public interface Interceptor { void intercept(Invocation inv); }
2、用户需要实现一个继承JFinalConfig的配置类,实现void configInterceptor(Interceptors me)该方法来导入全局的Interceptor
public class MyJFinalApp extends JFinalConfig { @Override public void configConstant(Constants arg0) { arg0.setDevMode(true); arg0.setEncoding("utf-8"); arg0.setViewType(ViewType.JSP); } @Override public void configHandler(Handlers arg0) { arg0.add(new ContextPathHandler("basePath")); } @Override public void configInterceptor(Interceptors arg0) { arg0.add(new LogInterceptor()); //添加全局拦截器 } @Override public void configPlugin(Plugins arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void configRoute(Routes arg0) { arg0.add("/", IndexControllerJFinal.class); }
public final class JFinal { private Constants constants; private ActionMapping actionMapping; private Handler handler; private ServletContext servletContext; private String contextPath = ""; private static IServer server; private static final JFinal me = new JFinal(); private JFinal() { } public static JFinal me() { return me; } boolean init(JFinalConfig jfinalConfig, ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; this.contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath(); initPathUtil(); Config.configJFinal(jfinalConfig); // start plugin and init log factory in this method constants = Config.getConstants(); initActionMapping(); initHandler(); initRender(); initOreillyCos(); initTokenManager(); return true; } . . . }
private void initActionMapping() { actionMapping = new ActionMapping(Config.getRoutes(), Config.getInterceptors()); actionMapping.buildActionMapping(); }
void buildActionMapping() { mapping.clear(); Set<String> excludedMethodName = buildExcludedMethodName(); InterceptorManager interMan = InterceptorManager.me(); for (Entry<String, Class<? extends Controller>> entry : routes.getEntrySet()) { Class<? extends Controller> controllerClass = entry.getValue(); Interceptor[] controllerInters = interMan.createControllerInterceptor(controllerClass); //创建每个类(controller)的拦截器 boolean sonOfController = (controllerClass.getSuperclass() == Controller.class); Method[] methods = (sonOfController ? controllerClass.getDeclaredMethods() : controllerClass.getMethods()); for (Method method : methods) { String methodName = method.getName(); if (excludedMethodName.contains(methodName) || method.getParameterTypes().length != 0) continue ; if (sonOfController && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) continue ; Interceptor[] actionInters = interMan.buildControllerActionInterceptor(controllerInters, controllerClass, method); //创建每个action的对应拦截器 String controllerKey = entry.getKey(); ActionKey ak = method.getAnnotation(ActionKey.class); String actionKey; if (ak != null) { actionKey = ak.value().trim(); if ("".equals(actionKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(controllerClass.getName() + "." + methodName + "(): The argument of ActionKey can not be blank."); if (!actionKey.startsWith(SLASH)) actionKey = SLASH + actionKey; } else if (methodName.equals("index")) { actionKey = controllerKey; } else { actionKey = controllerKey.equals(SLASH) ? SLASH + methodName : controllerKey + SLASH + methodName; } Action action = new Action(controllerKey, actionKey, controllerClass, method, methodName, actionInters, routes.getViewPath(controllerKey)); if (mapping.put(actionKey, action) != null) throw new RuntimeException(buildMsg(actionKey, controllerClass, method)); } } // support url = controllerKey + urlParas with "/" of controllerKey Action action = mapping.get("/"); if (action != null) mapping.put("", action); }
public Interceptor[] createControllerInterceptor(Class<? extends Controller> controllerClass) { //通过注解来获取对应controller的class基本的拦截器 return createInterceptor(controllerClass.getAnnotation(Before.class)); } public Interceptor[] createInterceptor(Class<? extends Interceptor>[] interceptorClasses) { if (interceptorClasses == null || interceptorClasses.length == 0) { return NULL_INTERS; } Interceptor[] result = new Interceptor[interceptorClasses.length]; try { for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) { result[i] = singletonMap.get(interceptorClasses[i]); if (result[i] == null) { result[i] = (Interceptor)interceptorClasses[i].newInstance(); singletonMap.put(interceptorClasses[i], result[i]); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }