(CLRS 9.3-7)
Describe an O(n) algorithm that, given a set S of n distinct numbers
and a positive integer k ≤ n, determines the k numbers in S that are closest to the
median of S .
Note that the k numbers in S that are closest to the median are among the k smallest numbers on either side of the partition (around the median).
We first use linear time selection to find the median.
Then we compute an array B of absolute differences between the ith element in S and the median, B[i] = |S [i] − median|.
之后计算数字B,该数组记录数组S中每个元素到中位数距离的绝对值。B[i] = |S [i] − median|.
The k elements closest to the median are the k smallest elements in B.
We use linear time selection to find the k-th smallest element in B.
The first k elements in the resulting partition of B correspond to the k numbers in S closest to the median.
The algorithm takes O(n) time as we use linear time selection exactly two times and traverse the n numbers in S once.
1 get the median of S
2 compute the distence of S to the median, store in B
3 get the kth order statistics in B. the first k elements in partition of B is the output