle kind of race condition, consider a distributed chat network like IRC, where a user is granted channel-operator privileges in any channel he starts. If two users on different servers, on different ends of the same network, try to start the same-named channel at the same time, each user's respective server will grant channel-operator privileges to each user, since neither will yet have received the other's signal that that channel has been started.
In this case of a race condition, the "shared resource" is the conception of the state of the network (what channels exist, as well as what users started them and therefore have what privileges), which each server is free to change as long as it signals the other servers on the network about the changes so that they can update their conception of the state of the network. However, the latency across the network makes possible the kind of race condition described. In this case, heading off race conditions by imposing a form of control over access to the shared resource -- say, appointing one server to be in charge of who holds what privileges -- would mean turning the distributed network into a centralized one (at least for that one part of the network operation). Where this is not acceptable, the more pragmatic solution is to have the system recognize when a race condition has occurred and to repair the ill effects.
priority inversion
<parallel> The state of a concurrent system where a high priority task is waiting for a low priority task which is waiting for a medium priority task. The system may become unstable and crash under these circumstances.
In an operating system that uses multiple tasks, each task (or context) may be given a priority. These priorities help the scheduler decide which task to run next. Consider tasks, L, M, and H, with priorities Low, Medium, and High. M is running and H is blocked waiting for some resource that is held by L. So long as any task with a priority higher than L is runable, it will prevent task L, and thus task H, from running.
Priority inversion is generally considered either as a high-level design failure or an implementation issue to be taken into account depending on who is talking. Most operating systems have methods in place to prevent or take inversion into account. Priority inheritance is one method.
The most public instance of priority inversion is the repeated 'fail-safe' rebooting of the Mars Pathfinder. base station ('Sagan Memorial Station').