cobbler setting dnsmasq

Currently cobbler can help generate a ISC DHCP configuration (package name: dhcpd) it can also alternatively use dnsmasq. DNSmasq is a bit confusing because it does DHCP and DNS at the same time. You can choose to use the DHCP management features with ISC and not use Cobbler to manage DNS at all. That's ok ... using both in conjunction, however, is fairly powerful.

/etc/cobbler/modules.conf needs to look like this to select that we want to use BIND for DNS and ISC dhcpd for DHCP.

module = manage_bind

module = manage_isc

OR, to use dnsmasq:

module = manage_dnsmasq

module = manage_dnsmasq

Don't mix and match the two.

This doesn't turn them on, this just selects your management module choices. To enable DHCP management, go into /etc/cobbler/settings and set the following:

manage_dhcp: 1





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