BigInteger bigInteger = BigInteger.ONE;
---静态工厂方法和其他的静态方法实际上没有区别 难区分 但是静态工厂是代替构造器的 所以
一定会返回一个这个类的实例 一些静态工厂方法的惯用名称
// Builder Pattern - Pages 14-15 public class NutritionFacts { private final int servingSize; private final int servings; private final int calories; private final int fat; private final int sodium; private final int carbohydrate; private NutritionFacts ( Builder builder ) { servingSize = builder.servingSize; servings = builder.servings; calories = builder.calories; fat = builder.fat; sodium = builder.sodium; carbohydrate = builder.carbohydrate; } public static class Builder { // Required parameters private final int servingSize; private final int servings; // Optional parameters - initialized to default values private int calories = 0; private int fat = 0; private int carbohydrate = 0; private int sodium = 0; public Builder ( int servingSize, int servings ) { this.servingSize = servingSize; this.servings = servings; } public Builder calories ( int val ) { calories = val; return this; } public Builder fat ( int val ) { fat = val; return this; } public Builder carbohydrate ( int val ) { carbohydrate = val; return this; } public Builder sodium ( int val ) { sodium = val; return this; } public NutritionFacts build () { return new NutritionFacts( this ); } } public static void main ( String[] args ) { NutritionFacts cocaCola = new NutritionFacts.Builder( 240, 8 ) .calories( 100 ).sodium( 35 ).carbohydrate( 27 ).build(); } }
//1.Singleton with public final field public class Elvis { public static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis(); private Elvis () {} public void leaveTheBuilding () { System.out.println( "Whoa baby, I'm outta here!" ); } // This code would normally appear outside the class! public static void main ( String[] args ) { Elvis elvis = Elvis.INSTANCE; elvis.leaveTheBuilding(); } } //2.Singleton with static factory public class Elvis { private static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis(); private Elvis () {} public static Elvis getInstance () { return INSTANCE; } // This code would normally appear outside the class! public static void main ( String[] args ) { Elvis elvis = Elvis.getInstance(); elvis.leaveTheBuilding(); } public void leaveTheBuilding () { System.out.println( "Whoa baby, I'm outta here!" ); } } //3.Enum singleton - the preferred approach public enum Elvis { INSTANCE; public void leaveTheBuilding () { System.out.println( "Whoa baby, I'm outta here!" ); } // This code would normally appear outside the class! public static void main ( String[] args ) { Elvis elvis = Elvis.INSTANCE; elvis.leaveTheBuilding(); } }
public class UtilityClass { // Suppress default constructor for noninstantiability private UtilityClass () { throw new AssertionError(); } }
java有垃圾回收 但是也要小心 无意识的对象保持
public Object pop() { if (size == 0 ) { throw new EmptyStackException(); } return elements[--size]; }
最容易的解决方法就是 不覆盖equals方法
多用get set field还是private不要直接设置成public
写set 的时候 想一想
下面的例子是一个控制可变性很小的例子 还有String 基本类型的包装类 都是不可变类
不可变对象比较简单 只有一种对象
public final class Complex { public static final Complex ZERO = new Complex( 0, 0 ); public static final Complex ONE = new Complex( 1, 0 ); public static final Complex I = new Complex( 0, 1 ); private final double re; private final double im; private Complex ( double re, double im ) { this.re = re; this.im = im; } public static Complex valueOf ( double re, double im ) { return new Complex( re, im ); } // Accessors with no corresponding mutators return 的是一个新的对象 所以没有改变它自己原来的对象 public Complex add ( Complex c ) { return new Complex( re + c.re, im + c.im ); } }
public class InstrumentedHashSet < E > extends HashSet< E > { @Override public boolean add ( E e ) { addCount++; return super.add( e ); } @Override public boolean addAll ( Collection< ? extends E > c ) { addCount += c.size(); return super.addAll( c ); } }