1.HTML5 Canvas圆盘抽奖:
(1) jsp页面部分代码:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>HTML5 Canvas圆盘抽奖应用DEMO演示</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"> </script> </head> <body> <div class="turnplate_box"> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300px" height="300px">抱歉!浏览器不支持。</canvas> <canvas id="myCanvas01" width="200px" height="200px">抱歉!浏览器不支持。</canvas> <canvas id="myCanvas03" width="200px" height="200px">抱歉!浏览器不支持。</canvas> <canvas id="myCanvas02" width="150px" height="150px">抱歉!浏览器不支持。</canvas> <button id="tupBtn" class="turnplatw_btn"></button> </div> <!-- 更改系统默认弹窗 --> <script type="text/javascript"> window.alert = function(str) { var shield = document.createElement("DIV"); = "shield"; = "absolute"; = "50%"; = "50%"; = "280px"; = "150px"; = "-140px"; = "-110px"; = "25"; var alertFram = document.createElement("DIV");"alertFram"; = "absolute"; = "280px"; = "150px"; = "50%"; = "50%"; = "-140px"; = "-110px"; = "center"; = "150px"; = "300"; strHtml = "<ul style=\"list-style:none;margin:0px;padding:0px;width:100%\">\n"; strHtml += " <li style=\"background:#626262;text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;height:25px;line-height:25px;border:1px solid #F9CADE;color:white\">[中奖提醒]</li>\n"; strHtml += " <li style=\"background:#787878;text-align:center;font-size:12px;height:95px;line-height:95px;border-left:1px solid #F9CADE;border-right:1px solid #F9CADE;color:#DCC722\">"+str+"</li>\n"; strHtml += " <li style=\"background:#626262;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;height:30px;line-height:25px; border:1px solid #F9CADE;\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"确 定\" onclick=\"doOk()\" style=\"width:80px;height:20px;background:#626262;color:white;border:1px solid white;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;outline:none;margin-top: 4px\"/></li>\n"; strHtml += "</ul>\n"; alertFram.innerHTML = strHtml; document.body.appendChild(alertFram); document.body.appendChild(shield); this.doOk = function(){ = "none"; = "none"; } alertFram.focus(); document.body.onselectstart = function(){return false;}; } </script> <div style="text-align:center;clear:both;margin-top:50px"> <script src="/gg_bd_ad_720x90.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/follow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </div> </body> </html>
(2) js脚本:main.js
$(document).ready(function(){ //旋转角度 var angles; //可抽奖次数 var clickNum = 5; //旋转次数 var rotNum = 0; //中奖公告 var notice = null; //转盘初始化 var color = ["#626262","#787878","rgba(0,0,0,0.5)","#DCC722","white","#FF4350"]; var info = ["谢谢参与"," 1000"," 10"," 500"," 100"," 4999"," 1"," 20"]; var info1 = ['再接再厉',' 元',' 元',' 淘金币',' 元',' 淘金币',' 元',' 淘金币'] canvasRun(); $('#tupBtn').bind('click',function(){ if (clickNum >= 1) { //可抽奖次数减一 clickNum = clickNum-1; //转盘旋转 runCup(); //转盘旋转过程“开始抽奖”按钮无法点击 $('#tupBtn').attr("disabled", true); //旋转次数加一 rotNum = rotNum + 1; //“开始抽奖”按钮无法点击恢复点击 setTimeout(function(){ alert(notice); $('#tupBtn').removeAttr("disabled", true); },6000); } else{ alert("亲,抽奖次数已用光!"); } }); //转盘旋转 function runCup(){ probability(); var degValue = 'rotate('+angles+'deg'+')'; $('#myCanvas').css('-o-transform',degValue); //Opera $('#myCanvas').css('-ms-transform',degValue); //IE浏览器 $('#myCanvas').css('-moz-transform',degValue); //Firefox $('#myCanvas').css('-webkit-transform',degValue); //Chrome和Safari $('#myCanvas').css('transform',degValue); } //各奖项对应的旋转角度及中奖公告内容 function probability(){ //获取随机数 var num = parseInt(Math.random()*(7 - 0 + 0) + 0); //概率 if ( num == 0 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 1800; notice = info[0] + info1[0]; } //概率 else if ( num == 1 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 1845; notice = info[7] + info1[7]; } //概率 else if ( num == 2 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 1890; notice = info[6] + info1[6]; } //概率 else if ( num == 3 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 1935; notice = info[5] + info1[5]; } //概率 else if ( num == 4 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 1980; notice = info[4] + info1[4]; } //概率 else if ( num == 5 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 2025; notice = info[3] + info1[3]; } //概率 else if ( num == 6 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 2070; notice = info[2] + info1[2]; } //概率 else if ( num == 7 ) { angles = 2160 * rotNum + 2115; notice = info[1] + info1[1]; } } //绘制转盘 function canvasRun(){ var canvas=document.getElementById('myCanvas'); var canvas01=document.getElementById('myCanvas01'); var canvas03=document.getElementById('myCanvas03'); var canvas02=document.getElementById('myCanvas02'); var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d'); var ctx1=canvas01.getContext('2d'); var ctx3=canvas03.getContext('2d'); var ctx2=canvas02.getContext('2d'); createCircle(); createCirText(); initPoint(); //外圆 function createCircle(){ var startAngle = 0;//扇形的开始弧度 var endAngle = 0;//扇形的终止弧度 //画一个8等份扇形组成的圆形 for (var i = 0; i< 8; i++){ startAngle = Math.PI*(i/4-1/8); endAngle = startAngle+Math.PI*(1/4);; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(150,150,100, startAngle, endAngle, false); ctx.lineWidth = 120; if (i%2 == 0) { ctx.strokeStyle = color[0]; }else{ ctx.strokeStyle = color[1]; } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } } //各奖项 function createCirText(){ ctx.textAlign='start'; ctx.textBaseline='middle'; ctx.fillStyle = color[3]; var step = 2*Math.PI/8; for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.translate(150,150); ctx.rotate(i*step); ctx.font = " 20px Microsoft YaHei"; ctx.fillStyle = color[3]; ctx.fillText(info[i],-30,-115,60); ctx.font = " 14px Microsoft YaHei"; ctx.fillText(info1[i],-30,-95,60); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); } } function initPoint(){ //箭头指针 ctx1.beginPath(); ctx1.moveTo(100,24); ctx1.lineTo(90,62); ctx1.lineTo(110,62); ctx1.lineTo(100,24); ctx1.fillStyle = color[5]; ctx1.fill(); ctx1.closePath(); //中间小圆 ctx3.beginPath(); ctx3.arc(100,100,40,0,Math.PI*2,false); ctx3.fillStyle = color[5]; ctx3.fill(); ctx3.closePath(); //小圆文字 ctx3.font = "Bold 20px Microsoft YaHei"; ctx3.textAlign='start'; ctx3.textBaseline='middle'; ctx3.fillStyle = color[4]; ctx3.beginPath(); ctx3.fillText('开始',80,90,40); ctx3.fillText('抽奖',80,110,40); ctx3.fill(); ctx3.closePath(); //中间圆圈 ctx2.beginPath(); ctx2.arc(75,75,75,0,Math.PI*2,false); ctx2.fillStyle = color[2]; ctx2.fill(); ctx2.closePath(); } } });(3) 样式表css:mian.css
*{ padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 16px; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; } .turnplate_box{ width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 100px auto; position: relative; } .turnplate_box canvas{ position: absolute; } #myCanvas{ background-color: white; border-radius: 100%; } #myCanvas01,#myCanvas03{ left: 50px; top: 50px; z-index: 30; } #myCanvas02{ left: 75px; top: 75px; z-index: 20; } #myCanvas{ -o-transform: transform 6s; -ms-transform: transform 6s; -moz-transform: transform 6s; -webkit-transform: transform 6s; transition: transform 6s; -o-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -ms-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -moz-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%; transform-origin: 50% 50%; } .turnplatw_btn{ width: 60px; height: 60px; left: 120px; top: 120px; border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; border: none; background: transparent; outline: none; z-index: 40; }
2.HTML5 电子书翻页动画:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>HTML5电子书翻页动画特效DEMO演示</title> <link type="text/css" href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div id="shineflip"> <div id="shineflip-pages"> <canvas id="shineflip-canvas"></canvas> <canvas id="shineflip-page-mid-canvas"></canvas> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/0.jpg" width="475" height="482" /></div> <span style="left:18px;"><img src="images/zh.png" height="482" /></span> </section> <section class="page" style="background:url(images/left_pk.jpg)"> <div><img src="images/1.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:right;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/2.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:left;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/3.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:right;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/4.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:left;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/5.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:right;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page" style="background:url(images/right_pk.jpg)"> <div><img src="images/6.jpg" width="466" height="463" style="float:left;margin-top:9px;" /></div> </section> <section class="page"> <div><img src="images/24.jpg" width="475" height="482" /></div> <span style="right:18px;"><img src="images/zh.png" height="482" /></span> </section> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/shineflip_min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var shineFlip = new ShineFlip({ // autoFitScreen: true, width: 950, height: 482, page_width: 475, page_height: 482 }); </script> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <div style="text-align:center;clear:both;"> <script src="/gg_bd_ad_720x90.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/follow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </div> </body> </html>(2) js脚本:shineflip_min.js
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margin: 5px 0px 10px 0px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #B2B2B2; } body .container_ui__expand .body .user .details h4 { font-size: 10px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; color: #919191; } body .container_ui__expand .body .user .face { float: left; } body .container_ui__expand .body .user .face img { width: 40px; -webkit-transform: scale(0); -ms-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); border-radius: 100%; border: 2px solid white; margin: 10px 25px; } body .container_ui__expand .heading { height: 10px; width: 100%; background: #56b699; } body .container_ui__expand .heading_head h1 { color: #aeb1d8; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; height: 10px; margin: 0; font-size: 12px; float: left; width: 100%; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 64px; } .two { background: #5674B6 !important; } .three { background: #D05E5E !important; } .four { background: #ACD35D !important; } .five { background: #EA9739 !important; } .six { background: #B6568D !important; } body .container_ui input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label > .container_ui__expand a { pointer-events: auto; } /* Let's do some animations! */ @-webkit-keyframes pop { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } 50% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); transform: scale(1.2); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes pop { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } 50% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); transform: scale(1.2); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } @-webkit-keyframes poprev { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } 50% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); transform: scale(1.2); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } } @keyframes poprev { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } 50% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); transform: scale(1.2); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } } @-webkit-keyframes popup { from { top: 10px; opacity: 0; } to { top: 0px; opacity: 1; } } @keyframes popup { from { top: 10px; opacity: 0; } to { top: 0px; opacity: 1; } }
5.HTML5 3D立体图片相册效果
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>HTML5 3D立体图片相册代码</title> <style type="text/css"> html { overflow:hidden; -ms-touch-action:none; -ms-content-zooming:none; } body { position:absolute; margin:0px; padding:0px; background:#fff; width:100%; height:100%; } #canvas { position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; background:#fff; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ge1doot.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> "use strict"; (function () { /* ==== definitions ==== */ var diapo = [], layers = [], ctx, pointer, scr, camera, light, fps = 0, quality = [1,2], // ---- poly constructor ---- Poly = function (parent, face) { this.parent = parent; this.ctx = ctx; this.color = face.fill || false; this.points = []; if (!face.img) { // ---- create points ---- for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.points[i] = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point( parent.pc.x + (face.x[i] * parent.normalZ) + (face.z[i] * parent.normalX), parent.pc.y + face.y[i], parent.pc.z + (face.x[i] * parent.normalX) + (-face.z[i] * parent.normalZ) ); } this.points[3].next = false; } }, // ---- diapo constructor ---- Diapo = function (path, img, structure) { // ---- create image ---- this.img = new ge1doot.transform3D.Image( this, path + img.img, 1, { isLoaded: function(img) { img.parent.isLoaded = true; img.parent.loaded(img); } } ); this.visible = false; this.normalX = img.nx; this.normalZ =; // ---- point center ---- this.pc = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(img.x, img.y, img.z); // ---- target positions ---- this.tx = img.x + (img.nx * Math.sqrt(camera.focalLength) * 20); = img.z - ( * Math.sqrt(camera.focalLength) * 20); // ---- create polygons ---- this.poly = []; for (var i = -1, p; p = structure[++i];) { layers[i] = (p.img === true ? 1 : 2); this.poly.push( new Poly(this, p) ); } }, // ---- init section ---- init = function (json) { // draw poly primitive Poly.prototype.drawPoly = ge1doot.transform3D.drawPoly; // ---- init screen ---- scr = new ge1doot.Screen({ container: "canvas" }); ctx = scr.ctx; scr.resize(); // ---- init pointer ---- pointer = new ge1doot.Pointer({ tap: function () { if (camera.over) { if (camera.over === { // ---- return to the center ---- = 0; = 0; = false; } else { // ---- goto diapo ---- = camera.over; = camera.over.tx; =; // ---- adapt tesselation level to distance ---- for (var i = 0, d; d = diapo[i++];) { var dx = - d.pc.x; var dz = - d.pc.z; var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz); var lev = (dist > 1500) ? quality[0] : quality[1]; d.img.setLevel(lev); } } } } }); // ---- init camera ---- camera = new ge1doot.transform3D.Camera({ focalLength: Math.sqrt(scr.width) * 10, easeTranslation: 0.025, easeRotation: 0.06, disableRz: true }, { move: function () { this.over = false; // ---- rotation ---- if (pointer.isDraging) { = false; = -pointer.Xi * 0.01; = (pointer.Y - scr.height * 0.5) / (scr.height * 0.5); } else { if ( { = Math.atan2( - this.x, - this.z ); } } *= 0.9; } }); camera.z = -10000; = 0; // ---- create images ---- for (var i = 0, img; img = json.imgdata[i++];) { diapo.push( new Diapo( json.options.imagesPath, img, json.structure ) ); } // ---- start engine ---- >>> setInterval(function() { quality = (fps > 50) ? [2,3] : [1,2]; fps = 0; }, 1000); run(); }, // ---- main loop ---- run = function () { // ---- clear screen ---- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scr.width, scr.height); // ---- camera ---- camera.move(); // ---- draw layers ---- for (var k = -1, l; l = layers[++k];) { light = false; for (var i = 0, d; d = diapo[i++];) { (l === 1 && d.draw()) || (d.visible && d.poly[k].draw()); } } // ---- cursor ---- if (camera.over && !pointer.isDraging) { scr.setCursor("pointer"); } else { scr.setCursor("move"); } // ---- loop ---- fps++; requestAnimFrame(run); }; /* ==== prototypes ==== */ Poly.prototype.draw = function () { // ---- color light ---- var c = this.color; if (c.light || !light) { var s = c.light ? this.parent.light : 1; // ---- rgba color ---- light = "rgba(" + Math.round(c.r * s) + "," + Math.round(c.g * s) + "," + Math.round(c.b * s) + "," + (c.a || 1) + ")"; ctx.fillStyle = light; } // ---- paint poly ---- if (!c.light || this.parent.light < 1) { // ---- projection ---- for ( var i = 0; this.points[i++].projection(); ); this.drawPoly(); ctx.fill(); } } /* ==== image onload ==== */ Diapo.prototype.loaded = function (img) { // ---- create points ---- var d = [-1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1]; var w = img.texture.width * 0.5; var h = img.texture.height * 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { img.points[i] = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point( this.pc.x + (w * this.normalZ * d[i]), this.pc.y + (h * d[i + 4]), this.pc.z + (w * this.normalX * d[i]) ); } } /* ==== images draw ==== */ Diapo.prototype.draw = function () { // ---- visibility ---- this.pc.projection(); if (this.pc.Z > -(camera.focalLength >> 1) && this.img.transform3D(true)) { // ---- light ---- this.light = 0.5 + Math.abs(this.normalZ * camera.cosY - this.normalX * camera.sinY) * 0.6; // ---- draw image ---- this.visible = true; this.img.draw(); // ---- test pointer inside ---- if (pointer.hasMoved || pointer.isDown) { if ( this.img.isPointerInside( pointer.X, pointer.Y ) ) camera.over = this; } } else this.visible = false; return true; } return { // --- load data ---- load : function (data) { window.addEventListener('load', function () { ge1doot.loadJS( "js/imageTransform3D.js", init, data ); }, false); } } })().load({ imgdata:[ // north {img:'imgs/1.jpg', x:-1000, y:0, z:1500, nx:0, nz:1}, {img:'imgs/2.jpg', x:0, y:0, z:1500, nx:0, nz:1}, {img:'imgs/3.jpg', x:1000, y:0, z:1500, nx:0, nz:1}, // east {img:'imgs/4.jpg', x:1500, y:0, z:1000, nx:-1, nz:0}, {img:'imgs/5.jpg', x:1500, y:0, z:0, nx:-1, nz:0}, {img:'imgs/6.jpg', x:1500, y:0, z:-1000, nx:-1, nz:0}, // south {img:'imgs/7.jpg', x:1000, y:0, z:-1500, nx:0, nz:-1}, {img:'imgs/8.jpg', x:0, y:0, z:-1500, nx:0, nz:-1}, {img:'imgs/9.jpg', x:-1000, y:0, z:-1500, nx:0, nz:-1}, // west {img:'imgs/10.jpg', x:-1500, y:0, z:-1000, nx:1, nz:0}, {img:'imgs/11.jpg', x:-1500, y:0, z:0, nx:1, nz:0}, {img:'imgs/12.jpg', x:-1500, y:0, z:1000, nx:1, nz:0} ], structure:[ { // wall fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255, light:1}, x: [-1001,-490,-490,-1001], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [500,500,-500,-500] },{ // wall fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255, light:1}, x: [-501,2,2,-500], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [500,500,-500,-500] },{ // wall fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255, light:1}, x: [0,502,502,0], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [500,500,-500,-500] },{ // wall fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255, light:1}, x: [490,1002,1002,490], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [500,500,-500,-500] },{ // shadow fill: {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0.2}, x: [-420,420,420,-420], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [150, 150,-320,-320] },{ // shadow fill: {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0.2}, x: [-20,20,20,-20], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [250, 250,150,150] },{ // shadow fill: {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0.2}, x: [-20,20,20,-20], z: [-500,-500,-500,-500], y: [-320, -320,-500,-500] },{ // shadow fill: {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0.2}, x: [-20,20,10,-10], z: [-500,-500,-100,-100], y: [-500, -500,-500,-500] },{ // base fill: {r:32, g:32, b:32}, x: [-50,50,50,-50], z: [-150,-150,-50,-50], y: [-500,-500,-500,-500] },{ // support fill: {r:16, g:16, b:16}, x: [-10,10,10,-10], z: [-100,-100,-100,-100], y: [300,300,-500,-500] },{ // frame fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255}, x: [-320,-320,-320,-320], z: [0,-20,-20,0], y: [-190,-190,190,190] },{ // frame fill: {r:255, g:255, b:255}, x: [320,320,320,320], z: [0,-20,-20,0], y: [-190,-190,190,190] }, {img:true}, { // ceilingLight fill: {r:255, g:128, b:0}, x: [-50,50,50,-50], z: [450,450,550,550], y: [500,500,500,500] },{ // groundLight fill: {r:255, g:128, b:0}, x: [-50,50,50,-50], z: [450,450,550,550], y: [-500,-500,-500,-500] } ], options:{ imagesPath: "" } }); </script> </head> <body> <canvas id="canvas">你的浏览器不支持HTML5画布技术,请使用谷歌浏览器。</canvas> <div style="text-align:center;margin:50px 0; font:normal 14px/24px 'MicroSoft YaHei';"> </div> </body> </html>
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============= micro HTML5 library ===================== // @author Gerard Ferrandez / // last update: May 27, 2013 // Released under the MIT license // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ===== ge1doot global ===== var ge1doot = ge1doot || { json: null, screen: null, pointer: null, camera: null, loadJS: function (url, callback, data) { if (typeof url == "string") url = [url]; var load = function (src) { var script = document.createElement("script"); if (callback) { if (script.readyState){ script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete"){ script.onreadystatechange = null; if (--n === 0) callback(data || false); } } } else { script.onload = function() { if (--n === 0) callback(data || false); } } } script.src = src; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } for (var i = 0, n = url.length; i < n; i++) load(url[i]); } } // ===== html/canvas container ===== ge1doot.Screen = function (setup) { ge1doot.screen = this; this.elem = document.getElementById(setup.container) || setup.container; this.ctx = this.elem.tagName == "CANVAS" ? this.elem.getContext("2d") : false; =; this.left = 0; = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.cursor = "default"; this.setup = setup; this.resize = function () { var o = this.elem; this.width = o.offsetWidth; this.height = o.offsetHeight; for (this.left = 0, = 0; o != null; o = o.offsetParent) { this.left += o.offsetLeft; += o.offsetTop; } if (this.ctx) { this.elem.width = this.width; this.elem.height = this.height; } this.setup.resize && this.setup.resize(); } this.setCursor = function (type) { if (type !== this.cursor && 'ontouchstart' in window === false) { this.cursor = type; = type; } } window.addEventListener('resize', function () { ge1doot.screen.resize(); }, false); !this.setup.resize && this.resize(); } // ==== unified touch events handler ==== ge1doot.Pointer = function (setup) { ge1doot.pointer = this; var self = this; var body = document.body; var html = document.documentElement; this.setup = setup; this.screen = ge1doot.screen; this.elem = this.screen.elem; this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; this.Xi = 0; this.Yi = 0; this.bXi = 0; this.bYi = 0; this.Xr = 0; this.Yr = 0; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.scale = 0; this.wheelDelta = 0; this.isDraging = false; this.hasMoved = false; this.isDown = false; this.evt = false; var sX = 0; var sY = 0; // prevent default behavior if (setup.tap) this.elem.onclick = function () { return false; } if (!setup.documentMove) { document.ontouchmove = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); } } document.addEventListener("MSHoldVisual", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false); if (typeof != 'undefined') = "none"; this.pointerDown = function (e) { if (!this.isDown) { if (this.elem.setCapture) this.elem.setCapture(); this.isDraging = false; this.hasMoved = false; this.isDown = true; this.evt = e; this.Xr = (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.touches[0].clientX); this.Yr = (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.touches[0].clientY); this.X = sX = this.Xr - this.screen.left; this.Y = sY = this.Yr - + ((html && html.scrollTop) || body.scrollTop); this.setup.down && this.setup.down(e); } } this.pointerMove = function(e) { this.Xr = (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.touches[0].clientX); this.Yr = (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.touches[0].clientY); this.X = this.Xr - this.screen.left; this.Y = this.Yr - + ((html && html.scrollTop) || body.scrollTop); if (this.isDown) { this.Xi = this.bXi + (this.X - sX); this.Yi = this.bYi - (this.Y - sY); } if (Math.abs(this.X - sX) > 11 || Math.abs(this.Y - sY) > 11) { this.hasMoved = true; if (this.isDown) { if (!this.isDraging) { this.startX = sX; this.startY = sY; this.setup.startDrag && this.setup.startDrag(e); this.isDraging = true; } else { this.setup.drag && this.setup.drag(e); } } else { sX = this.X; sY = this.Y; } } this.setup.move && this.setup.move(e); } this.pointerUp = function(e) { this.bXi = this.Xi; this.bYi = this.Yi; if (!this.hasMoved) { this.X = sX; this.Y = sY; this.setup.tap && this.setup.tap(this.evt); } else { this.setup.up && this.setup.up(this.evt); } this.isDraging = false; this.isDown = false; this.hasMoved = false; this.setup.up && this.setup.up(this.evt); if (this.elem.releaseCapture) this.elem.releaseCapture(); this.evt = false; } this.pointerCancel = function(e) { if (this.elem.releaseCapture) this.elem.releaseCapture(); this.isDraging = false; this.hasMoved = false; this.isDown = false; this.bXi = this.Xi; this.bYi = this.Yi; sX = 0; sY = 0; } if ('ontouchstart' in window) { this.elem.ontouchstart = function (e) { self.pointerDown(e); return false; } this.elem.ontouchmove = function (e) { self.pointerMove(e); return false; } this.elem.ontouchend = function (e) { self.pointerUp(e); return false; } this.elem.ontouchcancel = function (e) { self.pointerCancel(e); return false;} } document.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { if ( === self.elem || ( && === self.elem) || ( && === self.elem) ) { if (typeof e.stopPropagation != "undefined") { e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; } e.preventDefault(); self.pointerDown(e); } }, false); document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { self.pointerMove(e); }, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) { self.pointerUp(e); }, false); document.addEventListener('gesturechange', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.scale > 1) self.scale = 0.1; else if (e.scale < 1) self.scale = -0.1; else self.scale = 0; self.setup.scale && self.setup.scale(e); return false; }, false); if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) { var nContact = 0; var myGesture = new MSGesture(); = this.elem; this.elem.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", function(e) { if (e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH) { myGesture.addPointer(e.pointerId); nContact++; } }, false); this.elem.addEventListener("MSPointerOut", function(e) { if (e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH) { nContact--; } }, false); this.elem.addEventListener("MSGestureHold", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false); this.elem.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", function(e) { if (nContact > 1) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); self.scale = e.velocityExpansion; self.setup.scale && self.setup.scale(e); } return false; }, false); } if (window.addEventListener) this.elem.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); self.wheelDelta = e.detail * 10; self.setup.wheel && self.setup.wheel(e); return false; }, false); this.elem.onmousewheel = function () { self.wheelDelta = -event.wheelDelta * .25; self.setup.wheel && self.setup.wheel(event); return false; } } // ===== request animation frame ===== window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function( run ){ window.setTimeout(run, 16); }; })();(4) imageTransform3D.js
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ==== HTML5 CANVAS transform Image ==== // full 3D version // @author Gerard Ferrandez / // last update: Dec 8, 2012 // Released under the MIT license // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "use strict"; var ge1doot = ge1doot || {}; ge1doot.transform3D = {}; /* ==== draw Poly ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.drawPoly = function () { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].X, this.points[0].Y); this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[1].X, this.points[1].Y); this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[2].X, this.points[2].Y); this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[3].X, this.points[3].Y); this.ctx.closePath(); } /* =============== camera constructor ================= */ ge1doot.transform3D.Camera = function (setup, func) { = this; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.z = 0; this.rx = 0; this.ry = 0; this.rz = 0; this.focalLength = setup.focalLength || 500; this.easeTranslation = setup.easeTranslation || 0.1; this.easeRotation = setup.easeRotation || 0.025; this.enableRx = setup.disableRx ? false : true; this.enableRy = setup.disableRy ? false : true; this.enableRz = setup.disableRz ? false : true; this.cmov = false; this.cosX = 1; this.sinX = 0; this.cosY = 1; this.sinY = 0; this.cosZ = 1; this.sinZ = 0; = { over: false, elem: false, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, rz: 0 }; // ---- def custom move ---- if (func && func.move) this.cmov = func.move; } /* ==== easing ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Camera.prototype.ease = function (target, value) { while (Math.abs(target - value) > Math.PI) { if (target < value) value -= 2 * Math.PI; else value += 2 * Math.PI; } return (target - value) * this.easeRotation; } /* ==== move / rotate camera ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Camera.prototype.move = function () { // ---- run custom function ---- this.cmov && this.cmov(); // ---- translations ---- this.x += ( - this.x) * this.easeTranslation; this.y += ( - this.y) * this.easeTranslation; this.z += ( - this.z) * this.easeTranslation; // ---- rotation rx ---- if (this.enableRx) { this.rx += this.ease(, this.rx); this.cosX = Math.cos(this.rx); this.sinX = Math.sin(this.rx); } // ---- rotation ry ---- if (this.enableRy) { this.ry += this.ease(, this.ry); this.cosY = Math.cos(this.ry); this.sinY = Math.sin(this.ry); } // ---- rotation rz ---- if (this.enableRz) { this.rz += this.ease(, this.rz); this.cosZ = Math.cos(this.rz); this.sinZ = Math.sin(this.rz); } } /* =============== point constructor ================= */ ge1doot.transform3D.Point = function (x, y, z, tx, ty) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.tx = tx || 0; this.ty = ty || 0; this.visible = false; this.scale = 0; this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; this.Z = 0; = true; } /* ==== perspective projection ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.projection = function () { var sw = this.scr.width >> 1; var sh = this.scr.height >> 1; // ---- 3D coordinates ---- var nx = this.x -; var ny = this.y -; var nz = this.z -; // ---- 3D rotation and projection ---- if ( { var u = * ny + * nx; var t = * ny - * nx; } else { var u = nx; var t = ny; } var s = * nz + * u; this.Z = * s - * t; this.scale = / Math.max(1, this.Z); this.X = sw + ( * u - * nz) * this.scale; this.Y = -( >> 1) + sh - ( * s + * t) * this.scale; // ---- visibility test ---- this.visible = ( this.X > -sw * 0.5 && this.X < sw * 2.5 ) && ( this.Y > -sh * 0.5 && this.Y < sh * 2.5 ); // ----return next (fast loop) ---- return; } /* ==== triangle constructor ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle = function (parent, p0, p1, p2) { this.ctx = parent.ctx; this.texture = parent.texture; this.p0 = p0; this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; this.d = p0.tx * (p2.ty - p1.ty) - p1.tx * p2.ty + p2.tx * p1.ty + (p1.tx - p2.tx) * p0.ty; this.pmy = p1.ty - p2.ty; this.pmx = p1.tx - p2.tx; this.pxy = p2.tx * p1.ty - p1.tx * p2.ty; if (parent.t) = true; } /* ==== draw triangle ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle.prototype.draw = function () { if (this.p0.visible || this.p1.visible || this.p2.visible) { var dx, dy, d; // ---- centroid ---- var xc = (this.p0.X + this.p1.X + this.p2.X) / 3; var yc = (this.p0.Y + this.p1.Y + this.p2.Y) / 3; // ---- clipping ----; this.ctx.beginPath(); dx = xc - this.p0.X; dy = yc - this.p0.Y; d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); this.ctx.moveTo(this.p0.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p0.Y - 2 * (dy / d)); dx = xc - this.p1.X; dy = yc - this.p1.Y; d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); this.ctx.lineTo(this.p1.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p1.Y - 2 * (dy / d)); dx = xc - this.p2.X; dy = yc - this.p2.Y; d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); this.ctx.lineTo(this.p2.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p2.Y - 2 * (dy / d)); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.clip(); // ---- transform ---- var t0 = this.p2.X - this.p1.X, t1 = this.p1.Y - this.p2.Y, t2 = this.p2.ty * this.p1.X, t3 = this.p1.tx * this.p2.X, t4 = this.p2.ty * this.p1.Y, t5 = this.p1.ty * this.p2.X, t6 = this.p1.ty * this.p2.Y, t7 = this.p2.tx * this.p1.X, t8 = this.p1.tx * this.p2.Y, t9 = this.p2.tx * this.p1.Y; this.ctx.transform( -(this.p0.ty * t0 - t5 + t2 + this.pmy * this.p0.X) / this.d, // m11 (t6 + this.p0.ty * t1 - t4 - this.pmy * this.p0.Y) / this.d, // m12 (this.p0.tx * t0 - t3 + t7 + this.pmx * this.p0.X) / this.d, // m21 -(t8 + this.p0.tx * t1 - t9 - this.pmx * this.p0.Y) / this.d, // m22 (this.p0.tx * (t2 - t5) + this.p0.ty * (t3 - t7) + this.pxy * this.p0.X) / this.d, // dx (this.p0.tx * (t4 - t6) + this.p0.ty * (t8 - t9) + this.pxy * this.p0.Y) / this.d // dy ); // ---- draw ---- this.ctx.drawImage(this.texture, 0, 0); this.ctx.restore(); } return; } /* ===================== image constructor ========================== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image = function (parent, imgSrc, lev, callback) { this.parent = parent; this.points = []; this.triangles = []; this.ctx = ge1doot.screen.ctx; this.pointer = ge1doot.pointer; this.texture = new Image(); this.texture.src = imgSrc; this.isLoading = true; this.callback = callback; this.textureWidth = 0; this.textureHeight = 0; this.level = lev || 1; this.visible = false; this.t = false; if (!ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.scr) { ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.scr = ge1doot.screen; =; } } /* ==== drawPoly prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.drawPoly = ge1doot.transform3D.drawPoly; /* ==== change tessellation level prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.setLevel = function (level) { this.points.length = 0; this.triangles.length = 0; this.level = level; this.loading(); } /* ==== loading prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.loading = function () { if (this.texture.complete) { var dir = [0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1]; this.isLoading = false; // ---- image size ---- this.textureWidth = this.texture.width; this.textureHeight = this.texture.height; // ---- isLoaded callback --- this.callback && this.callback.isLoaded && this.callback.isLoaded(this); // ---- texture position ---- for (var i = -1, p; p = this.points[++i];) { p.tx = this.textureWidth * dir[i]; p.ty = this.textureHeight * dir[i+4]; } // ---- triangularization ---- this.triangulate(this.points[0], this.points[1], this.points[2], this.level); this.triangulate(this.points[0], this.points[2], this.points[3], this.level); // ---- last point ---- this.points[this.points.length - 1].next = false; } } /* ==== vector bisection function ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.subdivise = function (p0, p1) { return { x: (p1.x + p0.x) * 0.5, y: (p1.y + p0.y) * 0.5, z: (p1.z + p0.z) * 0.5, tx: (p1.tx + p0.tx) * 0.5, ty: (p1.ty + p0.ty) * 0.5 }; } /* ==== triangulation ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.triangulate = function (p0, p1, p2, level) { level--; if (level === 0) { // final triangle this.t = new ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle(this, p0, p1, p2); this.triangles.push(this.t); } else { // ---- subdivision ---- var p01 = this.subdivise(p0, p1); var p12 = this.subdivise(p1, p2); var p20 = this.subdivise(p2, p0); // ---- insert new points ---- this.points.push(p01 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p01.x, p01.y, p01.z, p01.tx, p01.ty)); this.points.push(p12 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p12.x, p12.y, p12.z, p12.tx, p12.ty)); this.points.push(p20 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p20.x, p20.y, p20.z, p20.tx, p20.ty)); // ---- recursive triangulation ---- this.triangulate(p0, p01, p20, level); this.triangulate(p01, p1, p12, level); this.triangulate(p20, p12, p2, level); this.triangulate(p01, p12, p20, level); } } /* ==== transform prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.transform3D = function (backfaceTest) { if (this.isLoading) { // ---- image is loading ---- this.loading(); return false; } else { // ---- project points ---- for ( var i = 0; this.points[i++].projection(); ); if (backfaceTest) { var p0 = this.points[0]; var p1 = this.points[1]; var p2 = this.points[2]; return ( ((p1.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.X - p0.X) - (p2.Y - p0.Y) / (p2.X - p0.X) < 0) ^ (p0.X <= p1.X == p0.X > p2.X) ); } else return true; } } /* ==== draw prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.draw = function () { if (!this.isLoading) { // ---- draw triangles ---- for ( var i = 0; this.triangles[i++].draw(); ); } } /* ==== isPointerInside prototype ==== */ ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.isPointerInside = function (x, y) { this.drawPoly(this.points); return this.ctx.isPointInPath(x, y); }