关于理论计算科学(Theoretical computer science)

这篇文章主要是读 Douglas E. Comer 先生的文章《How To Criticize Computer Scientists or Avoiding Ineffective Deprecation And Making Insults More Pointed》以及《 A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds








1. 理论家 :Researchers who follow the mathematical paradigm are called theorists , and include anyone working in an area that has the terms ``analysis'', ``evaluation'', ``algorithms'', or ``theory'' in the title.

2. 实践家:Researchers who follow the engineering paradigm are called experimentalists , and include most people working in areas that have the terms ``experimental'', ``systems'', ``compiler'', ``network'', or ``database'' in the title.



《handbook of Theoretical computer science ,Volume A algorithms and complexity 》

《Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B Formal Models and Sematics》




应该说理论家做的工作一般都比较让人感觉“科学” ,发表的论文通篇的公式,符号,这里要说的是,虽然看着很飘逸, 但是与实际并不是想像的那样格格不入,比较常用的密码技术就是一个很好的例子。


最后,Comer先生提到了如何选博士论文题目,其实也是一个如何创新的问题,Comer先生给出了“填坑法”,即对一些Topic的排列组合选取切入点,如virtual mobile network 等等。


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
integrated mobile network
parallel functional preprocessor
virtual programmable compiler
interactive distributed system
responsive logical interface
synchronized digital protocol
balanced concurrent architecture
virtual knowledge-based database
meta-level multimedia algorithm
optimized binary toolkit
active object-oriented display
parameterized secure technology
conceptual high-speed solution
scalable real-time language
dynamic functional agent
high-level parallelizing theorem prover
collaborative watermarking work cluster
type-safe proxy cache


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