#ifndef _CLIST_H_ #define _CLIST_H_ #include<assert.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef enum{ TRUE, FALSE }Status; template<class Type> class clist; template<class Type> class listnode { friend class clist<Type>; public: listnode() :data(Type()), next(NULL) {} listnode(Type d, listnode<Type>* n = NULL) :data(d), next(n) {} private: Type data; listnode<Type> * next; }; template<class Type> class clist { public: clist() { listnode<Type>*s = buy_node(0); first = last = s; first->next = last; last->next = first; size = 0; } Status push_back(Type const&x) { listnode<Type>*s = buy_node(x); s->next = first; last->next = s; last = s; size++; return TRUE; } Status push_front(Type const&x) { listnode<Type> *s = buy_node(x); if (size == 0) { s->next = first; first->next = s; last = s; size++; return TRUE; } else { s->next = first->next; first->next = s; size++; } return TRUE; } void show_list() { if (size == 0) return; listnode<Type>* p = first->next; while (p != last->next) { cout << p->data << "-->"; p = p->next; } cout << "END" << endl; } Status pop_back() { if (size == 0) return FALSE; listnode<Type>* p = first->next; if (size == 1) { delete p; first->next = last; last->next = first; size--; } while (p->next != last) p = p->next; { p->next = last->next; delete last; last = p; size--; } return TRUE; } Status pop_front() { if (size == 0) return FALSE; if (size == 1) { delete (first->next); last->next = first; first->next = last; size--; return TRUE; } listnode<Type>*p = first->next; first->next = p->next; delete p; size--; return TRUE; } Status insert_val(Type const &key) { listnode<Type>*s = buy_node(key); listnode<Type>*p = first; while (p->next != first && p->next->data < key) { p = p->next; } if (p->next == first) { s->next = first; last->next = s; last = s; size++; } else { s->next = p->next; p->next = s; size++; } return TRUE; } int length() { return size; } listnode<Type>* find(Type const&x) { if (size == 0) return NULL; listnode<Type>* p = first; while (p->next != first) { if (p->next->data == x) return p; p = p->next; } return NULL; } void clear() { if (size == 0) { return; } listnode<Type> * p = first->next; listnode<Type> * q = p->next; while (q != first) { delete p; p = q; q = q->next; } } Status delete_val(const Type &key) { listnode<Type> * p = find(key); if (p == NULL) { return FALSE; } listnode<Type>* n = p->next; p->next = n->next; delete n; return TRUE; } void sort() { if (size == 0 || size == 1) { return; } listnode<Type>* t; listnode<Type>* p = first->next; listnode<Type>* q = p->next; last = p; p->next = first; while (q != first) { t = first; p = q; q = q->next; while (t->next != first && t->next->data < p->data) { t = t->next; } if (t->next == first) { p->next = first; last->next = p; last = p; } else { p->next = t->next; t->next = p; } } } void resever() { if (size == 0 || size == 1) { return; } listnode<Type> *p = first->next; listnode<Type> *q = p->next; last = p; last->next = first; while (q != first) { p = q; q = q->next; p->next = first->next; first->next = p; } } Status mesere(clist<Type> &t1, clist<Type> &t2) { t1.sort(); t2.sort(); listnode<Type>* p = t1.first->next; listnode<Type>* q = t2.first->next; listnode<Type>* tmp; while (p != t1.first && q != t2.first) { if (p->data >= q->data) { tmp = q; q = q->next; last->next = tmp; last = tmp; last->next = first; size++; } else { tmp = p; p = p->next; last->next = tmp; last = tmp; last->next = first; size++; } } while (p != t1.first) { tmp = p; p = p->next; last->next = tmp; last = tmp; last->next = first; size++; } while (q != t2.first) { tmp = q; q = q->next; last->next = tmp; last = tmp; last->next = first; size++; } return TRUE; } void destroy() { clear(); delete first; first = last = NULL; } listnode<Type>* proi(const Type &key) { listnode<Type> *p = find(key); if (p == NULL) return NULL; else { cout << p->data<<endl; return p; } } listnode<Type>* next(const Type &key) { listnode<Type> *p = find(key); if (p == NULL) return NULL; listnode<Type> *q = p->next; cout << q->next->data<<endl; return q->next; } protected: listnode<Type>* buy_node(Type d) { listnode<Type> *s = new listnode<Type>(d); assert(s != NULL); return s; } private: listnode<Type>* first; listnode<Type>* last; int size; }; #endif
#include"clist.h" void main() { clist<int> mylist; clist<int> t1;//这两个对象是用来实现功能13的,合并 clist<int> t2;// int select = 1; int item; while (select) { cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; cout << "& &" << endl; cout << "& [1] push_back [2] push_fornt &" << endl; cout << "& [3] show_list [4] pop_back &" << endl; cout << "& [5] pop_front [6] insert_val &" << endl; cout << "& [7] length [8] find &" << endl; cout << "& [9] clear [10] delete_val &" << endl; cout << "& [11] sort [12] resever &" << endl; cout << "& [13] mesere [14] destroy &" << endl; cout << "& [15] proi [16] next &" << endl; cout << "& [0] quit_system &" << endl; cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; cout << "please choose->"; cin >> select; switch (select) { case 1: cout << "please cin data end with -1:" << endl; while (cin >> item, item != -1) { //t1.push_back(item); mylist.push_back(item); } break; case 2: cout << "please cin data end with -1:" << endl; while (cin >> item, item != -1) { //t2.push_front(item); mylist.push_front(item); } break; case 3: //t2.show_list(); mylist.show_list(); break; case 4: mylist.pop_back(); break; case 5: mylist.pop_front(); break; case 6: cout << "please cin the data you want insert:"; cin >> item; mylist.insert_val(item); break; case 7: cout << mylist.length() << endl; break; case 8: cout << "please cin the data you want find ,it will back its address: "; cin >> item; cout << mylist.find(item) << endl; break; case 9: mylist.clear(); break; case 10: cout << "please cin the data you want to dalete: "; cin >> item; mylist.delete_val(item); break; case 11: cout << "sort !" << endl; mylist.sort(); break; case 12: mylist.resever(); break; case 13: mylist.mesere(t1,t2); break; case 14: mylist.destroy(); break; case 15: cout << "please cin data,return its proi :"; cin >> item; mylist.proi(item); break; case 16: cout << "please cin data,return its next :"; cin >> item; mylist.next(item); break; default: break; } } }