Qwt 提供了对图形部件的平移操作,其实就是在平移时,通过将图形绘制在另一个部件(QWidget)上实现了平移的效果(抓取)。这一切都是通过Qt的事件机制实现的。
QwtPanner provides panning of a widget.
QwtPanner grabs the contents of a widget, that can be dragged in all directions. The offset between the start and the end position is emitted by the panned signal.
QwtPanner grabs the content of the widget into a pixmap and moves the pixmap around, without initiating any repaint events for the widget. Areas, that are not part of content are not painted while panning. This makes panning fast enough for widgets, where repaints are too slow for mouse movements.
For widgets, where repaints are very fast it might be better to implement panning manually by mapping mouse events into paint events.
/*! Creates an panner that is enabled for the left mouse button. \param parent Parent widget to be panned */ QwtPanner::QwtPanner( QWidget *parent ): QWidget( parent ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); hide(); // 默认将其隐藏 setEnabled( true ); }继承自QWidget。默认情况下,将其隐藏。
/*! \brief En/disable the panner When enabled is true an event filter is installed for the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed. \param on true or false \sa isEnabled(), eventFilter() */ void QwtPanner::setEnabled( bool on ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled != on ) { d_data->isEnabled = on; QWidget *w = parentWidget(); if ( w ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled ) { w->installEventFilter( this ); } else { w->removeEventFilter( this ); hide(); } } } }QwtPanner定义的一对启用/禁用平移功能的接口:
void setEnabled( bool ); bool isEnabled() const;隐藏了(hide)其基类QWidget的槽函数接口:
bool isEnabled() const; bool isEnabledTo(QWidget*) const; bool isEnabledToTLW() const; public Q_SLOTS: void setEnabled(bool); void setDisabled(bool); void setWindowModified(bool);不能不说是一个败笔!其实换个函数名字就能够避免,不知道作者是否有出于别的原因考虑?
3、事件过滤函数eventFilter(o, e)与QwtMagnifier类中的差不多,这里就不贴代码了。
/*! \brief Calculate a mask for the contents of the panned widget Sometimes only parts of the contents of a widget should be panned. F.e. for a widget with a styled background with rounded borders only the area inside of the border should be panned. \return An empty bitmap, indicating no mask */ QBitmap QwtPanner::contentsMask() const { return QBitmap(); }它是一个虚函数,默认实现返回一个空的QBitmap,在QwtPlotPanner类中会被重新实现。
5、再看一下QwtPanner类的一个实现抓取( grab)功能的函数:
/*! Grab the widget into a pixmap. */ QPixmap QwtPanner::grab() const { return QPixmap::grabWidget( parentWidget() ); }它是一个虚函数,在其子类中可根据需要重新实现。
QwtPlotPanner provides panning of a plot canvas.
QwtPlotPanner is a panner for a QwtPlotCanvas, that adjusts the scales of the axes after dropping the canvas on its new position.
Together with QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotMagnifier powerful ways of navigating on a QwtPlot widget can be implemented easily.
class QwtPlotPanner::PrivateData { public: PrivateData() { for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) isAxisEnabled[axis] = true; } bool isAxisEnabled[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; };用数组存储哪些坐标轴伴随平移而更新坐标刻度。在元素个数(即大小)一定的情行,数组优于vector。例如这里选择数组就是一个不错的选择。
/*! \brief Create a plot panner The panner is enabled for all axes \param canvas Plot canvas to pan, also the parent object \sa setAxisEnabled() */ QwtPlotPanner::QwtPlotPanner( QwtPlotCanvas *canvas ): QwtPanner( canvas ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); connect( this, SIGNAL( panned( int, int ) ), SLOT( moveCanvas( int, int ) ) ); }
3、contentsMask() 函数的实现:
/*! Calculate a mask from the border mask of the canvas \sa QwtPlotCanvas::borderMask() */ QBitmap QwtPlotPanner::contentsMask() const { if ( canvas() ) return canvas()->borderMask( size() ); return QwtPanner::contentsMask(); }4、可以通过 setAxisEnabled( int axis, bool on ); 设置伴随平移更新标尺刻度的轴。默认是平移时所有的轴都会被更新刻度。