下面所有操作均在 debian AMD64 squeeze下进行。不同的系统请自行留意。
1.需要 framebuffer 支持,启动参数需要加上 vga=0x0314(这个数字是800x600分辩率,16色,当然也可以尝试其它设置,具体参数可以网上自己找)。如果加上了这个仍然没有打开framebuffer,请自行找资料打开,不在本文的讨论范围。
2. 添加安装源
# 下面是临时的一些源,安装完即可手工注释掉,免的影响稳定版软件。
echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian testing main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb http://people.debian.org.tw/~mat/ lenny main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# 安装需要的软件包,中文字体请按自己爱好添加,这里使用 wqy 点阵
apt-get updateaptitude install libucimf ucimf-openvanilla openvanilla-modules fbterm fbterm-ucimf xfonts-wqy
3. 屏蔽除 拼音、五笔 之外的输入法(可选)这一些可以说是大多数人都应该做的,不然几十个输入法,光是切换输入法就烦死了。
mkdir bak mv (不要的).cin bak/
pinyin.cin wubizixing2.cin
FAQ1).第一次运行,出现下面的错误信息提示并且输入法不能启动(或者只有root用户正常)[input] can't change kernel keymap table, all shortcuts will NOT work, see SECURITY NOTES section of man page for solution.
解法1) setuid (適用一般狀況)
chmod u+s /usr/bin/fbterm
解法2) setcap (適用於 Kernel >= 2.6.27 )
sudo setcap 'cap_sys_tty_config+ep' /usr/bin/fbterm
2).需要运行 fbterm 的用户,需要执行下面的命令LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf
# 设置 alias,直接使用 fbterm 调用上面命令 (可选)
echo "alias fbterm='LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf'" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc. ${HOME}/.bashrc
# 修改默认字体大小 (推荐)在$HOME/.fbtermrc里面即可找到font-size=16这一行,将后面的数字改为自己想要的即可,推荐将字体大小改为16。设置文件一个是主目录下的.fbtermrc,一个是/etc/ucimf.conf具体内容请参考说明,虽是英文,但是很容易看懂的。
# Configuration for FbTerm # Lines starting with '#' are ignored. # Note that end-of-line comments are NOT supported, comments must be on a line of their own. # font family names/pixelsize used by fbterm, multiple font family names must be seperated by ',' # and using a fixed width font as the first is strongly recommended font-names=mono font-size=16 # force font width, usually for non-fixed width fonts # legal value format: n (fw_new = n), +n (fw_new = fw_old + n), -n (fw_new = fw_old - n) #font-width= # default color of foreground/background text # available colors: 0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = brown, 4 = blue, 5 = magenta, 6 = cyan, 7 = white color-foreground=7 color-background=0 # max scroll-back history lines of every window, value must be [0 - 65535], 0 means disable it history-lines=1000 # up to 5 additional text encodings, multiple encodings must be seperated by ',' # run 'iconv --list' to get available encodings. text-encodings=UTF-8 # cursor shape: 0 = underline, 1 = block # cursor flash interval in milliseconds, 0 means disable flashing cursor-shape=0 cursor-interval=500 # additional ascii chars considered as part of a word while auto-selecting text, except ' ', 0-9, a-z, A-Z word-chars=._- # change the clockwise orientation angle of screen display # available values: 0 = 0 degree, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees, 3 = 270 degrees screen-rotate=0 # specify the favorite input method program to run #input-method=fbterm_ucimf input-method=yong